#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import base64 import json import os import pathlib import sys import shutil import websocket from copy import deepcopy from datetime import datetime from random import randint from shutil import rmtree from threading import Thread from time import sleep from uuid import uuid4 from PIL import Image, ImageTk from requests import post from pystray import Icon, Menu from pystray import MenuItem as Item from websocket import WebSocket from munyal.compare_json import compare_json from munyal.config import get_config from munyal.config import get_last_history from munyal.config import set_last_history from munyal.dir_to_json import get_json from munyal.misc import check_network from munyal.misc import path_join try: import thread except ImportError: import _thread as thread _online_icon = Image.open("img/icons/online.png") _offline_icon = Image.open("img/icons/offline.png") _standby_icon = Image.open("img/icons/standby.png") if not int(os.getenv("VERBOSE", 1)): def X(*args, **kwargs): pass print = X class MunyalClient(Icon): def __init__(self): super(MunyalClient, self).__init__("Munyal") self.__ws_break = False self.ws = None self.icon = _standby_icon self.config = get_config() self.stack = [] self.ignored = [] def is_online(self): # if not self.ws_online: # self.icon = _standby_icon # return False if self.__ws_break: self.icon = _standby_icon return False ping = check_network("http://google.com", 443) if ping: self.icon = _online_icon else: self.icon = _offline_icon print(f"La PC está {'on' if bool(ping) else 'off'}line") return ping def __ws_message(self, ws, message): print(message) def __ws_error(self, ws, error): print("Error: ", error) def __ws_open(self): print("WebSocket abierto") thread.start_new_thread(self.listener, ()) def start(self): websocket.enableTrace(True) # ws.on_open = self.listener thread_uploader = Thread(target=self.uploader, name="uploader", daemon=True) thread_downloader = Thread(target=self.downloader, name="downloader", daemon=True) # thread_listener = Thread(target=self.listener, # name="listener", # daemon=True) thread_uploader.start() # thread_downloader.start() # thread_listener.start() self.menu = Menu(Item("Exit", lambda *args: sys.exit(0))) self.run(self.__run) def __run(self, icon): icon.visible = True while True: print("Conectando al websocket") websocket.enableTrace(False) ws = websocket.WebSocketApp( f"ws://{self.config['login']['user']}.loca.lt", # "ws://", on_message=self.__download, on_error=print, on_close=lambda soc: self.__ws_close(ws)) ws.on_open = lambda soc: self.listener(soc) ws.run_forever() sleep(1) def __ws_close(self, ws): print("WebSocket cerrado") self.__ws_break = True self.icon = _standby_icon def listener(self, ws): self.ws = ws def wrapper(*args): folder = self.config["folder"] uuid = self.config["uuid"] while True: if self.stack: data = self.stack[0] try: data["uuid"] = uuid if data["name"] in self.ignored: self.ignored.remove(data["name"]) self.stack.pop(0) continue if data["is_file"] and data["action"] == "add": full_path = path_join(folder, data["name"]) data["file"] = base64.b85encode( open(full_path, "rb").read()).decode("ascii") self.ws.send(json.dumps(data)) self.stack.pop(0) except Exception as e: if data["is_file"] and data["action"] == "add": path = path_join(folder, data["name"]) if not os.path.exists(path): self.stack.pop(0) print("the file does not exists anymore, skiped") else: print(e) print("Error uploading file, trying again") if not self.is_online() or self.__ws_break: self.__ws_break = False self.ws = None return sleep(1) thread.start_new_thread(wrapper, ()) def uploader(self): print("Uploader") folder = self.config["folder"] last = get_last_history() if last is None: last = get_json(folder) while True: sleep(1) actual = get_json(folder) _actual = deepcopy(actual) delete, add = compare_json(last, actual) if delete: print("Cosas eliminadas:") print(len(delete)) for f in delete: f["action"] = "delete" self.stack.extend(delete) if add: print("Cosas agregadas:") print(len(add)) for f in add: f["action"] = "add" self.stack.extend(add) last = _actual if delete or add: set_last_history(last) def __upload(self, path): pass def downloader(self, data): name = data["name"] self.ignored.append(name) full_path = path_join(self.config["folder"], name) if data["is_file"]: if data["action"] == "add": directory = os.path.split(full_path)[0] if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) directory, _ = os.path.split(full_path) temp_name = str(uuid4()) + ".tmp" temp_dir = path_join(directory, temp_name) with open(temp_dir, "wb") as f: f.write(base64.b85decode(data["file"].encode("ascii"))) os.rename(temp_dir, full_path) else: while True: try: os.remove(full_path) break except: print("Maybe the file is open, please close first") sleep(5) else: if data["action"] == "add": os.mkdir(full_path) else: shutil.rmtree(full_path) def __download(self, message): try: data = json.loads(message) except Exception: return if data["uuid"] != self.config["uuid"]: self.downloader(data) if __name__ == '__main__': try: client = MunyalClient() client.start() sys.exit(0) except BaseException as e: print(e) sys.exit(1)