/* * WallaRead - A Wallabag 2+ client for SailfishOS * © 2016 Grégory Oestreicher * * This file is part of WallaRead. * * WallaRead is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WallaRead is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WallaRead. If not, see . * */ .pragma library .import QtQuick.LocalStorage 2.0 as Storage /* Exposed variable */ var ArticlesFilter = { All: 1, Read: 2, Starred: 4 } /* Timer management, used for the various setTimeout() calls */ var _timerSource = null; function setTimerSource( source ) { _timerSource = source; } /* Used to embed images in the articles */ var _imageEmbedder = null; function setImageEmbedder( embedder ) { _imageEmbedder = embedder; } /* Servers management */ function getServers( cb ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.readTransaction( function( tx ) { var servers = new Array; var err = null; try { var res = tx.executeSql( "SELECT id, name FROM servers ORDER BY NAME" ); for ( var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; ++i ) { var current = res.rows.item( i ); var server = { id: current.id, name: current.name, unread: 0 }; var countRes = tx.executeSql( "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM articles WHERE server=? AND archived=0", [ current.id ] ); server.unread = countRes.rows[0].count; servers.push( server ); } } catch( e ) { err = e.message; } cb( servers, err ); } ); } function getServer( id, cb ) { var err = null; var db = getDatabase(); db.readTransaction( function( tx ) { var server = null; try { var res = tx.executeSql( "SELECT id, name, url, lastSync FROM servers WHERE id=?", [ id ] ); if ( res.rows.length === 0 ) { err = "No server with this ID found"; } else { server = res.rows.item( 0 ); } } catch( e ) { err = e.message; } cb( server, err ); } ); } function getServerSettings( id, cb ) { var err = null; var db = getDatabase(); db.readTransaction( function( tx ) { var server = null; try { var res = tx.executeSql( "SELECT * FROM servers WHERE id=?", [ id ] ); if ( res.rows.length === 0 ) { err = "No server with this ID found"; } else { server = res.rows.item( 0 ); } } catch( e ) { err = e.message; } cb( server, err ); } ); } function addNewServer( props ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.transaction( function( tx ) { // TODO: try/catch here when error management is in place in the UI tx.executeSql( "INSERT INTO servers(name, url, user, password, clientId, clientSecret) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [ props.name, props.url, props.user, props.password, props.clientId, props.clientSecret ] ); } ); } function updateServer( id, props ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.transaction( function( tx ) { // TODO: try/catch here when error management is in place in the UI tx.executeSql( "UPDATE servers SET " + "name=?, " + "url=?, " + "user=?, " + "password=?, " + "clientId=?, " + "clientSecret=? " + "WHERE id=?", [ props.name, props.url, props.user, props.password, props.clientId, props.clientSecret, id ] ); } ); } function deleteServer( id ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.transaction( function( tx ) { console.debug( "Deleting server " + id ); // TODO: try/catch here when error management is in place in the UI tx.executeSql( "DELETE FROM articles WHERE server=?", [ id ] ); tx.executeSql( "DELETE FROM servers WHERE id=?", [ id ] ); } ); } function setServerLastSync( id, last ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.transaction( function( tx ) { tx.executeSql( "UPDATE servers SET lastSync=? WHERE id=?", [ last, id ] ); } ) } function connectToServer( id, cb ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.readTransaction( function( tx ) { var err = null; try { var res = tx.executeSql( "SELECT url, user, password, clientId, clientSecret FROM servers WHERE id=?", [ id ] ); if ( res.rows.length === 0 ) { err = "No server with ID " + id + " found"; } else { _sendAuthRequest( res.rows.item( 0 ), cb ); } } catch( e ) { err = e.message; } if ( err !== null ) cb( null, err ); } ); } function _sendAuthRequest( props, cb ) { var url = props.url; if ( url.charAt( url.length - 1 ) !== "/" ) url += "/"; url += "oauth/v2/token"; console.debug( "Sending auth request to " + url ); var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); var params = "grant_type=password"; params += "&username=" + escape( props.user ); params += "&password=" + escape( props.password ); params += "&client_id=" + escape( props.clientId ); params += "&client_secret=" + escape( props.clientSecret ); http.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( http.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) { console.debug( "Auth request response status is " + http.status ); var json = null; var err = null; if ( http.status === 200 ) { try { json = JSON.parse( http.responseText ) } catch( e ) { json = null; err = "Failed to parse server response: " + e.message } } else { if ( http.responseText.length ) { try { json = JSON.parse( http.responseText ) } catch( e ) { json = http.responseText } } err = "HTTP request failed: " + http.status; } cb( json, err ); } }; http.open( "POST", url, true ); http.setRequestHeader( "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ); http.setRequestHeader( "Content-length", params.length ); http.setRequestHeader( "Connection", "close" ); http.send( params ); } /* Articles management */ function syncDeletedArticles( props, cb ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.readTransaction( function( tx ) { var res = tx.executeSql( "SELECT id, url FROM articles WHERE server=?", [ props.id ] ); var articles = new Array; for ( var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; ++i ) { articles.push( res.rows[i] ); } var working = false; function processArticlesList() { if ( !working && articles.length === 0 ) { cb(); } else { if ( !working ) _timerSource.setTimeout( _checkNextArticle, 100 ); _timerSource.setTimeout( processArticlesList, 500 ); } } function _checkNextArticle() { working = true; var article = articles.pop(); var url = props.url; if ( url.charAt( url.length - 1 ) !