# Copyright (c) 2009-2011, 2013-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) # Copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2016 Google, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Claudiu Popa # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Cara Vinson # Copyright (c) 2016 Jakub Wilk # Licensed under the LGPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/master/COPYING.LESSER """Module for some node classes. More nodes in scoped_nodes.py """ import abc import pprint import warnings try: from functools import singledispatch as _singledispatch except ImportError: from singledispatch import singledispatch as _singledispatch import six from astroid import as_string from astroid import bases from astroid import context as contextmod from astroid import decorators from astroid import exceptions from astroid import manager from astroid import mixins from astroid import util BUILTINS = six.moves.builtins.__name__ MANAGER = manager.AstroidManager() @decorators.raise_if_nothing_inferred def unpack_infer(stmt, context=None): """recursively generate nodes inferred by the given statement. If the inferred value is a list or a tuple, recurse on the elements """ if isinstance(stmt, (List, Tuple)): for elt in stmt.elts: if elt is util.Uninferable: yield elt continue for inferred_elt in unpack_infer(elt, context): yield inferred_elt # Explicit StopIteration to return error information, see comment # in raise_if_nothing_inferred. raise StopIteration(dict(node=stmt, context=context)) # if inferred is a final node, return it and stop inferred = next(stmt.infer(context)) if inferred is stmt: yield inferred # Explicit StopIteration to return error information, see comment # in raise_if_nothing_inferred. raise StopIteration(dict(node=stmt, context=context)) # else, infer recursively, except Uninferable object that should be returned as is for inferred in stmt.infer(context): if inferred is util.Uninferable: yield inferred else: for inf_inf in unpack_infer(inferred, context): yield inf_inf raise StopIteration(dict(node=stmt, context=context)) def are_exclusive(stmt1, stmt2, exceptions=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """return true if the two given statements are mutually exclusive `exceptions` may be a list of exception names. If specified, discard If branches and check one of the statement is in an exception handler catching one of the given exceptions. algorithm : 1) index stmt1's parents 2) climb among stmt2's parents until we find a common parent 3) if the common parent is a If or TryExcept statement, look if nodes are in exclusive branches """ # index stmt1's parents stmt1_parents = {} children = {} node = stmt1.parent previous = stmt1 while node: stmt1_parents[node] = 1 children[node] = previous previous = node node = node.parent # climb among stmt2's parents until we find a common parent node = stmt2.parent previous = stmt2 while node: if node in stmt1_parents: # if the common parent is a If or TryExcept statement, look if # nodes are in exclusive branches if isinstance(node, If) and exceptions is None: if (node.locate_child(previous)[1] is not node.locate_child(children[node])[1]): return True elif isinstance(node, TryExcept): c2attr, c2node = node.locate_child(previous) c1attr, c1node = node.locate_child(children[node]) if c1node is not c2node: first_in_body_caught_by_handlers = ( c2attr == 'handlers' and c1attr == 'body' and previous.catch(exceptions)) second_in_body_caught_by_handlers = ( c2attr == 'body' and c1attr == 'handlers' and children[node].catch(exceptions)) first_in_else_other_in_handlers = ( c2attr == 'handlers' and c1attr == 'orelse') second_in_else_other_in_handlers = ( c2attr == 'orelse' and c1attr == 'handlers') if any((first_in_body_caught_by_handlers, second_in_body_caught_by_handlers, first_in_else_other_in_handlers, second_in_else_other_in_handlers)): return True elif c2attr == 'handlers' and c1attr == 'handlers': return previous is not children[node] return False previous = node node = node.parent return False # getitem() helpers. _SLICE_SENTINEL = object() def _slice_value(index, context=None): """Get the value of the given slice index.""" if isinstance(index, Const): if isinstance(index.value, (int, type(None))): return index.value elif index is None: return None else: # Try to infer what the index actually is. # Since we can't return all the possible values, # we'll stop at the first possible value. try: inferred = next(index.infer(context=context)) except exceptions.InferenceError: pass else: if isinstance(inferred, Const): if isinstance(inferred.value, (int, type(None))): return inferred.value # Use a sentinel, because None can be a valid # value that this function can return, # as it is the case for unspecified bounds. return _SLICE_SENTINEL def _infer_slice(node, context=None): lower = _slice_value(node.lower, context) upper = _slice_value(node.upper, context) step = _slice_value(node.step, context) if all(elem is not _SLICE_SENTINEL for elem in (lower, upper, step)): return slice(lower, upper, step) raise exceptions.AstroidTypeError( message='Could not infer slice used in subscript', node=node, index=node.parent, context=context) def _container_getitem(instance, elts, index, context=None): """Get a slice or an item, using the given *index*, for the given sequence.""" try: if isinstance(index, Slice): index_slice = _infer_slice(index, context=context) new_cls = instance.__class__() new_cls.elts = elts[index_slice] new_cls.parent = instance.parent return new_cls elif isinstance(index, Const): return elts[index.value] except IndexError: util.reraise(exceptions.AstroidIndexError( message='Index {index!s} out of range', node=instance, index=index, context=context)) except TypeError as exc: util.reraise(exceptions.AstroidTypeError( message='Type error {error!r}', error=exc, node=instance, index=index, context=context)) raise exceptions.AstroidTypeError( 'Could not use %s as subscript index' % index ) class NodeNG(object): """Base Class for all Astroid node classes. It represents a node of the new abstract syntax tree. """ is_statement = False optional_assign = False # True for For (and for Comprehension if py <3.0) is_function = False # True for FunctionDef nodes # attributes below are set by the builder module or by raw factories lineno = None col_offset = None # parent node in the tree parent = None # attributes containing child node(s) redefined in most concrete classes: _astroid_fields = () # attributes containing non-nodes: _other_fields = () # attributes containing AST-dependent fields: _other_other_fields = () # instance specific inference function infer(node, context) _explicit_inference = None def __init__(self, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.lineno = lineno self.col_offset = col_offset self.parent = parent def infer(self, context=None, **kwargs): """main interface to the interface system, return a generator on inferred values. If the instance has some explicit inference function set, it will be called instead of the default interface. """ if self._explicit_inference is not None: # explicit_inference is not bound, give it self explicitly try: # pylint: disable=not-callable return self._explicit_inference(self, context, **kwargs) except exceptions.UseInferenceDefault: pass if not context: return self._infer(context, **kwargs) key = (self, context.lookupname, context.callcontext, context.boundnode) if key in context.inferred: return iter(context.inferred[key]) return context.cache_generator(key, self._infer(context, **kwargs)) def _repr_name(self): """return self.name or self.attrname or '' for nice representation""" return getattr(self, 'name', getattr(self, 'attrname', '')) def __str__(self): rname = self._repr_name() cname = type(self).