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Simplified higher-level Python binding for D-Bus on top of dbussy.
Provides a framework for dispatching method and signal calls, and also
for on-the-fly invocation of method calls in the server from the
client using proxy objects, all with the option of running via an
asyncio event loop.
# Copyright 2017-2020 Lawrence D'Oliveiro <>.
# Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later.
import enum
from weakref import \
ref as weak_ref, \
import asyncio
import atexit
import dbussy as dbus
from dbussy import \
# High-level bus connection
class ErrorReturn(Exception) :
"Dispatch handlers can raise this to report an error that will be returned" \
" in a message back to the other end of the connection."
def __init__(self, name, message) :
self.args = (name, message)
#end __init__
def as_error(self) :
"fills in and returns an Error object that reports the specified error name and message."
result = dbus.Error.init()
result.set(self.args[0], self.args[1])
return \
#end as_error
#end ErrorReturn
def _signal_key(fallback, interface, name) :
# constructs a key for the signal-listener dictionary from the
# given args.
return \
(fallback, interface, name)
#end _signal_key
def _signal_rule(path, fallback, interface, name) :
# constructs a D-Bus match rule from the given args.
return \
dbus.format_rule \
"type" : "signal",
("path", "path_namespace")[fallback] : dbus.unsplit_path(path),
"interface" : interface,
"member" : name,
#end _signal_rule
class _DispatchNode :
__slots__ = ("children", "signal_listeners")
class _Interface :
__slots__ = ("interface", "fallback", "listening")
def __init__(self, interface, fallback) :
self.interface = interface
self.fallback = fallback
self.listening = set() # of match rule strings
#end __init
#end _Interface
def __init__(self) :
self.children = {} # dict of path component => _DispatchNode
self.signal_listeners = {} # dict of _signal_key() => list of functions
#end __init__
def is_empty(self) :
return \
len(self.children) == 0
len(self.signal_listeners) == 0
#end _is_empty
#end _DispatchNode
class _ClientDispatchNode(_DispatchNode) :
__slots__ = ()
def __init__(self, bus) :
# bus arg ignored, only accepted for compatibility with _ServerDispatchNode
#end __init__
#end _ClientDispatchNode
class _ServerDispatchNode(_DispatchNode) :
__slots__ = ("interfaces", "user_data")
class _UserDataDict(dict) :
# for holding user data, does automatic cleaning up of object
# tree as items are removed.
__slots__ = ("_ravel_bus",)
def __init__(self, bus) :
self._ravel_bus = weak_ref(bus)
#end __init
def __delitem__(self, key) :
if len(self) == 0 :
bus = self._ravel_bus()
assert bus != None, "parent Connection has gone"
#end if
#end __delitem__
#end _UserDataDict
def __init__(self, bus) :
self.interfaces = {} # dict of interface name => _Interface
self.user_data = self._UserDataDict(bus) # for caller use
#end __init__
def is_empty(self) :
return \
len(self.interfaces) == 0
len(self.user_data) == 0
#end is_empty
#end _ServerDispatchNode
class _UserData :
__slots__ = ("_w_conn",)
def __init__(self, conn) :
self._w_conn = weak_ref(conn)
#end __init__
def conn(self) :
result = self._w_conn()
assert result != None
return \
#end conn
def __getitem__(self, path) :
node = self.conn._get_dispatch_node(path, True, True)
return \
#end __getitem__
#end _UserData
class Connection(dbus.TaskKeeper) :
"higher-level wrapper around dbussy.Connection. Do not instantiate directly: use" \
" the session_bus() and system_bus() calls in this module, or obtain from accepting" \
" connections on a Server().\n" \
"\n" \
"This class provides various functions, some more suited to client-side use and" \
" some more suitable to the server side. Allows for registering of @interface()" \
" classes for automatic dispatching of method calls at appropriate points in" \
" the object hierarchy."
__slots__ = \
) # to forestall typos
_instances = WeakValueDictionary()
def __new__(celf, connection, direct_connect) :
# always return the same Connection for the same dbus.Connection.
if not isinstance(connection, dbus.Connection) :
raise TypeError("connection must be a Connection")
#end if
self = celf._instances.get(connection)
if self == None :
self = super().__new__(celf)
self.connection = connection
self.loop = connection.loop
self.notify_delay = 0
self._client_dispatch = None # for signal listeners
self._server_dispatch = None # for registered classes that field method calls
self._managed_objects = None
self._direct_connect = direct_connect
unique_name = connection.bus_unique_name
if direct_connect :
assert unique_name == None, "connection already registered"
self.bus_names_acquired = None
self.bus_names_pending = None
else :
assert unique_name != None, "connection not yet registered"
self.bus_names_acquired = {unique_name}
self.bus_names_pending = set()
#end if
self._registered_bus_names_listeners = False
self._props_changed = None
self._objects_added = None
self._objects_removed = None
self._bus_name_acquired_action = None
self._bus_name_acquired_action_arg = None
self._bus_name_lost_action = None
self._bus_name_lost_action_arg = None
self.user_data = _UserData(self)
celf._instances[connection] = self
for interface in \
) \
self.register \
path = "/",
interface = interface(),
fallback = True
#end for
else :
assert self._direct_connect == direct_connect
#end if
return \
#end __new__
def __del__(self) :
# Note: if remove_listeners refers directly to outer “self",
# then Connection object is not disposed immediately. Passing
# reference as explicit arg seems to fix this.
def remove_listeners(self, is_server, level, path) :
for node, child in level.children.items() :
remove_listeners(self, is_server, child, path + [node])
#end for
if not self._direct_connect :
if is_server :
for interface in level.interfaces.values() :
for rulestr in interface.listening :
ignore = dbus.Error.init()
self.connection.bus_remove_match(rulestr, ignore)
#end for
#end for
#end if
for rulekey in level.signal_listeners :
fallback, interface, name = rulekey
ignore = dbus.Error.init()
self.connection.bus_remove_match \
_signal_rule(path, fallback, interface, name),
#end for
#end if
#end remove_listeners
#begin __del__
if self.connection != None :
if self._server_dispatch != None :
remove_listeners(self, True, self._server_dispatch, [])
#end if
if self._client_dispatch != None :
remove_listeners(self, False, self._client_dispatch, [])
#end if
self.connection = None
#end if
#end __del__
def attach_asyncio(self, loop = None) :
"attaches this Connection object to an asyncio event loop. If none is" \
" specified, the default event loop (as returned from asyncio.get_event_loop()" \
" is used."