== "/" ) url += "/"; url += "api/entries/exists.json"; var params = "url="; params += encodeURIComponent( article.url ); url += "?" + params; var http = new XMLHttpRequest; http.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( http.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) { console.debug( "Checking if article " + article.id + " exists, response status is " + http.status ); var json = null; if ( http.status === 200 ) { try { json = JSON.parse( http.responseText ) } catch( e ) { json = null; } if ( !json.exists ) { console.debug( "Article " + article.id + " has been deleted" ); deleteArticle( props.id, article.id ); } } // In case of error let's assume that the article exists working = false; } }; http.open( "GET", url, true ); http.setRequestHeader( "Authorization:", "Bearer " + props.token ); http.setRequestHeader( "Accept", "application/json" ); http.setRequestHeader( "Connection", "close" ); http.send(); } _timerSource.setTimeout( processArticlesList, 500 ); } ); } function getArticles( serverId, cb, filter ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.readTransaction( function( tx ) { var articles = new Array var err = null; var where = ""; if ( filter & ArticlesFilter.Read ) where += " AND archived=1"; else where += " AND archived=0"; if ( filter & ArticlesFilter.Starred ) where += " AND starred=1"; try { var res = tx.executeSql( "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE server=?" + where, [ serverId ] ); for ( var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; ++i ) { articles.push( res.rows[i] ); } } catch( e ) { } cb( articles, err ); } ); } function articleExists( server, id, cb ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.readTransaction( function( tx ) { var exists = false; var err = null; try { var res = tx.executeSql( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM articles WHERE id=? AND server=?", [ id, server ] ); if ( res.rows.length === 1 ) { exists = ( res.rows[0].count === 0 ? false : true ); } else { err = "Failed to get article from database when checking its existence"; } } catch( e ) { err = e.message; } cb( exists, err ); } ); } function saveArticle( props ) { articleExists( props.server, props.id, function( exists, err ) { if ( err !== null ) { // TODO: if a callback is used to notify the caller of an error // then in Server.qml the articles will have to be reported individually // through a signal / slot mechanism } else { if ( exists ) _updateArticle( props ); else _insertArticle( props ); } } ); } function _insertArticle( props ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.transaction( function( tx ) { tx.executeSql( "INSERT INTO articles(id,server,created,updated,mimetype,language,readingTime,url,domain,archived,starred,title,content) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", [ props.id, props.server, props.created, props.updated, props.mimetype, props.language, props.readingTime, props.url, props.domain, props.archived, props.starred, props.title, props.content ] ); } ); } function _updateArticle( props ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.transaction( function( tx ) { tx.executeSql( "UPDATE articles SET created=?, updated=?, mimetype=?, language=?, readingTime=?, url=?, domain=?, archived=?, starred=?, title=?, content=? WHERE id=? AND server=?", [ props.created, props.updated, props.mimetype, props.language, props.readingTime, props.url, props.domain, props.archived, props.starred, props.title, props.content, props.id, props.server ] ); } ); } function deleteArticle( server, id ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.transaction( function( tx ) { console.debug( "Delete article " + id + " from database" ); tx.executeSql( "DELETE FROM articles WHERE id=? AND server=?", [ id, server ] ); } ); } function downloadArticles( props, cb ) { var url = props.url; if ( url.charAt( url.length - 1 ) !== "/" ) url += "/"; url += "api/entries.json"; url += "?since=" + props.since; url += "&perPage=10"; var articles = new Array; _downloadNextArticles( url, props.accessToken, 1, function( arts, done, err ) { if ( err !== null ) { cb( null, err ) } else { if ( arts.length ) articles.push.apply( articles, arts ); if ( done ) embedImages( articles, cb ); } } ); } function _downloadNextArticles( url, token, page, cb ) { var pageUrl = url; pageUrl += "&page=" + page; console.debug( "Getting articles at " + pageUrl ); var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); http.onreadystatechange = function() { if ( http.