__name__ if rname: string = '%(cname)s.%(rname)s(%(fields)s)' alignment = len(cname) + len(rname) + 2 else: string = '%(cname)s(%(fields)s)' alignment = len(cname) + 1 result = [] for field in self._other_fields + self._astroid_fields: value = getattr(self, field) width = 80 - len(field) - alignment lines = pprint.pformat(value, indent=2, width=width).splitlines(True) inner = [lines[0]] for line in lines[1:]: inner.append(' ' * alignment + line) result.append('%s=%s' % (field, ''.join(inner))) return string % {'cname': cname, 'rname': rname, 'fields': (',\n' + ' ' * alignment).join(result)} def __repr__(self): rname = self._repr_name() if rname: string = '<%(cname)s.%(rname)s l.%(lineno)s at 0x%(id)x>' else: string = '<%(cname)s l.%(lineno)s at 0x%(id)x>' return string % {'cname': type(self).__name__, 'rname': rname, 'lineno': self.fromlineno, 'id': id(self)} def accept(self, visitor): func = getattr(visitor, "visit_" + self.__class__.__name__.lower()) return func(self) def get_children(self): for field in self._astroid_fields: attr = getattr(self, field) if attr is None: continue if isinstance(attr, (list, tuple)): for elt in attr: yield elt else: yield attr def last_child(self): """an optimized version of list(get_children())[-1]""" for field in self._astroid_fields[::-1]: attr = getattr(self, field) if not attr: # None or empty listy / tuple continue if isinstance(attr, (list, tuple)): return attr[-1] return attr return None def parent_of(self, node): """return true if i'm a parent of the given node""" parent = node.parent while parent is not None: if self is parent: return True parent = parent.parent return False def statement(self): """return the first parent node marked as statement node""" if self.is_statement: return self return self.parent.statement() def frame(self): """return the first parent frame node (i.e. Module, FunctionDef or ClassDef) """ return self.parent.frame() def scope(self): """return the first node defining a new scope (i.e. Module, FunctionDef, ClassDef, Lambda but also GenExpr) """ return self.parent.scope() def root(self): """return the root node of the tree, (i.e. a Module)""" if self.parent: return self.parent.root() return self def child_sequence(self, child): """search for the right sequence where the child lies in""" for field in self._astroid_fields: node_or_sequence = getattr(self, field) if node_or_sequence is child: return [node_or_sequence] # /!\ compiler.ast Nodes have an __iter__ walking over child nodes if (isinstance(node_or_sequence, (tuple, list)) and child in node_or_sequence): return node_or_sequence msg = 'Could not find %s in %s\'s children' raise exceptions.AstroidError(msg % (repr(child), repr(self))) def locate_child(self, child): """return a 2-uple (child attribute name, sequence or node)""" for field in self._astroid_fields: node_or_sequence = getattr(self, field) # /!\ compiler.ast Nodes have an __iter__ walking over child nodes if child is node_or_sequence: return field, child if isinstance(node_or_sequence, (tuple, list)) and child in node_or_sequence: return field, node_or_sequence msg = 'Could not find %s in %s\'s children' raise exceptions.AstroidError(msg % (repr(child), repr(self))) # FIXME : should we merge child_sequence and locate_child ? locate_child # is only used in are_exclusive, child_sequence one time in pylint. def next_sibling(self): """return the next sibling statement""" return self.parent.next_sibling() def previous_sibling(self): """return the previous sibling statement""" return self.parent.previous_sibling() def nearest(self, nodes): """return the node which is the nearest before this one in the given list of nodes """ myroot = self.root() mylineno = self.fromlineno nearest = None, 0 for node in nodes: assert node.root() is myroot, \ 'nodes %s and %s are not from the same module' % (self, node) lineno = node.fromlineno if node.fromlineno > mylineno: break if lineno > nearest[1]: nearest = node, lineno # FIXME: raise an exception if nearest is None ? return nearest[0] # these are lazy because they're relatively expensive to compute for every # single node, and they rarely get looked at @decorators.cachedproperty def fromlineno(self): if self.lineno is None: return self._fixed_source_line() return self.lineno @decorators.cachedproperty def tolineno(self): if not self._astroid_fields: # can't have children lastchild = None else: lastchild = self.last_child() if lastchild is None: return self.fromlineno return lastchild.tolineno def _fixed_source_line(self): """return the line number where the given node appears we need this method since not all nodes have the lineno attribute correctly set... """ line = self.lineno _node = self try: while line is None: _node = next(_node.get_children()) line = _node.lineno except StopIteration: _node = self.parent while _node and line is None: line = _node.lineno _node = _node.parent return line def block_range(self, lineno): """handle block line numbers range for non block opening statements """ return lineno, self.tolineno def set_local(self, name, stmt): """delegate to a scoped parent handling a locals dictionary""" self.parent.set_local(name, stmt) def nodes_of_class(self, klass, skip_klass=None): """return an iterator on nodes which are instance of the given class(es) klass may be a class object or a tuple of class objects """ if isinstance(self, klass): yield self for child_node in self.get_children(): if skip_klass is not None and isinstance(child_node, skip_klass): continue for matching in child_node.nodes_of_class(klass, skip_klass): yield matching def _infer_name(self, frame, name): # overridden for ImportFrom, Import, Global, TryExcept and Arguments return None def _infer(self, context=None): """we don't know how to resolve a statement by default""" # this method is overridden by most concrete classes raise exceptions.InferenceError('No inference function for {node!r}.', node=self, context=context) def inferred(self): '''return list of inferred values for a more simple inference usage''' return list(self.infer()) def infered(self): warnings.warn('%s.infered() is deprecated and slated for removal ' 'in astroid 2.0, use %s.inferred() instead.' % (type(self).