# blink An small Hello World Rust application for the AVR. The program itself toggles a LED on PORTB periodically. Designed for the ATmega328p. [How to set up a cross compiler](https://github.com/avr-rust/rust) # Usage There are a few environment variables that need to be set first: ```bash # Needed until https://github.com/japaric/xargo/pull/205 goes through, # to tell it where to find avr-atmega328p.json: export RUST_TARGET_PATH=`pwd` # Likely needed if you've just compiled avr-rust from source: export XARGO_RUST_SRC=/path_to_avr_rust/src # (e.g. :if you built from sources and typed `git clone https://github.com/avr-rust/rust.git` in `~/avr-rust`, this would be `~/avr-rust/rust/src) ``` Now to build, run: ```bash rustup run avr-toolchain xargo build --target avr-atmega328p --release ``` There should now be an ELF file at `target/atmega328p/release/blink.elf`.