self.loop = self.connection.loop
return \
#end attach_asyncio
def _bus_name_acquired(conn, msg, w_self) :
# internal callback which keeps track of bus names and dispatches
# to user-specified action.
self = w_self()
assert self != None
assert not self._direct_connect, "shouldnt be acquiring bus names on direct server connection"
bus_name = msg.expect_objects("s")[0]
if bus_name not in self.bus_names_acquired :
if self._bus_name_acquired_action != None :
result = self._bus_name_acquired_action(self, bus_name, self._bus_name_acquired_action_arg)
if asyncio.iscoroutine(result) :
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end _bus_name_acquired
def _bus_name_lost(conn, msg, w_self) :
# internal callback which keeps track of bus names and dispatches
# to user-specified action.
self = w_self()
assert self != None
assert not self._direct_connect, "shouldnt be losing bus names on direct server connection"
bus_name = msg.expect_objects("s")[0]
if bus_name in self.bus_names_acquired :
if self._bus_name_lost_action != None :
result = self._bus_name_lost_action(self, bus_name, self._bus_name_lost_action_arg)
if asyncio.iscoroutine(result) :
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end _bus_name_lost
def set_bus_name_acquired_action(self, action, action_arg) :
"sets the action (if not None) to be called on receiving a bus-name-acquired" \
" signal. action is invoked as\n" \
"\n" \
" action(conn, bus_name, action_arg)\n" \
"\n" \
"where conn is the Connection object and bus_name is the name."
assert not self._direct_connect, "cannot acquire bus names on direct server connection"
self._bus_name_acquired_action = action
self._bus_name_acquired_action_arg = action_arg
#end set_bus_name_acquired_action
def set_bus_name_lost_action(self, action, action_arg) :
"sets the action (if not None) to be called on receiving a bus-name-lost" \
" signal. action is invoked as\n" \
"\n" \
" action(conn, bus_name, action_arg)\n" \
"\n" \
"where conn is the Connection object and bus_name is the name."
assert not self._direct_connect, "cannot acquire bus names on direct server connection"
self._bus_name_lost_action = action
self._bus_name_lost_action_arg = action_arg
#end set_bus_name_lost_action
def request_name(self, bus_name, flags) :
"registers a bus name."
assert not self._direct_connect, "cannot register bus names on direct server connection"
if not self._registered_bus_names_listeners :
self.connection.bus_add_match_action \
rule = "type=signal,interface=org.freedesktop.DBus,member=NameAcquired",
func = self._bus_name_acquired,
user_data = weak_ref(self)
self.connection.bus_add_match_action \
rule = "type=signal,interface=org.freedesktop.DBus,member=NameLost",
func = self._bus_name_lost,
user_data = weak_ref(self)
self._registered_bus_names_listeners = True
#end if
return \
self.connection.bus_request_name(bus_name, flags)
#end request_name
async def request_name_async(self, bus_name, flags, error = None, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"registers a bus name."
assert not self._direct_connect, "cannot register bus names on direct server connection"
assert self.loop != None, "no event loop to attach coroutine to"
if not self._registered_bus_names_listeners :
self._registered_bus_names_listeners = True # do first in case of reentrant call
await self.connection.bus_add_match_action_async \
rule = "type=signal,interface=org.freedesktop.DBus,member=NameAcquired",
func = self._bus_name_acquired,
user_data = weak_ref(self)
await self.connection.bus_add_match_action_async \
rule = "type=signal,interface=org.freedesktop.DBus,member=NameLost",
func = self._bus_name_lost,
user_data = weak_ref(self)
#end if
is_acquired = bus_name in self.bus_names_acquired
is_pending = bus_name in self.bus_names_pending
if not (is_acquired or is_pending) :
result = await self.connection.bus_request_name_async(bus_name, flags, error = error, timeout = timeout)
if error != None and error.is_set or result != DBUS.REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_IN_QUEUE :
#end if
elif is_pending :
else :
#end if
return \
#end request_name_async
def release_name(self, bus_name) :
"releases a registered bus name."
assert not self._direct_connect, "cannot register bus names on direct server connection"
return \
#end release_name
async def release_name_async(self, bus_name, error = None, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"releases a registered bus name."
assert not self._direct_connect, "cannot register bus names on direct server connection"
assert self.loop != None, "no event loop to attach coroutine to"
return \
await self.connection.bus_release_name_async(bus_name, error = error, timeout = timeout)
#end release_name_async
def _trim_dispatch(self, is_server) :
# removes empty subtrees from the object tree.
def trim_dispatch_node(level) :
to_delete = set()
for node, child in level.children.items() :
if child.is_empty :
#end if
#end for
for node in to_delete :
del level.children[node]
#end for
#end trim_dispatch_node
#begin _trim_dispatch
dispatch = (self._client_dispatch, self._server_dispatch)[is_server]
if dispatch != None :
if dispatch.is_empty :
if is_server :
self._server_dispatch = None
else :
self._client_dispatch = None
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end _trim_dispatch
def _get_dispatch_node(self, path, is_server, create_if) :
# returns the appropriate _DispatchNode entry in the
# client or server dispatch tree (depending on is_server) for
# the specified path, or None if no such and not create_if.
if create_if :
if is_server and self._server_dispatch == None :
self._server_dispatch = _ServerDispatchNode(self)
elif not is_server and self._client_dispatch == None :
self._client_dispatch = _ClientDispatchNode(self)
#end if
#end if
level = (self._client_dispatch, self._server_dispatch)[is_server]
DispatchNode = (_ClientDispatchNode, _ServerDispatchNode)[is_server]
if level != None :
levels = iter(dbus.split_path(path))
while True :
component = next(levels, None)
if component == None :
break # found if level != None
if component not in level.children :
if not create_if :
level = None
#end if
level.children[component] = DispatchNode(self)
#end if
level = level.children[component]
# search another step down the path
#end while
#end if
return \
#end _get_dispatch_node
def _remove_matches(self, dispatch) :
if not self._direct_connect :
for rulestr in dispatch.listening :
ignore = dbus.Error.init()
self.connection.bus_remove_match(rulestr, ignore)
#end for
#end if
#end _remove_matches
def register_additional_standard(self, **kwargs) :
"registers additional standard interfaces that are not automatically" \
" installed at Connection creation time. Currently the only one is" \
" the object-manager interface, registered with\n" \
"\n" \
" «conn».register_additional_standard(managed_objects = True)\n"
for key in kwargs :
if kwargs[key] :
if key == "managed_objects" :
if self._managed_objects != None :
raise asyncio.InvalidStateError \
"object manager interface already registered"
#end if
self.register \
path = "/",
interface = ManagedObjectsHandler(),
fallback = True
self._managed_objects = {}
else :
raise TypeError("unrecognized argument keyword “%s" % key)
#end if
#end if
#end for
return \
#end register_additional_standard
def register(self, path, fallback, interface, replace = True) :
"for server-side use; registers the specified instance of an @interface()" \
" class for handling method calls on the specified path, and also on subpaths" \
" if fallback."