__name__, type(self).__name__), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.inferred() def instantiate_class(self): """instantiate a node if it is a ClassDef node, else return self""" return self def has_base(self, node): return False def callable(self): return False def eq(self, value): return False def as_string(self): return as_string.to_code(self) def repr_tree(self, ids=False, include_linenos=False, ast_state=False, indent=' ', max_depth=0, max_width=80): """Returns a string representation of the AST from this node. :param ids: If true, includes the ids with the node type names. :param include_linenos: If true, includes the line numbers and column offsets. :param ast_state: If true, includes information derived from the whole AST like local and global variables. :param indent: A string to use to indent the output string. :param max_depth: If set to a positive integer, won't return nodes deeper than max_depth in the string. :param max_width: Only positive integer values are valid, the default is 80. Attempts to format the output string to stay within max_width characters, but can exceed it under some circumstances. """ @_singledispatch def _repr_tree(node, result, done, cur_indent='', depth=1): """Outputs a representation of a non-tuple/list, non-node that's contained within an AST, including strings. """ lines = pprint.pformat(node, width=max(max_width - len(cur_indent), 1)).splitlines(True) result.append(lines[0]) result.extend([cur_indent + line for line in lines[1:]]) return len(lines) != 1 # pylint: disable=unused-variable; doesn't understand singledispatch @_repr_tree.register(tuple) @_repr_tree.register(list) def _repr_seq(node, result, done, cur_indent='', depth=1): """Outputs a representation of a sequence that's contained within an AST.""" cur_indent += indent result.append('[') if not node: broken = False elif len(node) == 1: broken = _repr_tree(node[0], result, done, cur_indent, depth) elif len(node) == 2: broken = _repr_tree(node[0], result, done, cur_indent, depth) if not broken: result.append(', ') else: result.append(',\n') result.append(cur_indent) broken = (_repr_tree(node[1], result, done, cur_indent, depth) or broken) else: result.append('\n') result.append(cur_indent) for child in node[:-1]: _repr_tree(child, result, done, cur_indent, depth) result.append(',\n') result.append(cur_indent) _repr_tree(node[-1], result, done, cur_indent, depth) broken = True result.append(']') return broken # pylint: disable=unused-variable; doesn't understand singledispatch @_repr_tree.register(NodeNG) def _repr_node(node, result, done, cur_indent='', depth=1): """Outputs a strings representation of an astroid node.""" if node in done: result.append(indent + ' max_depth: result.append('...') return False depth += 1 cur_indent += indent if ids: result.append('%s<0x%x>(\n' % (type(node).__name__, id(node))) else: result.append('%s(' % type(node).__name__) fields = [] if include_linenos: fields.extend(('lineno', 'col_offset')) fields.extend(node._other_fields) fields.extend(node._astroid_fields) if ast_state: fields.extend(node._other_other_fields) if not fields: broken = False elif len(fields) == 1: result.append('%s=' % fields[0]) broken = _repr_tree(getattr(node, fields[0]), result, done, cur_indent, depth) else: result.append('\n') result.append(cur_indent) for field in fields[:-1]: result.append('%s=' % field) _repr_tree(getattr(node, field), result, done, cur_indent, depth) result.append(',\n') result.append(cur_indent) result.append('%s=' % fields[-1]) _repr_tree(getattr(node, fields[-1]), result, done, cur_indent, depth) broken = True result.append(')') return broken result = [] _repr_tree(self, result, set()) return ''.join(result) def bool_value(self): """Determine the bool value of this node The boolean value of a node can have three possible values: * False. For instance, empty data structures, False, empty strings, instances which return explicitly False from the __nonzero__ / __bool__ method. * True. Most of constructs are True by default: classes, functions, modules etc * Uninferable: the inference engine is uncertain of the node's value. """ return util.Uninferable class Statement(NodeNG): """Statement node adding a few attributes""" is_statement = True def next_sibling(self): """return the next sibling statement""" stmts = self.parent.child_sequence(self) index = stmts.index(self) try: return stmts[index +1] except IndexError: pass def previous_sibling(self): """return the previous sibling statement""" stmts = self.parent.child_sequence(self) index = stmts.index(self) if index >= 1: return stmts[index -1] @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class _BaseContainer(mixins.ParentAssignTypeMixin, NodeNG, bases.Instance): """Base class for Set, FrozenSet, Tuple and List.""" _astroid_fields = ('elts',) def __init__(self, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.elts = [] super(_BaseContainer, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def postinit(self, elts): self.elts = elts @classmethod def from_constants(cls, elts=None): node = cls() if elts is None: node.elts = [] else: node.elts = [const_factory(e) for e in elts] return node def itered(self): return self.elts def bool_value(self): return bool(self.elts) @abc.abstractmethod def pytype(self): pass class LookupMixIn(object): """Mixin looking up a name in the right scope """ def lookup(self, name): """lookup a variable name return the scope node and the list of assignments associated to the given name according to the scope where it has been found (locals, globals or builtin) The lookup is starting from self's scope. If self is not a frame itself and the name is found in the inner frame locals, statements will be filtered to remove ignorable statements according to self's location """ return self.scope().scope_lookup(self, name) def ilookup(self, name): """inferred lookup return an iterator on inferred values of the statements returned by the lookup method """ frame, stmts = self.lookup(name) context = contextmod.InferenceContext() return bases._infer_stmts(stmts, context, frame) def _filter_stmts(self, stmts, frame, offset): """filter statements to remove ignorable statements. If self is not a frame itself and the name is found in the inner frame locals, statements will be filtered to remove ignorable statements according to self's location """ # if offset == -1, my actual frame is not the inner frame but its parent # # class A(B): pass # # we need this to resolve B correctly if offset == -1: myframe = self.frame().parent.frame() else: myframe = self.frame() # If the frame of this node is the same as the statement # of this node, then the node is part of a class or # a function definition and the frame of this node should be the # the upper frame, not the frame of the definition. # For more information why this is important, # see Pylint issue #295. # For example, for 'b', the statement is the same # as the frame / scope: # # def test(b=1): # ... if self.statement() is myframe and myframe.parent: myframe = myframe.parent.frame() mystmt = self.statement() # line filtering if we are in the same frame # # take care node may be missing lineno information (this is the case for # nodes inserted for living objects) if myframe is frame and mystmt.fromlineno is not None: assert mystmt.fromlineno is not None, mystmt mylineno = mystmt.fromlineno + offset else: # disabling lineno filtering mylineno = 0 _stmts = [] _stmt_parents = [] for node in stmts: stmt = node.statement() # line filtering is on and we have reached our location, break if mylineno > 0 and stmt.fromlineno > mylineno: break assert hasattr(node, 'assign_type'), (node, node.scope(), node.scope().locals) assign_type = node.assign_type() if node.has_base(self): break _stmts, done = assign_type._get_filtered_stmts(self, node, _stmts, mystmt) if done: break optional_assign = assign_type.optional_assign if optional_assign and assign_type.parent_of(self): # we are inside a loop, loop var assignment is hiding previous # assignment _stmts = [node] _stmt_parents = [stmt.parent] continue # XXX comment various branches below!!! try: pindex = _stmt_parents.index(stmt.parent) except ValueError: pass else: # we got a parent index, this means the currently visited node # is at the same block level as a previously visited node if _stmts[pindex].assign_type().parent_of(assign_type): # both statements are not at the same block level continue # if currently visited node is following previously considered # assignment and both are not exclusive, we can drop the # previous one. For instance in the following code :: # # if a: # x = 1 # else: # x = 2 # print x # # we can't remove neither x = 1 nor x = 2 when looking for 'x' # of 'print x'; while in the following :: # # x = 1 # x = 2 # print x # # we can remove x = 1 when we see x = 2 # # moreover, on loop assignment types, assignment won't # necessarily be done if the loop has no iteration, so we don't # want to clear previous assignments if any (hence the test on # optional_assign) if not (optional_assign or are_exclusive(_stmts[pindex], node)): del _stmt_parents[pindex] del _stmts[pindex] if isinstance(node, AssignName): if not optional_assign and stmt.parent is mystmt.parent: _stmts = [] _stmt_parents = [] elif isinstance(node, DelName): _stmts = [] _stmt_parents = [] continue if not are_exclusive(self, node): _stmts.append(node) _stmt_parents.append(stmt.parent) return _stmts # Name classes class AssignName(LookupMixIn, mixins.ParentAssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """class representing an AssignName node""" _other_fields = ('name',) def __init__(self, name=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.name = name super(AssignName, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) class DelName(LookupMixIn, mixins.ParentAssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """class representing a DelName node""" _other_fields = ('name',) def __init__(self, name=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.name = name super(DelName, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) class Name(LookupMixIn, NodeNG): """class representing a Name node""" _other_fields = ('name',) def __init__(self, name=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.name = name super(Name, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) class Arguments(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """class representing an Arguments node""" if six.PY3: # Python 3.4+ uses a different approach regarding annotations, # each argument is a new class, _ast.arg, which exposes an # 'annotation' attribute. In astroid though, arguments are exposed # as is in the Arguments node and the only way to expose annotations # is by using something similar with Python 3.3: # - we expose 'varargannotation' and 'kwargannotation' of annotations # of varargs and kwargs. # - we expose 'annotation', a list with annotations for # for each normal argument. If an argument doesn't have an # annotation, its value will be None. _astroid_fields = ('args', 'defaults', 'kwonlyargs', 'kw_defaults', 'annotations', 'varargannotation', 'kwargannotation', 'kwonlyargs_annotations') varargannotation = None kwargannotation = None else: _astroid_fields = ('args', 'defaults', 'kwonlyargs', 'kw_defaults') _other_fields = ('vararg', 'kwarg') def __init__(self, vararg=None, kwarg=None, parent=None): super(Arguments, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.vararg = vararg self.kwarg = kwarg self.args = [] self.defaults = [] self.kwonlyargs = [] self.kw_defaults = [] self.annotations = [] self.kwonlyargs_annotations = [] def postinit(self, args, defaults, kwonlyargs, kw_defaults, annotations, kwonlyargs_annotations=None, varargannotation=None, kwargannotation=None): self.args = args self.defaults = defaults self.kwonlyargs = kwonlyargs self.kw_defaults = kw_defaults self.annotations = annotations self.kwonlyargs_annotations = kwonlyargs_annotations self.varargannotation = varargannotation self.kwargannotation = kwargannotation def _infer_name(self, frame, name): if self.parent is frame: return name return None @decorators.cachedproperty def fromlineno(self): lineno = super(Arguments, self).fromlineno return max(lineno, self.parent.fromlineno or 0) def format_args(self): """return arguments formatted as string""" result = [] if self.args: result.append( _format_args(self.args, self.defaults, getattr(self, 'annotations', None)) ) if self.vararg: result.append('*%s' % self.vararg) if self.kwonlyargs: if not self.vararg: result.append('*') result.append(_format_args( self.kwonlyargs, self.kw_defaults, self.kwonlyargs_annotations )) if self.kwarg: result.append('**%s' % self.kwarg) return ', '.join(result) def default_value(self, argname): """return the default value for an argument :raise `NoDefault`: if there is no default value defined """ i = _find_arg(argname, self.args)[0] if i is not None: idx = i - (len(self.args) - len(self.defaults)) if idx >= 0: return self.defaults[idx] i = _find_arg(argname, self.kwonlyargs)[0] if i is not None and self.kw_defaults[i] is not None: return self.kw_defaults[i] raise exceptions.NoDefault(func=self.parent, name=argname) def is_argument(self, name): """return True if the name is defined in arguments""" if name == self.vararg: return True if name == self.kwarg: return True return (self.find_argname(name, True)[1] is not None or self.kwonlyargs and _find_arg(name, self.kwonlyargs, True)[1] is not None) def find_argname(self, argname, rec=False): """return index and Name node with given name""" if self.args: # self.args may be None in some cases (builtin function) return _find_arg(argname, self.args, rec) return None, None def get_children(self): """override get_children to skip over None elements in kw_defaults""" for child in super(Arguments, self).get_children(): if child is not None: yield child def _find_arg(argname, args, rec=False): for i, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, Tuple): if rec: found = _find_arg(argname, arg.elts) if found[0] is not None: return found elif arg.name == argname: return i, arg return None, None def _format_args(args, defaults=None, annotations=None): values = [] if args is None: return '' if annotations is None: annotations = [] if defaults is not None: default_offset = len(args) - len(defaults) packed = six.moves.zip_longest(args, annotations) for i, (arg, annotation) in enumerate(packed): if isinstance(arg, Tuple): values.append('(%s)' % _format_args(arg.elts)) else: argname = arg.name if annotation is not None: argname += ':' + annotation.as_string() values.append(argname) if defaults is not None and i >= default_offset: if defaults[i-default_offset] is not None: values[-1] += '=' + defaults[i-default_offset].as_string() return ', '.join(values) class AssignAttr(mixins.ParentAssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """class representing an AssignAttr node""" _astroid_fields = ('expr',) _other_fields = ('attrname',) expr = None def __init__(self, attrname=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.attrname = attrname super(AssignAttr, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def postinit(self, expr=None): self.expr = expr class Assert(Statement): """class representing an Assert node""" _astroid_fields = ('test', 'fail',) test = None fail = None def postinit(self, test=None, fail=None): self.fail = fail self.test = test class Assign(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement): """class representing an Assign node""" _astroid_fields = ('targets', 'value',) targets = None value = None def postinit(self, targets=None, value=None): self.targets = targets self.value = value class AnnAssign(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement): """Class representing an AnnAssign node""" _astroid_fields = ('target', 'annotation', 'value',) _other_fields = ('simple',) target = None annotation = None value = None simple = None def postinit(self, target, annotation, simple, value=None): self.target = target self.annotation = annotation self.value = value self.simple = simple class AugAssign(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement): """class representing an AugAssign node""" _astroid_fields = ('target', 'value') _other_fields = ('op',) target = None value = None def __init__(self, op=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.op = op super(AugAssign, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def postinit(self, target=None, value=None): self.target = target self.value = value # This is set by inference.py def _infer_augassign(self, context=None): raise NotImplementedError def type_errors(self, context=None): """Return a list of TypeErrors which can occur during inference. Each TypeError is represented by a :class:`BadBinaryOperationMessage`, which holds the original exception. """ try: results = self._infer_augassign(context=context) return [result for result in results if isinstance(result, util.BadBinaryOperationMessage)] except exceptions.InferenceError: return [] class Repr(NodeNG): """class representing a Repr node""" _astroid_fields = ('value',) value = None def postinit(self, value=None): self.value = value class BinOp(NodeNG): """class representing a BinOp node""" _astroid_fields = ('left', 'right') _other_fields = ('op',) left = None right = None def __init__(self, op=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.op = op super(BinOp, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def postinit(self, left=None, right=None): self.left = left self.right = right # This is set by inference.py def _infer_binop(self, context=None): raise NotImplementedError def type_errors(self, context=None): """Return a list of TypeErrors which can occur during inference. Each TypeError is represented by a :class:`BadBinaryOperationMessage`, which holds the original exception. """ try: results = self._infer_binop(context=context) return [result for result in results if isinstance(result, util.BadBinaryOperationMessage)] except exceptions.InferenceError: return [] class BoolOp(NodeNG): """class representing a BoolOp node""" _astroid_fields = ('values',) _other_fields = ('op',) values = None def __init__(self, op=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.op = op super(BoolOp, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def postinit(self, values=None): self.values = values class Break(Statement): """class representing a Break node""" class Call(NodeNG): """class representing a Call node""" _astroid_fields = ('func', 'args', 'keywords') func = None args = None keywords = None def postinit(self, func=None, args=None, keywords=None): self.func = func self.args = args self.keywords = keywords @property def starargs(self): args = self.args or [] return [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, Starred)] @property def kwargs(self): keywords = self.keywords or [] return [keyword for keyword in keywords if keyword.arg is None] class Compare(NodeNG): """class representing a Compare node""" _astroid_fields = ('left', 'ops',) left = None ops = None def postinit(self, left=None, ops=None): self.left = left self.ops = ops def get_children(self): """override get_children for tuple fields""" yield self.left for _, comparator in self.ops: yield comparator # we don't want the 'op' def last_child(self): """override last_child""" # XXX maybe if self.ops: return self.ops[-1][1] #return self.left class Comprehension(NodeNG): """class representing a Comprehension node""" _astroid_fields = ('target', 'iter', 'ifs') _other_fields = ('is_async',) target = None iter = None ifs = None is_async = None def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Comprehension, self).__init__() self.parent = parent # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin; same name as builtin ast module. def postinit(self, target=None, iter=None, ifs=None, is_async=None): self.target = target self.iter = iter self.ifs = ifs self.is_async = is_async optional_assign = True def assign_type(self): return self def ass_type(self): warnings.warn('%s.ass_type() is deprecated and slated for removal' 'in astroid 2.0, use %s.assign_type() instead.' % (type(self).