# Copyright (c) 2006, 2008, 2010, 2013-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Claudiu Popa # Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/COPYING """ generic classes/functions for pyreverse core/extensions """ from __future__ import print_function import os import re import sys ########### pyreverse option utils ############################## RCFILE = '.pyreverserc' def get_default_options(): """ Read config file and return list of options """ options = [] home = os.environ.get('HOME', '') if home: rcfile = os.path.join(home, RCFILE) try: options = open(rcfile).read().split() except IOError: pass # ignore if no config file found return options def insert_default_options(): """insert default options to sys.argv """ options = get_default_options() options.reverse() for arg in options: sys.argv.insert(1, arg) # astroid utilities ########################################################### SPECIAL = re.compile('^__[A-Za-z0-9]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*__$') PRIVATE = re.compile('^__[_A-Za-z0-9]*[A-Za-z0-9]+_?$') PROTECTED = re.compile('^_[_A-Za-z0-9]*$') def get_visibility(name): """return the visibility from a name: public, protected, private or special """ if SPECIAL.match(name): visibility = 'special' elif PRIVATE.match(name): visibility = 'private' elif PROTECTED.match(name): visibility = 'protected' else: visibility = 'public' return visibility ABSTRACT = re.compile('^.*Abstract.*') FINAL = re.compile('^[A-Z_]*$') def is_abstract(node): """return true if the given class node correspond to an abstract class definition """ return ABSTRACT.match(node.name) def is_final(node): """return true if the given class/function node correspond to final definition """ return FINAL.match(node.name) def is_interface(node): # bw compat return node.type == 'interface' def is_exception(node): # bw compat return node.type == 'exception' # Helpers ##################################################################### _CONSTRUCTOR = 1 _SPECIAL = 2 _PROTECTED = 4 _PRIVATE = 8 MODES = { 'ALL' : 0, 'PUB_ONLY' : _SPECIAL + _PROTECTED + _PRIVATE, 'SPECIAL' : _SPECIAL, 'OTHER' : _PROTECTED + _PRIVATE, } VIS_MOD = {'special': _SPECIAL, 'protected': _PROTECTED, 'private': _PRIVATE, 'public': 0} class FilterMixIn(object): """filter nodes according to a mode and nodes' visibility """ def __init__(self, mode): "init filter modes" __mode = 0 for nummod in mode.split('+'): try: __mode += MODES[nummod] except KeyError as ex: print('Unknown filter mode %s' % ex, file=sys.stderr) self.__mode = __mode def show_attr(self, node): """return true if the node should be treated """ visibility = get_visibility(getattr(node, 'name', node)) return not self.__mode & VIS_MOD[visibility] class ASTWalker(object): """a walker visiting a tree in preorder, calling on the handler: * visit_ on entering a node, where class name is the class of the node in lower case * leave_ on leaving a node, where class name is the class of the node in lower case """ def __init__(self, handler): self.handler = handler self._cache = {} def walk(self, node, _done=None): """walk on the tree from , getting callbacks from handler""" if _done is None: _done = set() if node in _done: raise AssertionError((id(node), node, node.parent)) _done.add(node) self.visit(node) for child_node in node.get_children(): assert child_node is not node self.walk(child_node, _done) self.leave(node) assert node.parent is not node def get_callbacks(self, node): """get callbacks from handler for the visited node""" klass = node.__class__ methods = self._cache.get(klass) if methods is None: handler = self.handler kid = klass.__name__.lower() e_method = getattr(handler, 'visit_%s' % kid, getattr(handler, 'visit_default', None)) l_method = getattr(handler, 'leave_%s' % kid, getattr(handler, 'leave_default', None)) self._cache[klass] = (e_method, l_method) else: e_method, l_method = methods return e_method, l_method def visit(self, node): """walk on the tree from , getting callbacks from handler""" method = self.get_callbacks(node)[0] if method is not None: method(node) def leave(self, node): """walk on the tree from , getting callbacks from handler""" method = self.get_callbacks(node)[1] if method is not None: method(node) class LocalsVisitor(ASTWalker): """visit a project by traversing the locals dictionary""" def __init__(self): ASTWalker.__init__(self, self) self._visited = {} def visit(self, node): """launch the visit starting from the given node""" if node in self._visited: return self._visited[node] = 1 # FIXME: use set ? methods = self.get_callbacks(node) if methods[0] is not None: methods[0](node) if hasattr(node, 'locals'): # skip Instance and other proxy for local_node in node.values(): self.visit(local_node) if methods[1] is not None: return methods[1](node)