import os import json markdown = "" markdown += "| Client Name | Client Version | Quality Formats | Features |\n" markdown += "|-------------|----------------|-----------------|----------|\n" txt_output = "" if not os.path.exists('results'): os.makedirs('results') files = os.listdir('responses') client_ids = [] for file in files: client_id = int(file.split('_')[0]) if client_id not in client_ids: client_ids.append(client_id) client_ids.sort() for client_id in client_ids: client_files = [file for file in files if file.startswith(str(client_id) + '_')] client_files.sort(reverse=True) # highest version first for client_file in client_files: response_data_raw = open('responses/' + client_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() response_data = json.loads(response_data_raw) client_name = None client_version = client_file.split('_')[1].replace('.json', '') has_hls_format = ".m3u8" in response_data_raw has_mpeg_dash = "dashManifest" in response_data_raw try: client_name = response_data_raw.split('&c=')[1].split('&')[0] except Exception as ex: continue txt_output += client_name + ";" + client_version + "\n" formatsStr = "
Formats" if response_data.get('streamingData'): formats = response_data.get('streamingData').get('formats') if formats is not None and len(formats) > 0: for format in formats: formatsStr += str(format.get("itag")) + " - " + str(format.get("qualityLabel")) + " - " + str(format.get("fps")) + " FPS - " + str(format.get("mimeType")).split(';')[0] + "
" formatsStr += "
" adaptiveFormatsStr= "
Adaptive Formats" if response_data.get('streamingData'): formats = response_data.get('streamingData').get('adaptiveFormats') if formats is not None and len(formats) > 0: for format in formats: adaptiveFormatsStr += str(format.get("itag")) + " - " + str(format.get("qualityLabel")) + " - " + str(format.get("fps")) + " FPS - " + str(format.get("mimeType")).split(';')[0] + "
" adaptiveFormatsStr += "
" extraInfo = "" if has_hls_format: extraInfo += "• HLS Support" if has_mpeg_dash: extraInfo += "• MPEG-DASH Support" markdown += client_name + "|" + client_version + "|" + formatsStr + adaptiveFormatsStr + "|" + extraInfo + "|\n" break f = open("results/", "w") f.write(markdown) f.close() f = open("results/working_clients.txt", "w") f.write(txt_output) f.close()