__name__, type(self).__name__), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.assign_type() def _get_filtered_stmts(self, lookup_node, node, stmts, mystmt): """method used in filter_stmts""" if self is mystmt: if isinstance(lookup_node, (Const, Name)): return [lookup_node], True elif self.statement() is mystmt: # original node's statement is the assignment, only keeps # current node (gen exp, list comp) return [node], True return stmts, False class Const(NodeNG, bases.Instance): """represent a constant node like num, str, bool, None, bytes""" _other_fields = ('value',) def __init__(self, value, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.value = value super(Const, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def getitem(self, index, context=None): if isinstance(index, Const): index_value = index.value elif isinstance(index, Slice): index_value = _infer_slice(index, context=context) else: raise exceptions.AstroidTypeError( 'Could not use type {} as subscript index'.format(type(index)) ) try: if isinstance(self.value, six.string_types): return Const(self.value[index_value]) if isinstance(self.value, bytes) and six.PY3: # Bytes aren't instances of six.string_types # on Python 3. Also, indexing them should return # integers. return Const(self.value[index_value]) except IndexError as exc: util.reraise(exceptions.AstroidIndexError( message='Index {index!r} out of range', error=exc, node=self, index=index, context=context)) except TypeError as exc: util.reraise(exceptions.AstroidTypeError( message='Type error {error!r}', error=exc, node=self, index=index, context=context)) raise exceptions.AstroidTypeError( '%r (value=%s)' % (self, self.value) ) def has_dynamic_getattr(self): return False def itered(self): if isinstance(self.value, six.string_types): return self.value raise TypeError() def pytype(self): return self._proxied.qname() def bool_value(self): return bool(self.value) class Continue(Statement): """class representing a Continue node""" class Decorators(NodeNG): """class representing a Decorators node""" _astroid_fields = ('nodes',) nodes = None def postinit(self, nodes): self.nodes = nodes def scope(self): # skip the function node to go directly to the upper level scope return self.parent.parent.scope() class DelAttr(mixins.ParentAssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """class representing a DelAttr node""" _astroid_fields = ('expr',) _other_fields = ('attrname',) expr = None def __init__(self, attrname=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.attrname = attrname super(DelAttr, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def postinit(self, expr=None): self.expr = expr class Delete(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement): """class representing a Delete node""" _astroid_fields = ('targets',) targets = None def postinit(self, targets=None): self.targets = targets class Dict(NodeNG, bases.Instance): """class representing a Dict node""" _astroid_fields = ('items',) def __init__(self, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.items = [] super(Dict, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def postinit(self, items): self.items = items @classmethod def from_constants(cls, items=None): node = cls() if items is None: node.items = [] else: node.items = [(const_factory(k), const_factory(v)) for k, v in items.items()] return node def pytype(self): return '%s.dict' % BUILTINS def get_children(self): """get children of a Dict node""" # overrides get_children for key, value in self.items: yield key yield value def last_child(self): """override last_child""" if self.items: return self.items[-1][1] return None def itered(self): return self.items[::2] def getitem(self, index, context=None): for key, value in self.items: # TODO(cpopa): no support for overriding yet, {1:2, **{1: 3}}. if isinstance(key, DictUnpack): try: return value.getitem(index, context) except (exceptions.AstroidTypeError, exceptions.AstroidIndexError): continue for inferredkey in key.infer(context): if inferredkey is util.Uninferable: continue if isinstance(inferredkey, Const) and isinstance(index, Const): if inferredkey.value == index.value: return value raise exceptions.AstroidIndexError(index) def bool_value(self): return bool(self.items) class Expr(Statement): """class representing a Expr node""" _astroid_fields = ('value',) value = None def postinit(self, value=None): self.value = value class Ellipsis(NodeNG): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """class representing an Ellipsis node""" def bool_value(self): return True class EmptyNode(NodeNG): """class representing an EmptyNode node""" object = None class ExceptHandler(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement): """class representing an ExceptHandler node""" _astroid_fields = ('type', 'name', 'body',) type = None name = None body = None # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin; had to use the same name as builtin ast module. def postinit(self, type=None, name=None, body=None): self.type = type self.name = name self.body = body @decorators.cachedproperty def blockstart_tolineno(self): if self.name: return self.name.tolineno elif self.type: return self.type.tolineno return self.lineno def catch(self, exceptions): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name if self.type is None or exceptions is None: return True for node in self.type.nodes_of_class(Name): if node.name in exceptions: return True class Exec(Statement): """class representing an Exec node""" _astroid_fields = ('expr', 'globals', 'locals',) expr = None globals = None locals = None # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin; had to use the same name as builtin ast module. def postinit(self, expr=None, globals=None, locals=None): self.expr = expr self.globals = globals self.locals = locals class ExtSlice(NodeNG): """class representing an ExtSlice node""" _astroid_fields = ('dims',) dims = None def postinit(self, dims=None): self.dims = dims class For(mixins.BlockRangeMixIn, mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement): """class representing a For node""" _astroid_fields = ('target', 'iter', 'body', 'orelse',) target = None iter = None body = None orelse = None # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin; had to use the same name as builtin ast module. def postinit(self, target=None, iter=None, body=None, orelse=None): self.target = target self.iter = iter self.body = body self.orelse = orelse optional_assign = True @decorators.cachedproperty def blockstart_tolineno(self): return self.iter.tolineno class AsyncFor(For): """Asynchronous For built with `async` keyword.""" class Await(NodeNG): """Await node for the `await` keyword.""" _astroid_fields = ('value', ) value = None def postinit(self, value=None): self.value = value class