if is_interface_instance(interface) :
iface_type = type(interface)
elif is_interface(interface) :
# assume can instantiate without arguments
iface_type = interface
interface = iface_type()
else :
raise TypeError("interface must be an @interface() class or instance thereof")
#end if
if self._server_dispatch == None :
self._server_dispatch = _ServerDispatchNode(self)
self.connection.add_filter(_message_interface_dispatch, weak_ref(self))
#end if
level = self._server_dispatch
for component in dbus.split_path(path) :
if component not in level.children :
level.children[component] = _ServerDispatchNode(self)
#end if
level = level.children[component]
#end for
interface_name = iface_type._interface_name
if interface_name in level.interfaces :
entry = level.interfaces[interface_name]
existing_kind = type(entry.interface)._interface_kind
if not replace or existing_kind != iface_type._interface_kind :
raise KeyError \
"already registered an interface named “%s” of kind %s"
(interface_name, existing_kind)
#end if
#end if
entry = _ServerDispatchNode._Interface(interface, fallback)
if iface_type._interface_kind != INTERFACE.SERVER and not self._direct_connect :
signals = iface_type._interface_signals
for name in signals :
if not iface_type._interface_signals[name]._signal_info["stub"] :
rulestr = _signal_rule(path, fallback, interface_name, name)
#end if
#end for
#end for
level.interfaces[interface_name] = entry
#end register
def unregister(self, path, interface = None) :
"for server-side use; unregisters the specified interface class (or all" \
" registered interface classes, if None) from handling method calls on path."
if interface != None :
if is_interface_instance(interface) :
interface = type(interface)
elif not is_interface(interface) :
raise TypeError("interface must be None or an @interface() class or instance thereof")
#end if
#end if
if self._server_dispatch != None :
level = self._server_dispatch
levels = iter(dbus.split_path(path))
while True :
component = next(levels, None)
if component == None :
if interface != None :
interfaces = {interface._interface_name}
else :
interfaces = set(level.interfaces.keys())
#end if
for iface_name in interfaces :
del level.interfaces[iface_name]
#end for
#end if
if component not in level.children :
level = level.children[component]
#end while
#end if
#end unregister
def listen_signal(self, path, fallback, interface, name, func) :
"for client-side use; registers a callback which will be invoked when a" \
" signal is received for the specified path, interface and name."
if not hasattr(func, "_signal_info") :
raise TypeError("callback must have @signal() decorator applied")
#end if
signal_info = func._signal_info
entry = self._get_dispatch_node(path, False, True)
# Should I bother to check it matches a registered interface and
# defined signal therein?
# Also, should I pay any attention to signal_info["name"]? Perhaps
# default if name arg is None?
listeners = entry.signal_listeners
rulekey = _signal_key(fallback, interface, name)
if rulekey not in listeners :
if not self._direct_connect :
self.connection.bus_add_match(_signal_rule(path, fallback, interface, name))
#end if
listeners[rulekey] = []
#end if
#end listen_signal
def unlisten_signal(self, path, fallback, interface, name, func) :
"for client-side use; unregisters a previously-registered callback" \
" which would have been invoked when a signal is received for the" \
" specified path, interface and name."
entry = self._get_dispatch_node(path, False, False)
if entry != None :
signal_listeners = entry.signal_listeners
rulekey = _signal_key(fallback, interface, name)
if rulekey in signal_listeners :
listeners = signal_listeners[rulekey]
try :
except ValueError :
#end try
if len(listeners) == 0 :
if not self._direct_connect :
ignore = dbus.Error.init()
self.connection.bus_remove_match \
_signal_rule(path, fallback, interface, name),
#end if
del signal_listeners[rulekey]
# as a note to myself that I will need to call bus_add_match
# if a new listener is added
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end unlisten_signal
def listen_propchanged(self, path, fallback, interface, func) :
"special case of Connection.listen_signal specifically for listening" \
" for properties-changed signals. The interface is ignored for now;" \
" your listener will have to check for matches on this itself."
self.listen_signal \
path = path,
fallback = fallback,
name = "PropertiesChanged",
func = func,
#end listen_propchanged
def unlisten_propchanged(self, path, fallback, interface, func) :
"special case of Connection.unlisten_signal specifically for listening" \
" for properties-changed signals. The interface is ignored for now;" \
" your listener has to check for matches on this itself."
self.unlisten_signal \
path = path,
fallback = fallback,
name = "PropertiesChanged",
func = func,
#end unlisten_propchanged
def listen_objects_added(self, func) :
self.listen_signal \
path = "/",
fallback = True,
name = "InterfacesAdded",
func = func,
#end listen_objects_added
def unlisten_objects_added(self, func) :
self.unlisten_signal \
path = "/",
fallback = True,
name = "InterfacesAdded",
func = func,
#end unlisten_objects_added
def listen_objects_removed(self, func) :
self.listen_signal \
path = "/",
fallback = True,
name = "InterfacesRemoved",
func = func,
#end listen_objects_removed
def unlisten_objects_removed(self, func) :
self.unlisten_signal \
path = "/",
fallback = True,
name = "InterfacesRemoved",
func = func,
#end unlisten_objects_removed
def get_dispatch_interface(self, path, interface_name) :
"returns the appropriate instance of a previously-registered interface" \
" class for handling calls to the specified interface name for the" \
" specified object path, or None if no such."
