# Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Claudiu Popa # Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/COPYING """Functional full-module tests for PyLint.""" import csv import collections import io import operator import os import re import sys import platform import six from six.moves import configparser import pytest from pylint import checkers from pylint import interfaces from pylint import lint from pylint import reporters class test_dialect(csv.excel): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: delimiter = b':' lineterminator = b'\n' else: delimiter = ':' lineterminator = '\n' csv.register_dialect('test', test_dialect) class NoFileError(Exception): pass # Notes: # - for the purpose of this test, the confidence levels HIGH and UNDEFINED # are treated as the same. # TODOs # - implement exhaustivity tests # If message files should be updated instead of checked. UPDATE = False class OutputLine(collections.namedtuple('OutputLine', ['symbol', 'lineno', 'object', 'msg', 'confidence'])): @classmethod def from_msg(cls, msg): return cls( msg.symbol, msg.line, msg.obj or '', msg.msg.replace("\r\n", "\n"), msg.confidence.name if msg.confidence != interfaces.UNDEFINED else interfaces.HIGH.name) @classmethod def from_csv(cls, row): confidence = row[4] if len(row) == 5 else interfaces.HIGH.name return cls(row[0], int(row[1]), row[2], row[3], confidence) def to_csv(self): if self.confidence == interfaces.HIGH.name: return self[:-1] else: return self # Common sub-expressions. _MESSAGE = {'msg': r'[a-z][a-z\-]+'} # Matches a #, # - followed by a comparison operator and a Python version (optional), # - followed by an line number with a +/- (optional), # - followed by a list of bracketed message symbols. # Used to extract expected messages from testdata files. _EXPECTED_RE = re.compile( r'\s*#\s*(?:(?P[+-]?[0-9]+):)?' r'(?:(?P[><=]+) *(?P[0-9.]+):)?' r'\s*\[(?P%(msg)s(?:,\s*%(msg)s)*)\]' % _MESSAGE) def parse_python_version(str): return tuple(int(digit) for digit in str.split('.')) class FunctionalTestReporter(reporters.BaseReporter): def handle_message(self, msg): self.messages.append(msg) def on_set_current_module(self, module, filepath): self.messages = [] def display_reports(self, layout): """Ignore layouts.""" class FunctionalTestFile(object): """A single functional test case file with options.""" _CONVERTERS = { 'min_pyver': parse_python_version, 'max_pyver': parse_python_version, 'requires': lambda s: s.split(',') } def __init__(self, directory, filename): self._directory = directory self.base = filename.replace('.py', '') self.options = { 'min_pyver': (2, 5), 'max_pyver': (4, 0), 'requires': [], 'except_implementations': [], } self._parse_options() def _parse_options(self): cp = configparser.ConfigParser() cp.add_section('testoptions') try: cp.read(self.option_file) except NoFileError: pass for name, value in cp.items('testoptions'): conv = self._CONVERTERS.get(name, lambda v: v) self.options[name] = conv(value) @property def option_file(self): return self._file_type('.rc') @property def module(self): package = os.path.basename(self._directory) return '.'.join([package, self.base]) @property def expected_output(self): return self._file_type('.txt', check_exists=False) @property def source(self): return self._file_type('.py') def _file_type(self, ext, check_exists=True): name = os.path.join(self._directory, self.base + ext) if not check_exists or os.path.exists(name): return name else: raise NoFileError _OPERATORS = { '>': operator.gt, '<': operator.lt, '>=': operator.ge, '<=': operator.le, } def parse_expected_output(stream): return [OutputLine.from_csv(row) for row in csv.reader(stream, 'test')] def get_expected_messages(stream): """Parses a file and get expected messages. :param stream: File-like input stream. :returns: A dict mapping line,msg-symbol tuples to the count on this line. """ messages = collections.Counter() for i, line in enumerate(stream): match = _EXPECTED_RE.search(line) if match is None: continue line = match.group('line') if line is None: line = i + 1 elif line.startswith('+') or line.startswith('-'): line = i + 1 + int(line) else: line = int(line) version = match.group('version') op = match.group('op') if version: required = parse_python_version(version) if not _OPERATORS[op](sys.version_info, required): continue for msg_id in match.group('msgs').split(','): messages[line, msg_id.strip()] += 1 return messages def multiset_difference(left_op, right_op): """Takes two multisets and compares them. A multiset is a dict with the cardinality of the key as the value. :param left_op: The expected entries. :param right_op: Actual entries. :returns: The two multisets of missing and unexpected messages. """ missing = left_op.copy() missing.subtract(right_op) unexpected = {} for key, value in list(six.iteritems(missing)): if value <= 0: missing.pop(key) if value < 0: unexpected[key] = -value return missing, unexpected class LintModuleTest(object): maxDiff = None def __init__(self, test_file): test_reporter = FunctionalTestReporter() self._linter = lint.PyLinter() self._linter.set_reporter(test_reporter) self._linter.config.persistent = 0 checkers.initialize(self._linter) self._linter.disable('I') try: self._linter.read_config_file(test_file.option_file) self._linter.load_config_file() except NoFileError: pass self._test_file = test_file def setUp(self): if self._should_be_skipped_due_to_version(): pytest.skip( 'Test cannot run with Python %s.' % (sys.version.split(' ')[0],)) missing = [] for req in self._test_file.options['requires']: try: __import__(req) except ImportError: missing.append(req) if missing: pytest.skip('Requires %s to be present.' % (','.join(missing),)) if self._test_file.options['except_implementations']: implementations = [ item.strip() for item in self._test_file.options['except_implementations'].split(",") ] implementation = platform.python_implementation() if implementation in implementations: pytest.skip( 'Test cannot run with Python implementation %r' % (implementation, )) def _should_be_skipped_due_to_version(self): return (sys.version_info < self._test_file.options['min_pyver'] or sys.version_info > self._test_file.options['max_pyver']) def __str__(self): return "%s (%s.%s)" % (self._test_file.base, self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) def _open_expected_file(self): return open(self._test_file.expected_output) def _open_source_file(self): if self._test_file.base == "invalid_encoded_data": return open(self._test_file.source) else: return io.open(self._test_file.source, encoding="utf8") def _get_expected(self): with self._open_source_file() as fobj: expected_msgs = get_expected_messages(fobj) if expected_msgs: with self._open_expected_file() as fobj: expected_output_lines = parse_expected_output(fobj) else: expected_output_lines = [] return expected_msgs, expected_output_lines def _get_received(self): messages = self._linter.reporter.messages messages.sort(key=lambda m: (m.line, m.symbol, m.msg)) received_msgs = collections.Counter() received_output_lines = [] for msg in messages: received_msgs[msg.line, msg.symbol] += 1 received_output_lines.append(OutputLine.from_msg(msg)) return received_msgs, received_output_lines def _runTest(self): self._linter.check([self._test_file.module]) expected_messages, expected_text = self._get_expected() received_messages, received_text = self._get_received() if expected_messages != received_messages: msg = ['Wrong results for file "%s":' % (self._test_file.base)] missing, unexpected = multiset_difference(expected_messages, received_messages) if missing: msg.append('\nExpected in testdata:') msg.extend(' %3d: %s' % msg for msg in sorted(missing)) if unexpected: msg.append('\nUnexpected in testdata:') msg.extend(' %3d: %s' % msg for msg in sorted(unexpected)) pytest.fail('\n'.join(msg)) self._check_output_text(expected_messages, expected_text, received_text) def _split_lines(self, expected_messages, lines): emitted, omitted = [], [] for msg in lines: if (msg[1], msg[0]) in expected_messages: emitted.append(msg) else: omitted.append(msg) return emitted, omitted def _check_output_text(self, expected_messages, expected_lines, received_lines): assert self._split_lines(expected_messages, expected_lines)[0] == \ received_lines class LintModuleOutputUpdate(LintModuleTest): def _open_expected_file(self): try: return super(LintModuleOutputUpdate, self)._open_expected_file() except IOError: return io.StringIO() def _check_output_text(self, expected_messages, expected_lines, received_lines): if not expected_messages: return emitted, remaining = self._split_lines(expected_messages, expected_lines) if emitted != received_lines: remaining.extend(received_lines) remaining.sort(key=lambda m: (m[1], m[0], m[3])) with open(self._test_file.expected_output, 'w') as fobj: writer = csv.writer(fobj, dialect='test') for line in remaining: writer.writerow(line.to_csv()) def get_tests(): input_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'functional') suite = [] for fname in os.listdir(input_dir): if fname != '__init__.py' and fname.endswith('.py'): suite.append(FunctionalTestFile(input_dir, fname)) return suite TESTS = get_tests() TESTS_NAMES = [t.base for t in TESTS] @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_file", TESTS, ids=TESTS_NAMES) def test_functional(test_file): LintTest = LintModuleOutputUpdate(test_file) if UPDATE else LintModuleTest(test_file) LintTest.setUp() LintTest._runTest() if __name__ == '__main__': if '-u' in sys.argv: UPDATE = True sys.argv.remove('-u') pytest.main(sys.argv)