ImportFrom(mixins.ImportFromMixin, Statement): """class representing a ImportFrom node""" _other_fields = ('modname', 'names', 'level') def __init__(self, fromname, names, level=0, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.modname = fromname self.names = names self.level = level super(ImportFrom, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) class Attribute(NodeNG): """class representing a Attribute node""" _astroid_fields = ('expr',) _other_fields = ('attrname',) expr = None def __init__(self, attrname=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.attrname = attrname super(Attribute, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def postinit(self, expr=None): self.expr = expr class Global(Statement): """class representing a Global node""" _other_fields = ('names',) def __init__(self, names, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.names = names super(Global, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def _infer_name(self, frame, name): return name class If(mixins.BlockRangeMixIn, Statement): """class representing an If node""" _astroid_fields = ('test', 'body', 'orelse') test = None body = None orelse = None def postinit(self, test=None, body=None, orelse=None): self.test = test self.body = body self.orelse = orelse @decorators.cachedproperty def blockstart_tolineno(self): return self.test.tolineno def block_range(self, lineno): """handle block line numbers range for if statements""" if lineno == self.body[0].fromlineno: return lineno, lineno if lineno <= self.body[-1].tolineno: return lineno, self.body[-1].tolineno return self._elsed_block_range(lineno, self.orelse, self.body[0].fromlineno - 1) class IfExp(NodeNG): """class representing an IfExp node""" _astroid_fields = ('test', 'body', 'orelse') test = None body = None orelse = None def postinit(self, test=None, body=None, orelse=None): self.test = test self.body = body self.orelse = orelse class Import(mixins.ImportFromMixin, Statement): """class representing an Import node""" _other_fields = ('names',) def __init__(self, names=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.names = names super(Import, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) class Index(NodeNG): """class representing an Index node""" _astroid_fields = ('value',) value = None def postinit(self, value=None): self.value = value class Keyword(NodeNG): """class representing a Keyword node""" _astroid_fields = ('value',) _other_fields = ('arg',) value = None def __init__(self, arg=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.arg = arg super(Keyword, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def postinit(self, value=None): self.value = value class List(_BaseContainer): """class representing a List node""" _other_fields = ('ctx',) def __init__(self, ctx=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.ctx = ctx super(List, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def pytype(self): return '%s.list' % BUILTINS def getitem(self, index, context=None): return _container_getitem(self, self.elts, index, context=context) class Nonlocal(Statement): """class representing a Nonlocal node""" _other_fields = ('names',) def __init__(self, names, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.names = names super(Nonlocal, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def _infer_name(self, frame, name): return name class Pass(Statement): """class representing a Pass node""" class Print(Statement): """class representing a Print node""" _astroid_fields = ('dest', 'values',) dest = None values = None def __init__(self, nl=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.nl = nl super(Print, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def postinit(self, dest=None, values=None): self.dest = dest self.values = values class Raise(Statement): """class representing a Raise node""" exc = None if six.PY2: _astroid_fields = ('exc', 'inst', 'tback') inst = None tback = None def postinit(self, exc=None, inst=None, tback=None): self.exc = exc self.inst = inst self.tback = tback else: _astroid_fields = ('exc', 'cause') exc = None cause = None def postinit(self, exc=None, cause=None): self.exc = exc self.cause = cause def raises_not_implemented(self): if not self.exc: return for name in self.exc.nodes_of_class(Name): if name.name == 'NotImplementedError': return True class Return(Statement): """class representing a Return node""" _astroid_fields = ('value',) value = None def postinit(self, value=None): self.value = value class Set(_BaseContainer): """class representing a Set node""" def pytype(self): return '%s.set' % BUILTINS class Slice(NodeNG): """class representing a Slice node""" _astroid_fields = ('lower', 'upper', 'step') lower = None upper = None step = None def postinit(self, lower=None, upper=None, step=None): self.lower = lower self.upper = upper self.step = step def _wrap_attribute(self, attr): """Wrap the empty attributes of the Slice in a Const node.""" if not attr: const = const_factory(attr) const.parent = self return const return attr @decorators.cachedproperty def _proxied(self): builtins = MANAGER.astroid_cache[BUILTINS] return builtins.getattr('slice')[0] def pytype(self): return '%s.slice' % BUILTINS def igetattr(self, attrname, context=None): if attrname == 'start': yield self._wrap_attribute(self.lower) elif attrname == 'stop': yield self._wrap_attribute(self.upper) elif attrname == 'step': yield self._wrap_attribute(self.step) else: for value in self.getattr(attrname, context=context): yield value def getattr(self, attrname, context=None): return self._proxied.getattr(attrname, context) class Starred(mixins.ParentAssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """class representing a Starred node""" _astroid_fields = ('value',) _other_fields = ('ctx', ) value = None def __init__(self, ctx=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.ctx = ctx super(Starred, self).__init__(lineno=lineno, col_offset=col_offset, parent=parent) def postinit(self, value=None): self.value = value class Subscript(NodeNG): """class representing a Subscript node""" _astroid_fields = ('value', 'slice') _other_fields = ('ctx', ) value = None slice = None def __init__(self, ctx=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.ctx = ctx super(Subscript, self).