fallback = None # to begin with
level = self._server_dispatch
if level != None :
levels = iter(dbus.split_path(path))
while True :
component = next(levels, None)
if (
interface_name in level.interfaces
(level.interfaces[interface_name].fallback or component == None)
) :
iface = level.interfaces[interface_name].interface
else :
iface = fallback
#end if
if (
component == None
# reached bottom of path
component not in level.children
# no handlers to be found further down path
) :
#end if
fallback = iface
level = level.children[component]
# search another step down the path
#end while
else :
iface = None
#end if
return \
#end get_dispatch_interface
def _get_iface_entry(self, path, interface, name, namekind) :
iface = self.get_dispatch_interface(path, interface)
if iface == None :
raise TypeError \
"no suitable interface %s for object %s" % (interface, dbus.unsplit_path(path))
#end if
iface_type = type(iface)
if iface_type._interface_kind == (INTERFACE.SERVER, INTERFACE.CLIENT)[namekind == "signal"] :
raise TypeError \
"cannot send %s call from %s side"
(("method", "server"), ("signal", "client"))[namekind == "signal"]
#end if
lookup = getattr \
"method" : "_interface_methods",
"signal" : "_interface_signals",
"property" : "_interface_props",
if name not in lookup :
raise KeyError \
"name “%s” is not a %s of interface “%s" % (name, namekind, interface)
#end if
return \
#end _get_iface_entry
def _notify_props_changed(self) :
# callback that is queued on the event loop to actually send the
# properties-changed notification signals.
if self._props_changed != None :
done = set()
now = self.loop.time()
for key in self._props_changed :
entry = self._props_changed[key]
path, interface = key
if entry["at"] <= now :
self.send_signal \
path = path,
name = "PropertiesChanged",
args = (interface, entry["changed"], sorted(entry["invalidated"]))
#end if
#end for
for key in done :
del self._props_changed[key]
#end for
if len(self._props_changed) == 0 :
# all done for now
self._props_changed = None # indicates I am not pending to be called any more
else :
# another notification waiting to be sent later
next_time = min(entry["at"] for entry in self._props_changed.values())
self.loop.call_at(next_time, self._notify_props_changed)
#end if
#end if
#end _notify_props_changed
def _get_all_my_props(self, message, path, interface_name) :
# utility wrapper that retrieves all property values for the specified
# object path defined by the specified interface. Returns two results:
# property values, and list of (propname, coroutine) tuples for async
# propgetters. Could raise ErrorReturn if a propgetter does so.
dispatch = self.get_dispatch_interface(path, interface_name)
props = type(dispatch)._interface_props
propnames = iter(props.keys())
properror = None
propvalues = {}
to_await = []
while True :
propname = next(propnames, None)
if propname == None :
propentry = props[propname]
if "getter" in propentry :
getter = getattr(dispatch, propentry["getter"].__name__)
kwargs = {}
for keyword_keyword, value in \
("name_keyword", lambda : propname),
("connection_keyword", lambda : self.connection),
("message_keyword", lambda : message),
("path_keyword", lambda : path),
("bus_keyword", lambda : bus),
) \
if getter._propgetter_info[keyword_keyword] != None :
value = value()
if value == None :
raise ValueError \
"getter for prop “%s” expects a %s arg but"
" no value supplied for that"
(propname, keyword_keyword)
#end if
kwargs[getter._propgetter_info[keyword_keyword]] = value
#end if
#end for
propvalue = getter(**kwargs)
# could raise ErrorReturn
if asyncio.iscoroutine(propvalue) :
if self.loop == None :
raise TypeError \
"not expecting getter for prop “%s” to be coroutine" % propname
#end if
to_await.append((propname, propvalue))
#end if
propvalues[propname] = (propentry["type"], propvalue)
#end if
#end for
return \
propvalues, to_await
#end _get_all_my_props
def prop_changed(self, path, interface, propname, proptype, propvalue) :
"indicates that a signal should be sent notifying of a change to the specified" \
" property of the specified object path in the specified interface. propvalue" \
" is either the new value to be included in the signal, or None to indicate" \
" that the property has merely become invalidated, and its new value needs" \
" to be obtained explicitly.\n" \
"\n" \
"If there is an event loop attached, then multiple calls to this with different" \
" properties on the same path and interface can be batched up into a single" \
" signal notification."
assert (proptype != None) == (propvalue != None), \
"either specify both of proptype and propvalue, or neither"
if self.loop != None :
queue_task = False
if self._props_changed == None :
self._props_changed = {}
queue_task = True
#end if
key = (dbus.unsplit_path(path), interface)
if key not in self._props_changed :
self._props_changed[key] = \
"at" : self.loop.time() + self.notify_delay,
"changed" : {},
"invalidated" : set(),
#end if
if propvalue != None :
self._props_changed[key]["changed"][propname] = (proptype, propvalue)
else :
#end if
if queue_task :
if self.notify_delay != 0 :
self.loop.call_later(self.notify_delay, self._notify_props_changed)
else :
#end if
#end if
else :
# cannot batch them up--send message immediately
changed = {}
invalidated = []
if propvalue != None :
changed[propname] = (proptype, propvalue)
else :
#end if
self.send_signal \
path = path,
name = "PropertiesChanged",
args = (interface, changed, invalidated)
#end if
#end prop_changed
def _notify_objects_added(self) :
# callback that is queued on the event loop to actually send the
# objects-added notification signals.
if self._objects_added != None :
notify_again = None
if self.loop != None :
now = self.loop.time()
else :
now = None
#end if
paths_to_delete = set()
for path in sorted(self._objects_added.keys()) :
entry = self._objects_added[path]
added = {}
for interface, iface_entry in entry.items() :
when = iface_entry["at"]
if when == None or when <= now :
added[interface] = iface_entry["props"]
else :
if notify_again == None :
notify_again = when
else :
notify_again = min(notify_again, when)
#end if
#end if
#end for
if len(added) != 0 :
self.send_signal \
path = path,
name = "InterfacesAdded",
args = (path, added)
for interface in added :
del entry[interface]
#end for
#end if
if len(entry) == 0 :
#end if
#end for
for path in paths_to_delete :
del self._objects_added[path]
#end for
if len(self._objects_added) == 0 :
self._objects_added = None
#end if
if notify_again != None :
self.loop.call_later(notify_again - now, self._notify_objects_added)
#end if
#end if
#end _notify_objects_added
def _notify_objects_removed(self) :
# callback that is queued on the event loop to actually send the
# objects-removed notification signals.
if self._objects_removed != None :
notify_again = None
if self.loop != None :
now = self.loop.time()
else :
now = None
#end if
paths_to_delete = set()
for path in sorted(self._objects_removed.keys()) :
entry = self._objects_removed[path]
removed = set()
for interface in entry :
when = entry[interface]["at"]
if when == None or when <= now :
else :
if notify_again == None :
notify_again = when
else :
notify_again = min(notify_again, when)
#end if
#end if
#end for
if len(removed) != 0 :
self.send_signal \
path = path,
name = "InterfacesRemoved",
args = (path, sorted(removed))
for interface in removed :
del entry[interface]
#end for
#end if
if len(entry) == 0 :
#end if
#end for
for path in paths_to_delete :
del self._objects_removed[path]
#end for
if len(self._objects_removed) == 0 :
self._objects_removed = None
#end if
if notify_again != None :
self.loop.call_later(notify_again - now, self._notify_objects_removed)
#end if
#end if
#end _notify_objects_removed
def find_interfaces_for_object(self, path) :
"returns a dict of interfaces, keyed by name, applicable to the" \
" given object path."
