# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Claudiu Popa # Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/COPYING """Unit tests for the variables checker.""" import sys import pytest import astroid from pylint.checkers import classes from pylint.testutils import CheckerTestCase, Message, set_config class TestVariablesChecker(CheckerTestCase): CHECKER_CLASS = classes.ClassChecker def test_bitbucket_issue_164(self): """Issue 164 report a false negative for access-member-before-definition""" n1, n2 = astroid.extract_node(""" class MyClass1(object): def __init__(self): self.first += 5 #@ self.first = 0 #@ """) message = Message('access-member-before-definition', node=n1.target, args=('first', n2.lineno)) with self.assertAddsMessages(message): self.walk(n1.root()) @set_config(exclude_protected=('_meta', '_manager')) def test_exclude_protected(self): """Test that exclude-protected can be used to exclude names from protected-access warning. """ node = astroid.parse(""" class Protected(object): '''empty''' def __init__(self): self._meta = 42 self._manager = 24 self._teta = 29 OBJ = Protected() OBJ._meta OBJ._manager OBJ._teta """) with self.assertAddsMessages( Message('protected-access', node=node.body[-1].value, args='_teta')): self.walk(node.root()) @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info[0] != 3, reason="The test works on Python 3.") def test_regression_non_parent_init_called_tracemalloc(self): # This used to raise a non-parent-init-called on Pylint 1.3 # See issue https://bitbucket.org/logilab/pylint/issue/308/ # for reference. node = astroid.extract_node(""" from tracemalloc import Sequence class _Traces(Sequence): def __init__(self, traces): #@ Sequence.__init__(self) """) with self.assertNoMessages(): self.checker.visit_functiondef(node) def test_super_init_not_called_regression(self): # This should not emit a super-init-not-called # warning. It previously did this, because # ``next(node.infer())`` was used in that checker's # logic and the first inferred node was an YES object, # leading to this false positive. node = astroid.extract_node(""" import ctypes class Foo(ctypes.BigEndianStructure): def __init__(self): #@ ctypes.BigEndianStructure.__init__(self) """) with self.assertNoMessages(): self.checker.visit_functiondef(node)