__init__(lineno=lineno, col_offset=col_offset, parent=parent) # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin; had to use the same name as builtin ast module. def postinit(self, value=None, slice=None): self.value = value self.slice = slice class TryExcept(mixins.BlockRangeMixIn, Statement): """class representing a TryExcept node""" _astroid_fields = ('body', 'handlers', 'orelse',) body = None handlers = None orelse = None def postinit(self, body=None, handlers=None, orelse=None): self.body = body self.handlers = handlers self.orelse = orelse def _infer_name(self, frame, name): return name def block_range(self, lineno): """handle block line numbers range for try/except statements""" last = None for exhandler in self.handlers: if exhandler.type and lineno == exhandler.type.fromlineno: return lineno, lineno if exhandler.body[0].fromlineno <= lineno <= exhandler.body[-1].tolineno: return lineno, exhandler.body[-1].tolineno if last is None: last = exhandler.body[0].fromlineno - 1 return self._elsed_block_range(lineno, self.orelse, last) class TryFinally(mixins.BlockRangeMixIn, Statement): """class representing a TryFinally node""" _astroid_fields = ('body', 'finalbody',) body = None finalbody = None def postinit(self, body=None, finalbody=None): self.body = body self.finalbody = finalbody def block_range(self, lineno): """handle block line numbers range for try/finally statements""" child = self.body[0] # py2.5 try: except: finally: if (isinstance(child, TryExcept) and child.fromlineno == self.fromlineno and lineno > self.fromlineno and lineno <= child.tolineno): return child.block_range(lineno) return self._elsed_block_range(lineno, self.finalbody) class Tuple(_BaseContainer): """class representing a Tuple node""" _other_fields = ('ctx',) def __init__(self, ctx=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.ctx = ctx super(Tuple, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def pytype(self): return '%s.tuple' % BUILTINS def getitem(self, index, context=None): return _container_getitem(self, self.elts, index, context=context) class UnaryOp(NodeNG): """class representing an UnaryOp node""" _astroid_fields = ('operand',) _other_fields = ('op',) operand = None def __init__(self, op=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): self.op = op super(UnaryOp, self).__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def postinit(self, operand=None): self.operand = operand # This is set by inference.py def _infer_unaryop(self, context=None): raise NotImplementedError def type_errors(self, context=None): """Return a list of TypeErrors which can occur during inference. Each TypeError is represented by a :class:`BadUnaryOperationMessage`, which holds the original exception. """ try: results = self._infer_unaryop(context=context) return [result for result in results if isinstance(result, util.BadUnaryOperationMessage)] except exceptions.InferenceError: return [] class While(mixins.BlockRangeMixIn, Statement): """class representing a While node""" _astroid_fields = ('test', 'body', 'orelse',) test = None body = None orelse = None def postinit(self, test=None, body=None, orelse=None): self.test = test self.body = body self.orelse = orelse @decorators.cachedproperty def blockstart_tolineno(self): return self.test.tolineno def block_range(self, lineno): """handle block line numbers range for and while statements""" return self. _elsed_block_range(lineno, self.orelse) class With(mixins.BlockRangeMixIn, mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement): """class representing a With node""" _astroid_fields = ('items', 'body') items = None body = None def postinit(self, items=None, body=None): self.items = items self.body = body @decorators.cachedproperty def blockstart_tolineno(self): return self.items[-1][0].tolineno def get_children(self): for expr, var in self.items: yield expr if var: yield var for elt in self.body: yield elt class AsyncWith(With): """Asynchronous `with` built with the `async` keyword.""" class Yield(NodeNG): """class representing a Yield node""" _astroid_fields = ('value',) value = None def postinit(self, value=None): self.value = value class YieldFrom(Yield): """ Class representing a YieldFrom node. """ class DictUnpack(NodeNG): """Represents the unpacking of dicts into dicts using PEP 448.""" class FormattedValue(NodeNG): """Represents a PEP 498 format string.""" _astroid_fields = ('value', 'format_spec') value = None conversion = None format_spec = None def postinit(self, value, conversion=None, format_spec=None): self.value = value self.conversion = conversion self.format_spec = format_spec class JoinedStr(NodeNG): """Represents a list of string expressions to be joined.""" _astroid_fields = ('values',) values = None def postinit(self, values=None): self.values = values class Unknown(NodeNG): '''This node represents a node in a constructed AST where introspection is not possible. At the moment, it's only used in the args attribute of FunctionDef nodes where function signature introspection failed. ''' def infer(self, context=None, **kwargs): '''Inference on an Unknown node immediately terminates.''' yield util.Uninferable # constants ############################################################## CONST_CLS = { list: List, tuple: Tuple, dict: Dict, set: Set, type(None): Const, type(NotImplemented): Const, } def _update_const_classes(): """update constant classes, so the keys of CONST_CLS can be reused""" klasses = (bool, int, float, complex, str) if six.PY2: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable klasses += (unicode, long) klasses += (bytes,) for kls in klasses: CONST_CLS[kls] = Const _update_const_classes() def _two_step_initialization(cls, value): instance = cls() instance.postinit(value) return instance def _dict_initialization(cls, value): if isinstance(value, dict): value = tuple(value.items()) return _two_step_initialization(cls, value) _CONST_CLS_CONSTRUCTORS = { List: _two_step_initialization, Tuple: _two_step_initialization, Dict: _dict_initialization, Set: _two_step_initialization, Const: lambda cls, value: cls(value) } def const_factory(value): """return an astroid node for a python value""" # XXX we should probably be stricter here and only consider stuff in # CONST_CLS or do better treatment: in case where value is not in CONST_CLS, # we should rather recall the builder on this value than returning an empty # node (another option being that const_factory shouldn't be called with something # not in CONST_CLS) assert not isinstance(value, NodeNG) # Hack for ignoring elements of a sequence # or a mapping, in order to avoid transforming # each element to an AST. This is fixed in 2.0 # and this approach is a temporary hack. if isinstance(value, (list, set, tuple, dict)): elts = [] else: elts = value try: initializer_cls = CONST_CLS[value.__class__] initializer = _CONST_CLS_CONSTRUCTORS[initializer_cls] return initializer(initializer_cls, elts) except (KeyError, AttributeError): node = EmptyNode() node.object = value return node # Backward-compatibility aliases Backquote = util.proxy_alias('Backquote', Repr) Discard = util.proxy_alias('Discard', Expr) AssName = util.proxy_alias('AssName', AssignName) AssAttr = util.proxy_alias('AssAttr', AssignAttr) Getattr = util.proxy_alias('Getattr', Attribute) CallFunc = util.proxy_alias('CallFunc', Call) From = util.proxy_alias('From', ImportFrom)