level = self._server_dispatch
result = {}
if level != None :
levels = iter(dbus.split_path(path))
while True :
component = next(levels, None)
for interface_name, interface in level.interfaces.items() :
if component == None or interface.fallback :
result[interface_name] = interface.interface
# Note that a fallback entry might be replaced
# by a more specific one further down the path.
#end if
#end for
if (
component == None
# reached bottom of path
component not in level.children
# no handlers to be found further down path
) :
#end if
level = level.children[component]
# search another step down the path
#end while
#end if
return \
#end find_interfaces_for_object
def object_added(self, path, interfaces_and_props = None) :
"Call this to send an ObjectManager notification about the addition of" \
" the specified interfaces and property values to the specified object" \
" path. The ObjectManager interface must already have been registered on" \
" this Connection, by calling" \
" «conn».register_additional_standard(managed_objects = True)."
added_entry = None
to_await = []
queue_task = False
notify_when = None
def queue_notify(deferred) :
if queue_task :
if deferred :
delay = notify_when - self.loop.time()
else :
delay = self.notify_delay
#end if
if delay > 0 :
self.loop.call_later(delay, self._notify_objects_added)
else :
#end if
#end if
#end queue_notify
async def await_propvalues() :
nonlocal queue_task
for path, interface_name, propname, fute in to_await :
propvalue = await fute # dont trap ErrorReturn
propvalues = added_entry[interface_name]["props"]
propvalues[propname] = (propvalues[propname][0], propvalue)
#end for
if self._objects_added == None : # might have happened in meantime
self._objects_added = {}
queue_task = True
#end if
self._objects_added[path] = added_entry # all prop values now complete
#end await_propvalues
#begin object_added
path = dbus.unsplit_path(path)
if self._managed_objects == None :
raise RuntimeError("ObjectManager interface needs to be registered on this Connection")
#end if
if interfaces_and_props == None :
# get all applicable interface names, props will be retrieved below
intfs = self.find_interfaces_for_object(path)
interfaces_and_props = dict \
(iface_name, None)
for iface_name in intfs
if len(intfs[iface_name]._interface_props) != 0
#end if
if path in self._managed_objects :
obj_entry = self._managed_objects[path]
else :
obj_entry = set()
self._managed_objects[path] = obj_entry
#end if
if self._objects_added == None :
self._objects_added = {}
queue_task = True
#end if
if path in self._objects_added :
added_entry = self._objects_added[path]
else :
added_entry = {}
#end if
if self.loop != None :
notify_when = self.loop.time() + self.notify_delay
else :
notify_when = None
#end if
for interface, props in interfaces_and_props.items() :
if props != None :
added_props = {}
for propname, propvalue in props.items() :
if not isinstance(propvalue, (list, tuple)) or len(propvalue) != 2 :
raise TypeError \
"value for property “%s” must be (type, value) pair" % propname
#end if
proptype = dbus.parse_single_signature(propvalue[0])
propvalue = proptype.validate(propvalue[1])
proptype = dbus.unparse_signature(proptype)
added_props[propname] = (proptype, propvalue)
#end for
else :
added_props, await_props = self._get_all_my_props(None, path, interface)
# propgetters should not expect a message arg
for propname, propvalue in await_props :
to_await.append((path, interface, propname, propvalue))
#end for
#end if
added_entry[interface] = \
"at" : notify_when,
"props" : added_props,
#end for
if len(to_await) == 0 :
self._objects_added[path] = added_entry # all prop values complete
#end if
if self.loop != None :
if len(to_await) != 0 :
else :
#end if
else :
# cannot queue, notify immediately
#end if
#end object_added
def object_removed(self, path, interfaces = None) :
"Call this to send an ObjectManager notification about the removal of the" \
" specified set/sequence of interfaces from the specified object path. The" \
" ObjectManager interface must already have been registered on this Connection," \
" by calling «conn».register_additional_standard(managed_objects = True)."
path = dbus.unsplit_path(path)
if self._managed_objects == None :
raise RuntimeError("ObjectManager interface not registered on this Connection")
#end if
queue_task = False
if self._objects_removed == None :
self._objects_removed = {}
queue_task = True
#end if
if self._objects_added != None :
added_entry = self._objects_added.get(path)
else :
added_entry = None
#end if
obj_entry = self._managed_objects[path]
if path in self._objects_removed :
removed_entry = self._objects_removed[path]
else :
removed_entry = {}
self._objects_removed[path] = removed_entry
#end if
if self.loop != None :
when = self.loop.time() + self.notify_delay
else :
when = None
#end if
if interfaces == None :
intfs = self.find_interfaces_for_object(path)
interfaces = set \
for iface_name in intfs
if len(intfs[iface_name]._interface_props) != 0
#end if
for interface in interfaces :
if added_entry != None and interface in added_entry :
# object-added notification was never sent, just cancel
# it and dont send object-removed notification
del added_entry[interface]
else :
removed_entry[interface] = {"at" : when}
#end if
if self._props_changed != None :
props_key = (path, interface)
if self._props_changed != None and props_key in self._props_changed :
# cancel pending properties-changed notification
del self._props_changed[key]
if len(self._props_changed) == 0 :
self._props_changed = None
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end for
if len(obj_entry) == 0 :
del self._managed_objects[path]
#end if
if added_entry != None and len(added_entry) == 0 :
del self._objects_added[path]
if len(self._objects_added) == 0 :
self._objects_added = None
#end if
#end if
if len(removed_entry) != 0 :
if self.loop != None :
if queue_task :
if self.notify_delay != 0 :
self.loop.call_later(self.notify_delay, self._notify_objects_removed)
else :
#end if
#end if
else :
# cannot queue, notify immediately
#end if
#end if
#end object_removed
def send_signal(self, *, path, interface, name, args) :
"intended for server-side use: sends a signal with the specified" \
" interface and name from the specified object path. There must" \
" already be a registered interface instance with that name which" \
" defines that signal for that path."
call_info = self._get_iface_entry(path, interface, name, "signal")._signal_info
message = dbus.Message.new_signal \
path = dbus.unsplit_path(path),
iface = interface,
name = name
message.append_objects(call_info["in_signature"], *args)
#end send_signal
def introspect(self, destination, path, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"sends an Introspect request to the specified bus name and object path," \
" and returns the resulting parsed Introspection structure."
