# tenminutesemail_py ## Create a temporal e-mail using the [10minutemail](https://10minutemail.com/) service. ### Dependencies - Python 3.x - requests - datetime ### Usage **Generate a new e-mail** ``` In [1]: email = TenMinutesEmail() In [2]: email Out[2]: (b3763093@urhen.com, seconds_left=594) ``` **Check seconds left** ``` In [3]: email.seconds_left() Out[3]: 472 ``` > You can use `email.seconds_left(True)`, to get a more precise value but is a little bit more slow **Verify if the e-mail is expired** ``` In [4]: email.is_alive() Out[4]: True ``` > You can use `email.is_alive(True)`, to get a more precise value but is a little bit more slow **Request 10 minutes more** ``` In [5]: email.reset_time() ``` **Get the messages recieved** ``` In [6]: messages = email.get_messages() In [7]: type(messages) Out[7]: list In [8]: messages Out[8]: [{'subject': 'Subject example', 'attachments': [], 'formattedDate': 'Oct 3, 2019 12:46:18 PM', 'bodyPreview': "Hello, I'm the body of the e-mail.", 'attachmentCount': 0, 'repliedTo': False, 'bodyPlainText': "Hello, I'm the body of the e-mail.", 'primaryFromAddress': 'kirbylife@protonmail.com', 'read': False, 'forwarded': False, 'bodyText': "
Hello, I'm the body of the e-mail.
", 'fromList': ['kirbylife@protonmail.com'], 'recipientList': ['b3763093@urhen.com'], 'sentDate': 1570124778000, 'expanded': False, 'id': '18326103452296378'}] ``` **Get the total number of messages** ``` In [9]: email.total_messages Out[9]: 1 In [10]: # Another way In [11]: len(email.messages) Out[11]: 1 ``` ### TO-DO - [x] Access to the e-mails received