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) { console.debug( "Articles download status code is " + http.status ) var json = null; var articles = null; var done = true; var err = null; if ( http.status === 200 ) { try { json = JSON.parse( http.responseText ) articles = json._embedded.items; if ( page < json.pages ) done = false; } catch( e ) { json = null; err = "Failed to parse server response: " + e.message } } else { if ( http.responseText.length ) { try { articles = JSON.parse( http.responseText ) } catch( e ) { articles = http.responseText } } err = "HTTP request failed: " + http.status; } cb( articles, done, err ); if ( !done ) _downloadNextArticles( url, token, page+1, cb ); } } http.open( "GET", pageUrl, true ); http.setRequestHeader( "Authorization:", "Bearer " + token ); http.setRequestHeader( "Accept", "application/json" ); http.setRequestHeader( "Connection", "close" ); http.send(); } function embedImages( articles, cb ) { var ret = new Array; var working = false; function _processArticlesList() { if ( !working && articles.length === 0 ) { cb( ret, null ); } else { if ( !working ) _timerSource.setTimeout( _processNextArticle, 100 ); _timerSource.setTimeout( _processArticlesList, 500 ); } } function _processNextArticle() { working = true; var article = articles.pop(); console.debug( "Embedding images for article " + article.id ); console.debug( "Length is " + article.content.length + " before" ); _embedImages( article, function( content ) { article.content = content; console.debug( "Length is " + article.content.length + " after" ); ret.push( article ); working = false; } ); } _timerSource.setTimeout( _processArticlesList, 100 ); } function _embedImages( article, cb ) { var imgRe = /]+\bsrc=(["'])(https?:\/\/.+?)\1[^>]+>/g; var match; var targets = new Array; var content = article.content; while ( match = imgRe.exec( content ) ) { targets.push( { start: content.indexOf( match[2], match.index ), url: match[2] } ) } var working = false; var offset = 0; function _processImagesList() { if ( !working && targets.length === 0 ) { cb( content ); } else { if ( !working ) _timerSource.setTimeout( _downloadNextImage, 100 ); _timerSource.setTimeout( _processImagesList, 500 ); } } function _downloadNextImage() { working = true; var target = targets.pop(); console.debug( "Downloading image at " + target.url ); _imageEmbedder.embed( target.url, function( type, binary, err ) { if ( err !== null ) { // No big deal, we'll just leave an external src for this // image. console.error( "Failed to download image at " + target.url + ": " + err ); } else if ( type.length && type.substr( 0, 6 ) === "image/" && binary.length ) { console.debug( "Downloaded image at " + target.url + " with type " + type + ", size is " + binary.length ); var replacement = "data:" + type + ";base64," + binary; var pre = content.substr( 0, target.start + offset ); var post = content.substr( target.start + offset - target.url.length ); content = pre + replacement + post; offset += replacement.length - target.url.length; } working = false; } ); } _timerSource.setTimeout( _processImagesList, 100 ); } function setArticleStar( server, id, star ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.transaction( function( tx ) { tx.executeSql( "UPDATE articles SET starred=? WHERE id=? AND server=?", [ star, id, server ] ); } ); } function setArticleRead( server, id, read ) { var db = getDatabase(); db.transaction( function( tx ) { tx.executeSql( "UPDATE articles SET archived=? WHERE id=? AND server=?", [ read, id, server ] ); } ); } /* Internal functions */ var DBVERSION = "0.3" var _db = null; function getDatabase() { if ( _db === null ) { console.debug( "Opening new connection to the database" ); _db = Storage.LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync( "WallaRead", "", "WallaRead", 100000000 ); checkDatabaseStatus( _db ); } return _db; } function checkDatabaseStatus( db ) { if ( db.version === "" ) { createLatestDatabase( db ); } else if ( db.version === "0.2" ) { _updateSchema_v3( db ); } } function createLatestDatabase( db ) { var version = db.version; if ( version !== DBVERSION ) { db.transaction( function( tx ) { tx.executeSql( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS servers (" + "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "name TEXT NOT NULL, " + "url TEXT NOT NULL, " + "user TEXT NOT NULL, " + "password TEXT NOT NULL, " + "clientId TEXT NOT NULL, " + "clientSecret TEXT NOT NULL, " + "lastSync INTEGER DEFAULT 0" + ")" ); tx.executeSql( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS articles (" + "id INTEGER, " + "server INTEGER REFERENCES servers(id), " + "created TEXT, " + "updated TEXT, " + "mimetype TEXT, " + "language TEXT, " + "readingTime INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + "url TEXT, " + "domain TEXT, " + "archived INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + "starred INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + "title TEXT, " + "previewPicture BLOB, " + "content TEXT, " + "PRIMARY KEY(id, server)" + ")" ); db.changeVersion( version, DBVERSION ); } ); } } function resetDatabase() { var db = getDatabase(); var version = db.version; db.transaction( function( tx ) { tx.executeSql( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS servers" ); tx.executeSql( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS articles" ); db.changeVersion( version, "" ); createLatestDatabase( db ); } ); } function _updateSchema_v3( db ) { db.transaction( function( tx ) { tx.executeSql( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS articles_next (" + "id INTEGER, " + "server INTEGER REFERENCES servers(id), " + "created TEXT, " + "updated TEXT, " + "mimetype TEXT, " + "language TEXT, " + "readingTime INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + "url TEXT, " + "domain TEXT, " + "archived INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + "starred INTEGER DEFAULT 0, " + "title TEXT, " + "previewPicture BLOB, " + "content TEXT, " + "PRIMARY KEY(id, server)" + ")" ); tx.executeSql( "INSERT INTO articles_next SELECT * FROM articles" ); tx.executeSql( "DROP TABLE articles" ); tx.executeSql( "ALTER TABLE articles_next RENAME TO articles" ); }, function() { }, function() { db.changeVersion( version, "0.3" ); } ); }