message = dbus.Message.new_method_call \
destination = destination,
path = dbus.unsplit_path(path),
method = "Introspect"
reply = self.connection.send_with_reply_and_block(message, timeout)
return \
#end introspect
async def introspect_async(self, destination, path, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"sends an Introspect request to the specified bus name and object path," \
" and returns the resulting parsed Introspection structure."
assert self.loop != None, "no event loop to attach coroutine to"
message = dbus.Message.new_method_call \
destination = destination,
path = dbus.unsplit_path(path),
method = "Introspect"
reply = await self.connection.send_await_reply(message, timeout)
return \
#end introspect_async
def __getitem__(self, bus_name) :
"for client-side use; lets you obtain references to bus peers by" \
" looking up their names in this Connection object as though it" \
" were a mapping."
return \
BusPeer(self, bus_name)
#end __getitem__
def get_proxy_object(self, bus_name, path) :
"for client-side use; returns a BusPeer.Object instance for communicating" \
" with a specified server object. You can then call get_interface" \
" on the result to create an interface object that can be used to" \
" call any method defined on the server by that interface."
return \
BusPeer(self, bus_name)[path]
#end get_proxy_object
def get_proxy_interface(self, destination, path, interface, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"sends an Introspect request to the specified bus name and object path" \
" (if interface is not an Interface object or the name of one of the standard" \
" interfaces), and generates a client-side proxy interface for that interface."
if isinstance(interface, Introspection.Interface) :
definition = interface
interface =
elif isinstance(interface, str) :
if interface in dbus.standard_interfaces :
definition = dbus.standard_interfaces[interface]
else :
introspection = self.introspect(destination, path, timeout)
interfaces = introspection.interfaces_by_name
if interface not in interfaces :
raise dbus.DBusError \
"peer “%s” object “%s” does not understand interface “%s"
(destination, path, interface)
#end if
definition = interfaces[interface]
#end if
else :
raise TypeError("interface must be an Interface or name of one")
#end if
return \
def_proxy_interface \
name = interface,
introspected = definition,
is_async = False
#end get_proxy_interface
async def get_proxy_interface_async(self, destination, path, interface, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"sends an Introspect request to the specified bus name and object path" \
" (if interface is not an Interface object or the name of one of the standard" \
" interfaces), and generates a client-side proxy interface for that interface."
assert self.loop != None, "no event loop to attach coroutine to"
if isinstance(interface, Introspection.Interface) :
definition = interface
interface =
elif isinstance(interface, str) :
if interface in dbus.standard_interfaces :
definition = dbus.standard_interfaces[interface]
else :
introspection = await self.introspect_async(destination, path, timeout)
interfaces = introspection.interfaces_by_name
if interface not in interfaces :
raise dbus.DBusError \
"peer “%s” object “%s” does not understand interface “%s"
(destination, path, interface)
#end if
definition = interfaces[interface]
#end if
else :
raise TypeError("interface must be an Interface or name of one")
#end if
return \
def_proxy_interface \
name = interface,
introspected = definition,
is_async = True
#end get_proxy_interface_async
#end Connection
def session_bus(**kwargs) :
"returns a Connection object for the current D-Bus session bus."
return \
Connection(dbus.Connection.bus_get(DBUS.BUS_SESSION, private = False), False) \
#end session_bus
def system_bus(**kwargs) :
"returns a Connection object for the D-Bus system bus."
return \
Connection(dbus.Connection.bus_get(DBUS.BUS_SYSTEM, private = False), False) \
#end system_bus
def starter_bus(**kwargs) :
"returns a Connection object for the D-Bus starter bus."
return \
Connection(dbus.Connection.bus_get(DBUS.BUS_STARTER, private = False), False) \
#end starter_bus
async def session_bus_async(loop = None, **kwargs) :
"returns a Connection object for the current D-Bus session bus."
return \
Connection \
await dbus.Connection.bus_get_async(DBUS.BUS_SESSION, private = False, loop = loop),
) \
#end session_bus_async
async def system_bus_async(loop = None, **kwargs) :
"returns a Connection object for the D-Bus system bus."
return \
Connection \
await dbus.Connection.bus_get_async(DBUS.BUS_SYSTEM, private = False, loop = loop),
) \
#end system_bus_async
async def starter_bus_async(loop = None, **kwargs) :
"returns a Connection object for the D-Bus starter bus."
return \
Connection \
await dbus.Connection.bus_get_async(DBUS.BUS_STARTER, private = False, loop = loop),
) \
#end starter_bus_async
def connect_server(address, private, **kwargs) :
"opens a connection to a server at the specified network address and" \
" returns a Connection object for the connection."
return \
Connection(, private = private), True) \
#end connect_server
async def connect_server_async(address, private, loop = None, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_INFINITE, **kwargs) :
"opens a connection to a server at the specified network address and" \
" returns a Connection object for the connection."
return \
Connection \
await dbus.Connection.open_async(address, private = private, loop = loop, timeout = timeout),
) \
#end connect_server_async
class Server :
"listens for connections on a particular socket address, separate from" \
" the D-Bus daemon. Requires asyncio."
__slots__ = ("server",)
def __init__(self, address, loop = None) :
self.server = dbus.Server.listen(address)
#end __init__
def __del__(self) :
#end __del__
async def await_new_connection(self, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_INFINITE) :
"waits for a new connection attempt and returns a wrapping Connection object." \
" If no connection appears within the specified timeout, returns None."
conn = await self.server.await_new_connection(timeout)
if conn != None :
result = Connection(conn, True)
else :
result = None
#end if
return \
#end await_new_connection
#end Server
# Proxy interface objects -- for client-side use
class BusPeer :
"Intended for client-side use: a proxy for a D-Bus peer. These offer two" \
" different ways to traverse the bus-name/path/interface hierarchy. Start" \
" by obtaining a BusPeer object from a Connection:\n" \
"\n" \
" peer = conn[«bus_name»]\n" \
"\n" \
"Now you can either reference a proxy object by specifying its path:\n" \
"\n" \
" obj = peer[«object_path»]\n" \
"\n" \
"from which you can get a proxy interface thus:\n" \
"\n" \
" iface = obj.get_interface(«iface_name»)\n" \
"\n" \
"Or you can get a root proxy interface from the bus peer by" \
" introspecting some arbitrary (but suitable) reference path:\n" \
"\n" \
" iface_root = peer.get_interface(«reference_path», «iface_name»)\n" \
"\n" \
"from which you can obtain a proxy interface for a specific object thus:\n" \
"\n" \
" iface = iface_root[«object_path»]\n" \
"\n" \
"Whichever way you do it, you can now make method calls on the iface object" \
" which will automatically be communicated as method calls to the peer via" \
" the D-Bus."
