import os import shutil import sys import pathlib import pickle from hashlib import sha256 from uuid import uuid4 from munyal.misc import alert from munyal.misc import get_os from munyal.misc import path_join def __get_config_folder(): _os = get_os() if _os == "linux": folder = path_join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".munyal") else: folder = path_join(os.path.expandvars("%APPDATA%"), "Munyal") return folder def __get_files_folder(): folder = path_join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Munyal") return folder def get_last_history(): last_history_path = path_join(__get_config_folder(), "history.pkl") if not os.path.exists(last_history_path): return None with open(last_history_path, "rb") as history: return pickle.load(history) def set_last_history(last_history): last_history_path = path_join(__get_config_folder(), "history.pkl") with open(last_history_path, "wb") as history: pickle.dump(last_history, history) def get_config(): for _ in range(3): try: config = __get_config() except EOFError: config = None if not config: try: gui_config() except ModuleNotFoundError as e: cli_config() else: return config def __get_config(): folder = __get_config_folder() config_file = path_join(folder, "config") if os.path.exists(config_file): config_bytes = open(config_file, "rb") config = pickle.load(config_bytes) config_bytes.close() return config def __validate_values(user, password): return True def _gui_validate_config(root, user, password, folder): passwd_hash = sha256(password.get().encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() if not user: alert(root, "Introduce tu usuario de la red Munyal") elif not password: alert(root, "Introduce tu contraseña") elif not folder: alert(root, "Elige la carpeta que quieres sincronizar") elif not __validate_values(user, passwd_hash): alert( root, "Tu usuario o contraseña son incorrectos, favor de reintentarlo") else: password.set("") __set_config(user, passwd_hash, folder) root.destroy() def _cli_validate_config(user, password, folder): if not user: print("! Introduce tu usuario de la red munyal !") elif not password: print("! Introduce tu contraseña !") elif not folder: print("! Elige la carpeta que quieres sincronizar !") elif not __validate_values(user, passwd_hash): print("! Tu usuario o contraseña son incorrectos !") else: return True return False def __set_config(user, password, folder): folder_config = __get_config_folder() # Create config folder path = pathlib.Path(folder_config) path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Create Munyal folder path = pathlib.Path(folder) path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(path_join(folder_config, "config"), "wb") as config_file: config_file.write( pickle.dumps({ "login": { "user": user, "password": password }, "folder": folder, "uuid": str(uuid4()) })) def gui_config(): from tkinter import Button, Entry, Label, StringVar, Tk, filedialog from PIL import Image, ImageTk root = Tk() root.geometry("250x420") img_logo ="img/logo.png") img_tk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img_logo.resize((200, 150), Image.ANTIALIAS)) host = StringVar() host.set("localhost") host_field = Entry(root, textvariable=host) passwd = StringVar() passwd_field = Entry(root, textvariable=passwd, show="*") folder = StringVar() folder.set(__get_files_folder()) folder_field = Entry(root, textvariable=folder) btn_folder = Button(root, text="Examinar", command=lambda: search_folder(folder)) connect = Button( root, text="Conectar", command=lambda: _gui_validate_config(root, host.get(), passwd, folder.get())) Label(root, text="MUNYAL").pack() Label(root, image=img_tk).pack() Label(root, text="").pack() Label(root, text="Ruta del servidor").pack() host_field.pack() Label(root, text="").pack() Label(root, text="Contraseña").pack() passwd_field.pack() Label(root, text="").pack() Label(root, text="Carpeta a sincronizar").pack() folder_field.pack() btn_folder.pack() Label(root, text="").pack() connect.pack() root.mainloop() def cli_config(): while True: host = input("Introduce tu usuario de Munyal\n>>> ") password = input("Introduce tu contraseña\n>>> ") folder = input("Introduce el directorio que quieres sincronizar\n>> ") if _cli_validate_config(host, password, folder): break else: print("! Los datos introducidos no son correctos, intentalo de nuevo !") passwd_hash = sha256(password.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() __set_config(user, password, folder) def search_folder(field): path = filedialog.askdirectory() field.set(path) if __name__ == "__main__": if "--restart" in sys.argv: if get_config(): shutil.rmtree(__get_config_folder()) print(get_config())