# Sailify webapps (cli) Make your webapps icons in the app box look better with the rest of your native apps by choosing whether the corners are rounded or pointed ## Dependencies - SailfishOS (tested in SailfishOS 4 with an Xperia XA2) - [Python3-numpy](https://openrepos.net/content/nobodyinperson/python3-numpy) - [Python3-pillow](https://openrepos.net/content/birdzhang/python3-pillow) ## Usage - Clone the repository or download the sailify_webapps.py on your phone - On a terminal (or under SSH) type "python3 sailify_webapps.py" - The program will show you the webapps you currently have on your device, select the one you want to change the icon for - 4 numbers (0 or 1) depending on whether you want the corner rounded or pointed - if you write 1001 the upper left corner and the lower right corner will be pointed and the rest will be rounded - if you write 1111 all the corners will end in a point (they will make a perfect square) - if you type 0100 the upper right corner will end in a point and the rest will be rounded ## Images ### Amazon example ![Amazon instructions](/git_images/Amazon_instructions.jpg) ![Amazon result](/git_images/Amazon_result.jpg) ### Uber example ![Uber instructions](/git_images/Uber_instructions.jpg) ![Uber result](/git_images/Uber_result.jpg) ## TO-DO - [ ] fault tolerant - [x] create a [GUI](https://gitlab.com/kirbylife/harbour-muchkin) - [ ] option to restore the original icon ## Disclaimer This is a very earlier version of this software and the results are not waranted, use it under your own responsability This program create an .desktop_backup inside of ~/.local/share/applications/ that containing an intact version of the original icon Contributors are welcome :)