/************** ! Window frame ***************/ @include exports("window") { %window { box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3), 0 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .22), 0 0 0 1px $wm_border_focused; &:backdrop { box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, .19), 0 6px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, .23), 0 0 0 1px $wm_border_unfocused; } } decoration { @extend %window; border-radius: $roundness $roundness 0 0; // lamefun trick to get rounded borders regardless of CSD use border-width: 0px; /* this is used for the resize cursor area */ margin: $spacing * 3; .fullscreen &, .tiled & { border-radius: 0; } .popup & { box-shadow: none; } // this needs to be transparent // see bug #722563 // server-side decorations as used by mutter .ssd & { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px if($variant=='light', transparentize(black, .77), transparentize($borders_color, .1)); } //just doing borders, wm draws actual shadows .solid-csd & { border-radius: 0; margin: 1px; background-color: $bg_color; box-shadow: none; } .csd.popup & { @extend %window; border-radius: 0; } tooltip.csd & { border-radius: $roundness; box-shadow: none; } messagedialog.csd & { @extend %window; border-radius: $roundness; } } }