__slots__ = ("conn", "bus_name")
class RootProxy :
"abstract base class for identifying root proxy classes."
#end RootProxy
class Object :
"identifies a proxy object by a bus, a bus name and a path."
__slots__ = ("conn", "peer", "bus_name", "path")
class ProxyInterface :
"abstract base class for identifying proxy interface classes."
#end ProxyInterface
def __init__(self, conn, bus_name, path) :
if not isinstance(conn, Connection) :
raise TypeError("conn must be a Connection")
#end if
self.conn = conn
self.bus_name = bus_name
self.path = path
#end __init__
def introspect(self, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"sends an Introspect request to the specified bus name and object path," \
" and returns the resulting parsed Introspection structure."
return \
self.conn.introspect \
destination = self.bus_name,
path = self.path,
timeout = timeout,
#end introspect
async def introspect_async(self, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"sends an Introspect request to the specified bus name and object path," \
" and returns the resulting parsed Introspection structure."
return await \
self.conn.introspect_async \
destination = self.bus_name,
path = self.path,
timeout = timeout,
#end introspect_async
def get_interface(self, interface, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"sends an Introspect request to the specified bus name and object path" \
" (if interface is not one of the standard interfaces), and generates" \
" a client-side proxy interface for the interface with the specified name."
return \
self.conn.get_proxy_interface \
destination = self.bus_name,
path = self.path,
interface = interface,
timeout = timeout
connection = self.conn.connection,
dest = self.bus_name,
timeout = timeout,
#end get_interface
async def get_async_interface(self, interface, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"sends an Introspect request to the specified bus name and object path" \
" (if interface is not one of the standard interfaces), and generates" \
" a client-side proxy interface for the interface with the specified name."
return \
(await self.conn.get_proxy_interface_async
destination = self.bus_name,
path = self.path,
interface = interface,
timeout = timeout
connection = self.conn.connection,
dest = self.bus_name,
timeout = timeout,
#end get_async_interface
#end Object
def __init__(self, conn, bus_name) :
self.conn = conn
self.bus_name = bus_name
#end __init__
def __getitem__(self, path) :
"lets you obtain references to objects implemented by this bus peer" \
" by using their paths as lookup keys in a mapping. Of course, there" \
" is no guarantee such an object actually exists within the peer."
return \
type(self).Object(self.conn, self.bus_name, path)
#end __getitem__
def introspect(self, path, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"sends an Introspect request to the specified bus name and object path," \
" and returns the resulting parsed Introspection structure."
return \
self.conn.introspect \
destination = self.bus_name,
path = path,
timeout = timeout,
#end introspect
async def introspect_async(self, path, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"sends an Introspect request to the specified bus name and object path," \
" and returns the resulting parsed Introspection structure."
return await \
self.conn.introspect_async \
destination = self.bus_name,
path = path,
timeout = timeout,
#end introspect_async
def get_interface(self, path, interface, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"sends an Introspect request to the specified bus name and object path" \
" (if interface is not one of the standard interfaces), and generates" \
" a client-side proxy interface for the interface with the specified name."
return \
self.conn.get_proxy_interface \
destination = self.bus_name,
path = path,
interface = interface,
timeout = timeout,
connection = self.conn.connection,
dest = self.bus_name,
timeout = timeout,
#end get_interface
async def get_interface_async(self, path, interface, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
"sends an Introspect request to the specified bus name and object path" \
" (if interface is not one of the standard interfaces), and generates" \
" a client-side proxy interface for the interface with the specified name."
return \
(await self.conn.get_proxy_interface_async
destination = self.bus_name,
path = path,
interface = interface,
timeout = timeout,
connection = self.conn.connection,
dest = self.bus_name,
timeout = timeout,
#end get_interface_async
#end BusPeer
# Interface-dispatch mechanism
class INTERFACE(enum.Enum) :
"what kind of @interface() is this:\n" \
" * CLIENT -- client-side, for sending method calls to server and" \
" receiving signals from server\n" \
" * SERVER -- server-side, for receiving method calls from clients and" \
" sending signals to clients\n" \
" * CLIENT_AND_SERVER -- this side is both client and server."
def _send_method_return(connection, message, sig, args) :
reply = message.new_method_return()
reply.append_objects(sig, *args)
#end _send_method_return
def _message_interface_dispatch(connection, message, w_bus) :
# installed as message filter on a connection to handle dispatch
# to registered @interface() classes.
bus = w_bus()
assert bus != None, "parent Connection has gone"
def dispatch_signal(level, path) :
# Note I ignore handled/not handled status and pass the signal
# to all registered handlers.
if len(path) != 0 and path[0] in level.children :
# call lower-level (more-specific) signal handlers first,
# not that its important
dispatch_signal(level.children[path[0]], path[1:])
#end if
signal_listeners = level.signal_listeners
name = message.member
for fallback in (False, True) :
# again, call more-specific (fallback = False) handlers first,
# not that its important
rulekey = _signal_key(fallback, message.interface, name)
if rulekey in signal_listeners and (len(path) == 0 or fallback) :
funcs = signal_listeners[rulekey]
for func in funcs :
try :
call_info = func._signal_info
try :
args = message.expect_objects(call_info["in_signature"])
except (TypeError, ValueError) :
raise ErrorReturn \
message = "message arguments do not match expected signature"
#end try
kwargs = {}
for keyword_keyword, value in \
("connection_keyword", lambda : connection),
("message_keyword", lambda : message),
("path_keyword", lambda : message.path),
("bus_keyword", lambda : bus),
) \
if call_info[keyword_keyword] != None :
kwargs[call_info[keyword_keyword]] = value()
#end if
#end for
if call_info["args_keyword"] != None :
if call_info["arg_keys"] != None :
args = dict \
(key, value)
for key, value in zip(call_info["arg_keys"], args)
if "args_constructor" in call_info :
args = call_info["args_constructor"](**args)
#end if
#end if
kwargs[call_info["args_keyword"]] = args
args = ()
else :
if call_info["arg_keys"] != None :
for key, value in zip(call_info["arg_keys"], args) :
kwargs[key] = value
#end for
args = ()
#end if
#end if
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
if asyncio.iscoroutine(result) :
async def await_result(coro) :
# just to gobble any ErrorReturn
try :
await coro
except ErrorReturn :
#end try
#end await_result
elif result != None :
raise ValueError \
"invalid result from signal handler: %s" % repr(result)
#end if
except ErrorReturn :
#end try
#end for
#end if
#end for
#end dispatch_signal
def return_result_common(call_info, result) :
