- remove the android settings app from blocklisted apps so it shows up in your apps for testing remove "com.android.settings" entry from /etc/apkd/app-blacklist - edit central aliendalvik configuration in /etc/appsupport.conf.d/00-defaults.conf comment out "RequiredDevNodes=ashmem" comment out "DevNodes=ion" - edit central aliendalvik configuration in /etc/appsupport.conf.d/10-hybris.conf comment out the 3 "Proxies=" entries (we don't have any libhybris android HALs running underneath that we can proxy into the container) comment out all the entries in "[Features]" block - edit central aliendalvik configuration in /etc/appsupport.conf.d/80-aas-config.conf set "DataRoot=/opt/alien/" set "StoragePath=/opt/alien/data/media/0" set "WaylandSocketPath=/run/user/100000/wayland-0" set "BinderDev=binder" set "HwBinderDev=hwbinder" set "VndBinderDev=vndbinder" set "PackageBlacklistFiles=/etc/apkd/app-blacklist" set "NotifBlacklistFiles=/etc/apkd/notif-blacklist" - edit LXC configuration in /opt/alien/lxc-config/config replace the paths with /tmp/aliendalvik/config/ - edit LXC configuration in /opt/alien/lxc-config/10-bsp_config replace "/dev/puddlejumper" with "/dev/binder" replace "/dev/hwpuddlejumper" with "/dev/hwbinder" replace "/dev/vndpuddlejumper" with "/dev/vndbinder" comment out the /dev/ashmem, /dev/ion, /dev/uhid and /dev/kgsl-3d0 mounts replace "/home/.android/data" with "__DATA_DIR__" replace "/run/display" mount with "/run/user/__UID__/wayland-0 run/display/wayland-0 none bind,nodev,nosuid,create=file 0 0" replace "/vendor" with "/tmp/waydroid-vendor" comment out /odm/lib, /odm/lib64, /system/etc/apns-conf.xml, /dev/alien_video32, /dev/alien_video33 and /dev/video mounts comment out /home/defaultuser, /home/defaultuser/android_storage and /run/media/defaultuser mounts - edit LXC configuration in /opt/alien/lxc-config/20-privilege_config # add a line to start properly on apparmor devices lxc.apparmor.profile = unconfined # replace "lxc.idmap = u 100000 100000 1" line with lxc.idmap = u 100000 __UID__ 1 # replace "lxc.idmap = g 100000 100000 1" line with lxc.idmap = g 100000 __UID__ 1 - edit LXC configuration in /opt/alien/lxc-config/30-net_config comment out tmpfs mount to "sys/fs/selinux" - edit android props in /opt/alien/lxc-config/generated_props comment out these props: ro.vendor.extension_library, ro.hardware.vulkan, ro.board.platform update these props "ro.alien.no_camera=1", "ro.alien.no_soundtrigger=1", "ro.com.android.mobiledata=false" when you're on a pinephone pro, set "ro.opengles.version=196609" add these props at the end: ro.alien.qti.c2.service=0 ro.alien.qti.allocator.service=0 debug.stagefright.ccodec=0 ro.hardware.gralloc=gbm ro.hardware.egl=mesa sys.use_memfd=true ro.alien.logcatdump=1 update DPI and display size values for your device ro.sf.lcd_density=DPI ro.alien.host.display_width=WIDTH ro.alien.host.display_height=HEIGHT ro.alien.host.dpi_x=DPI ro.alien.host.dpi_y=DPI