from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import io import json import os import os.path import platform import re import stat import sys import tempfile import six import execjs._json2 as _json2 import execjs._runner_sources as _runner_sources import execjs._exceptions as exceptions from execjs._abstract_runtime import AbstractRuntime from execjs._abstract_runtime_context import AbstractRuntimeContext from execjs._misc import encode_unicode_codepoints class ExternalRuntime(AbstractRuntime): '''Runtime to execute codes with external command.''' def __init__(self, name, command, runner_source, encoding='utf8', tempfile=False): self._name = name if isinstance(command, str): command = [command] self._command = command self._runner_source = runner_source self._encoding = encoding self._tempfile = tempfile self._available = self._binary() is not None def __str__(self): return "{class_name}({runtime_name})".format( class_name=type(self).__name__, runtime_name=self._name, ) @property def name(self): return self._name def is_available(self): return self._available def _compile(self, source, cwd=None): return self.Context(self, source, cwd=cwd, tempfile=tempfile) def _binary(self): if not hasattr(self, "_binary_cache"): self._binary_cache = _which(self._command) return self._binary_cache class Context(AbstractRuntimeContext): # protected def __init__(self, runtime, source='', cwd=None, tempfile=False): self._runtime = runtime self._source = source self._cwd = cwd self._tempfile = tempfile def is_available(self): return self._runtime.is_available() def _eval(self, source): if not source.strip(): data = "''" else: data = "'('+" + json.dumps(source, ensure_ascii=True) + "+')'" code = 'return eval({data})'.format(data=data) return self.exec_(code) def _exec_(self, source): if self._source: source = self._source + '\n' + source if self._tempfile: output = self._exec_with_tempfile(source) else: output = self._exec_with_pipe(source) return self._extract_result(output) def _call(self, identifier, *args): args = json.dumps(args) return self._eval("{identifier}.apply(this, {args})".format(identifier=identifier, args=args)) def _exec_with_pipe(self, source): cmd = self._runtime._binary() p = None try: p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=self._cwd, universal_newlines=True) stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate(input=source) ret = p.wait() finally: del p self._fail_on_non_zero_status(ret, stdoutdata, stderrdata) return stdoutdata def _exec_with_tempfile(self, source): (fd, filename) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='execjs', suffix='.js') os.close(fd) try: with, "w+", encoding=self._runtime._encoding) as fp: fp.write(self._compile(source)) cmd = self._runtime._binary() + [filename] p = None try: p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=self._cwd) stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate() ret = p.wait() finally: del p self._fail_on_non_zero_status(ret, stdoutdata, stderrdata) return stdoutdata finally: os.remove(filename) def _fail_on_non_zero_status(self, status, stdoutdata, stderrdata): if status != 0: raise exceptions.RuntimeError("stdout: {}, stderr: {}".format(repr(stdoutdata), repr(stderrdata))) def _compile(self, source): runner_source = self._runtime._runner_source replacements = { '#{source}': lambda: source, '#{encoded_source}': lambda: json.dumps( "(function(){ " + encode_unicode_codepoints(source) + " })()" ), '#{json2_source}': _json2._json2_source, } pattern = "|".join(re.escape(k) for k in replacements) runner_source = re.sub(pattern, lambda m: replacements[](), runner_source) return runner_source def _extract_result(self, output): output = output.decode(self._runtime._encoding) output = output.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\r", "\n") output_last_line = output.split("\n")[-2] if not output_last_line: status = value = None else: ret = json.loads(output_last_line) if len(ret) == 1: ret = [ret[0], None] status, value = ret if status == "ok": return value elif value.startswith('SyntaxError:'): raise exceptions.RuntimeError(value) else: raise exceptions.ProgramError(value) def _is_windows(): """protected""" return platform.system() == 'Windows' def _decode_if_not_text(s): """protected""" if isinstance(s, six.text_type): return s return s.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) def _find_executable(prog, pathext=("",)): """protected""" pathlist = _decode_if_not_text(os.environ.get('PATH', '')).split(os.pathsep) for dir in pathlist: for ext in pathext: filename = os.path.join(dir, prog + ext) try: st = os.stat(filename) except os.error: continue if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode) and (stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode) & 0o111): return filename return None def _which(command): """protected""" if isinstance(command, str): command = [command] command = list(command) name = command[0] args = command[1:] if _is_windows(): pathext = _decode_if_not_text(os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "")) path = _find_executable(name, pathext.split(os.pathsep)) else: path = _find_executable(name) if not path: return None return [path] + args def node(): r = node_node() if r.is_available(): return r return node_nodejs() def node_node(): return ExternalRuntime( name="Node.js (V8)", command=['node'], encoding='UTF-8', runner_source=_runner_sources.Node ) def node_nodejs(): return ExternalRuntime( name="Node.js (V8)", command=['nodejs'], encoding='UTF-8', runner_source=_runner_sources.Node ) def jsc(): return ExternalRuntime( name="JavaScriptCore", command=["/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/Resources/jsc"], runner_source=_runner_sources.JavaScriptCore ) def spidermonkey(): return ExternalRuntime( name="SpiderMonkey", command=["js"], runner_source=_runner_sources.SpiderMonkey ) def jscript(): return ExternalRuntime( name="JScript", command=["cscript", "//E:jscript", "//Nologo"], encoding="ascii", runner_source=_runner_sources.JScript, tempfile=True ) def phantomjs(): return ExternalRuntime( name="PhantomJS", command=["phantomjs"], runner_source=_runner_sources.PhantomJS ) def slimerjs(): return ExternalRuntime( name="SlimerJS", command=["slimerjs"], runner_source=_runner_sources.SlimerJS ) def nashorn(): return ExternalRuntime( name="Nashorn", command=["jjs"], runner_source=_runner_sources.Nashorn )