style "panel" { fg[NORMAL] = "#888888" fg[PRELIGHT] = "#aaaaaa" fg[SELECTED] = "#cccccc" fg[ACTIVE] = "#cccccc" fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#444444" bg[NORMAL] = "#141414" bg[PRELIGHT] = "#141414" bg[ACTIVE] = "#141414" bg[SELECTED] = "#262626" bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#141414" xthickness = 0 ythickness = 0 bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "Panel/panel-bg.png" bg_pixmap[ACTIVE] = "Panel/panel-bg.png" bg_pixmap[SELECTED] = "Panel/panel-bg.png" bg_pixmap[INSENSITIVE] = "Panel/panel-bg.png" bg_pixmap[PRELIGHT] = "Panel/panel-bg.png" } ############################################################# #THESE DECLARATIONS MAKE SURE THE PANEL STILL USES PANEL STYLE ############################################################# class "*Mail*" style "panel" class "*notif*" style "panel" class "*Notif*" style "panel" #class "*Tray*" style "panel" #class "*tray*" style "panel" widget_class "*Mail*" style "panel" widget_class "*notif*" style "panel" widget_class "*Notif*" style "panel" widget_class "*Tray*" style "panel" widget_class "*tray*" style "panel" #widget "*TrayIcon*" style "panel" class "*Panel*Applet*" style "panel" widget_class "*Panel*GtkToggleButton" style "panel" widget_class "*Panel*GtkButton" style "panel" widget_class "*.Panel*Button*GtkLabel" style "panel" widget_class "*.Panel*GtkLabel" style "panel" widget "*PanelWidget*" style "panel" widget "*PanelApplet*" style "panel" ############################################################# #THE COMMENTED CLASSES FIXES A PANEL BUG THAT MADE SOME #TRAY ICONS MOVE DOWN 1 PIXEL , A VERY BIG THANKS TO MOOMEX #FOR THIS INFORMATION!!!!!! ############################################################# # THANKS TO merlwiz79 FOR THESE FIXES ############################################################# widget_class "*Netstatus*" style "panel" widget_class "*Tomboy*Tray*" style "panel" widget "*fast-user-switch*" style "panel" widget_class "*PanelToplevel*" style "panel" class "Xfce*Panel*" style "panel" widget_class "*Xfce*Panel*" style "panel" widget_class "*PanelApplet*" style "panel" widget_class "*PanelWidget*" style "panel" widget "*Xfce*Panel*" style "panel" ############################################################# #THIS MAKES THE APPLICATIONS PLACES SYSTEM MENU ON THE PANEL #USE PANEL STYLE ############################################################# style "panelbar" { engine "pixmap" { image { function = BOX state = NORMAL file = "Panel/panel-menubar.png" border = { 3 , 3 , 3 , 3} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX state = ACTIVE file = "Panel/panel-bg.png" border = { 2 , 2 , 2 , 2} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX state = INSENSITIVE file = "Panel/panel-bg.png" border = { 2 , 2 , 2 , 2} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX state = PRELIGHT recolorable = TRUE file = "Panel/menubar-item.png" border = { 5 , 5 , 5 , 0} stretch = TRUE } } } class "*Panel*MenuBar*" style "panelbar" widget_class "*Panel*MenuBar*" style "panelbar" widget_class "*Panel*MenuBar*Item*" style:highest "panelbar" ############################################################# style "panelbuttons" { bg[NORMAL] = "#141414" bg[PRELIGHT] = "#141414" bg[ACTIVE] = "#141414" bg[SELECTED] = "#262626" bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#141414" xthickness = 3 ythickness = 3 GtkWidget::focus_padding = 2 engine "pixmap" { image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE state = NORMAL file = "Panel/panel-button-inactive.png" border = { 5 , 5 , 5 , 5} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX shadow = OUT recolorable = TRUE state = PRELIGHT file = "Panel/panel-button-prelight.png" border = { 5 , 5 , 5 , 5} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE shadow = IN state = PRELIGHT file = "Panel/panel-button-active-prelight.png" border = { 5 , 5 , 5 , 5} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE state = ACTIVE file = "Panel/panel-button-active.png" border = { 5 , 5 , 5 , 5} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE state = INSENSITIVE file = "Panel/panel-button-inactive.png" border = { 5 , 5 , 5 , 5} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE state = SELECTED file = "Panel/panel-button-active.png" border = { 5 , 5 , 5 , 5} stretch = TRUE } } } ############################################################# #THESE DECLARATIONS MAKE SURE THE LAUNCHER EDITOR BUTTONS USE #STANDARD BUTTONS STYLE AND NOT PANEL BUTTONS STYLE ############################################################# widget "*tasklist*" style "panelbuttons" ############################################################# # THANKS TO merlwiz79 FOR THESE FIXES ############################################################# widget_class "*Xfce*Panel*.GtkToggleButton" style "panelbuttons" widget_class "*Xfce*NetkTasklist*GtkToggleButton" style "panelbuttons" ############################################################# style "paneltogglebuttons" { bg[NORMAL] = "#141414" bg[PRELIGHT] = "#141414" bg[ACTIVE] = "#141414" bg[SELECTED] = "#262626" bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#141414" xthickness = 2 ythickness = 2 engine "pixmap" { image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE state = NORMAL file = "Panel/panel-bg.png" border = { 2 , 2 , 2 , 2} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX shadow = OUT recolorable = TRUE state = PRELIGHT file = "Panel/button-prelight.png" border = { 5 , 5 , 5 , 5} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE shadow = IN state = PRELIGHT file = "Panel/button-active.png" border = { 5 , 5 , 5 , 5} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE state = ACTIVE file = "Panel/button-active.png" border = { 5 , 5 , 5 , 5} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE state = INSENSITIVE file = "Panel/panel-bg.png" border = { 2 , 2 , 2 , 2} stretch = TRUE } image { function = BOX recolorable = TRUE state = SELECTED file = "Panel/button-active.png" border = { 5 , 5 , 5 , 5} stretch = TRUE } } } widget_class "*PanelToplevel*Button" style "paneltogglebuttons" widget_class "*Panel*GtkToggleButton" style "paneltogglebuttons" widget_class "*Xfce*Panel*Button*" style "paneltogglebuttons" widget_class "*Tasklist*" style:highest "panelbuttons" style "switcher" { fg[NORMAL] = "#888888" fg[PRELIGHT] = "#aaaaaa" fg[SELECTED] = "#cccccc" fg[ACTIVE] = "#cccccc" fg[INSENSITIVE] = "#444444" bg[NORMAL] = "#333333" bg[PRELIGHT] = "#444444" bg[SELECTED] = "#555555" xthickness = 5 ythickness = 4 engine "pixmap" { image { function = SHADOW recolorable = TRUE file = "/Shadows/shadow-none.png" border = {1,1,1,1} stretch = TRUE } } } widget_class "*Pager*" style:highest "switcher" widget_class "*Panel*Fish*" style "switcher" widget "*dict*Applet*" style "paneltogglebuttons"