# Muchkin icons ============== Make your webapps icons in the app box look better with the rest of your native apps by choosing whether the corners are rounded or pointed ## Dependencies - SailfishOS (tested in SailfishOS 4 with an Xperia XA2) - ~~[Python3-numpy](https://openrepos.net/content/nobodyinperson/python3-numpy)~~ - ~~[Python3-pillow](https://openrepos.net/content/birdzhang/python3-pillow)~~ [Python3-imaging](https://github.com/sailfishos/python3-imaging/) (Jolla oficial PIL package) ## Build dependencies - [fpm](https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm) - [rpm-tools](http://rpm.org/) ## Build your own RPM package 1. Clone the repository: `git clone https://gitlab.com/kirbylife/harbour-muchkin` 1. Go to the directory: `cd harbour-muchkin` 1. Build the package. 1. armv7hl: `make rpm-jolla` 1. i686: `make rpm-virt` 1. aarch64: `make rpm-aarch64` 1. the .rpm file will be on `/tmp/fpm-jolla/` ## TO-DO - [x] Support to aarch64 arquitecture - [x] Choice non-transparent color to fill the empty spaces - [x] Fix the issue with sailjail - [ ] Make betters Make commands - [ ] Add option to request favicon - [ ] Add option to restore the original icon - [ ] Make all icons in the main grid the same size - [ ] Add option to modify name and link - [ ] Improve the shitty icon (maybe) - [ ] Add option to modify the size of the original icon to fit better - [ ] ... Contributors are welcome :).