# handles list, tuple, dict or Error returned from method handler;
# packs into reply message and sends it off.
if isinstance(result, dbus.Error) :
assert result.is_set, "unset Error object returned from handler"
reply = message.new_error(, result.message)
else :
sig = dbus.parse_signature(call_info["out_signature"])
if isinstance(result, dict) and call_info["result_keys"] != None :
result = list(result[key] for key in call_info["result_keys"])
# convert result items to list in right order
elif (
"result_constructor" in call_info
isinstance(result, call_info["result_constructor"])
) :
result = list(result)
elif len(sig) == 0 and result == None :
# might as well allow method call to not bother returning an empty result
result = []
elif not isinstance(result, (tuple, list)) :
raise ValueError("invalid handler result %s" % repr(result))
#end if
_send_method_return \
connection = connection,
message = message,
sig = sig,
args = result
#end if
#end return_result_common
#begin _message_interface_dispatch
result = DBUS.HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED # to begin with
is_method = message.type == DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_CALL
if not is_method and bus._client_dispatch != None :
dispatch_signal(bus._client_dispatch, dbus.split_path(message.path))
#end if
iface = bus.get_dispatch_interface(message.path, message.interface)
if iface != None :
method_name = message.member
methods = (iface._interface_signals, iface._interface_methods)[is_method]
if (
iface._interface_kind != (INTERFACE.SERVER, INTERFACE.CLIENT)[is_method]
method_name in methods
) :
method = methods[method_name]
call_info = getattr(method, ("_signal_info", "_method_info")[is_method])
if is_method or not call_info["stub"] :
to_return_result = None
try :
try :
args = message.expect_objects(call_info["in_signature"])
except (TypeError, ValueError) :
raise ErrorReturn \
message = "message arguments do not match expected signature"
#end try
kwargs = {}
for keyword_keyword, value in \
("connection_keyword", lambda : connection),
("message_keyword", lambda : message),
("path_keyword", lambda : message.path),
("bus_keyword", lambda : bus),
) \
if call_info[keyword_keyword] != None :
kwargs[call_info[keyword_keyword]] = value()
#end if
#end for
if call_info["args_keyword"] != None :
if call_info["arg_keys"] != None :
args = dict \
(key, value)
for key, value in zip(call_info["arg_keys"], args)
if "args_constructor" in call_info :
args = call_info["args_constructor"](**args)
#end if
#end if
kwargs[call_info["args_keyword"]] = args
args = ()
else :
if call_info["arg_keys"] != None :
for key, value in zip(call_info["arg_keys"], args) :
kwargs[key] = value
#end for
args = ()
#end if
#end if
if is_method :
# additional ways of returning method result
if call_info["result_keyword"] != None :
# construct a mutable result object that handler will update in place
to_return_result = [None] * len(call_info["out_signature"])
if call_info["result_keys"] != None :
to_return_result = dict \
(key, val)
for key, val in zip(call_info["result_keys"], to_return_result)
if "result_constructor" in call_info :
to_return_result = call_info["result_constructor"](**to_return_result)
#end if
#end if
kwargs[call_info["result_keyword"]] = to_return_result
elif call_info["set_result_keyword"] != None :
# caller wants to return result via callback
def set_result(the_result) :
"Call this to set the args for the reply message."
nonlocal to_return_result
to_return_result = the_result
#end set_result
kwargs[call_info["set_result_keyword"]] = set_result
#end if
#end if
result = method(iface, *args, **kwargs)
except ErrorReturn as err :
result = err.as_error()
#end try
if result == None :
if to_return_result != None or is_method :
# method handler possibly used set_result mechanism
return_result_common(call_info, to_return_result)
#end if
elif asyncio.iscoroutine(result) :
assert bus.loop != None, "no event loop to attach coroutine to"
if is_method :
# wait for result
async def await_result(coro) :
try :
result = await coro
except ErrorReturn as err :
result = err.as_error()
#end try
if result == None and to_return_result != None :
# method handler used set_result mechanism
result = to_return_result
#end if
return_result_common(call_info, result)
#end await_result
else :
#end if
elif isinstance(result, bool) :
# slightly tricky: interpret True as handled, False as not handled,
# even though DBUS.HANDLER_RESULT_HANDLED is zero and
result = \
elif (
) :
else :
return_result_common(call_info, result)
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end if
#end if
dispatch_signal = None # remove reference circularity
return \
#end _message_interface_dispatch
def def_attr_class(name, attrs) :
"defines a class with read/write attributes with names from the sequence attrs." \
" Objects of this class can be coerced to lists or tuples, and attributes can" \
" also be accessed by index, like a list."
class result :
__slots__ = tuple(attrs)
def __init__(self, **kwargs) :
for name in type(self).__slots__ :
setattr(self, name, None)
#end for
for name in kwargs :
setattr(self, name, kwargs[name])
#end for
#end __init__
def __repr__(self) :
return \
", ".join
"%s = %s"
(name, repr(getattr(self, name)))
for name in type(self).__slots__
#end __repr__
def __len__(self) :
return \
#end __len__
def __getitem__(self, i) :
return \
getattr(self, type(self).__slots__[i])
#end __getitem__
def __setitem__(self, i, val) :
setattr(self, type(self).__slots__[i], val)
#end __setitem__
#end class
#begin def_attr_class
result.__name__ = name
return \
#end def_attr_class
def interface \
kind, *,
property_change_notification = Introspection.PROP_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION.NEW_VALUE,
deprecated = False
) :
"class decorator creator for defining interface classes. “kind” is an" \
" value indicating whether this is for use on the client side" \
" (send methods, receive signals), server side (receive methods, send signals)" \
" or both. “name” (required) is the interface name that will be known to D-Bus." \
" Interface methods and signals should be invocable as\n" \
"\n" \
" method(self, ...)\n" \
"\n" \
" and definitions should be prefixed with calls to the “@method()” or “@signal()”" \
" decorator to identify them. The return result can be a DBUS.HANDLER_RESULT_xxx" \
" code, or None (equivalent to DBUS.HANDLER_RESULT_HANDLED), or a coroutine" \
" to queue for execution after indicating that the message has been handled. Note" \
" that if you declare the method with “async def”, then the return result seen" \
" will be such a coroutine."
if not isinstance(kind, INTERFACE) :
raise TypeError("kind must be an INTERFACE enum value")
#end if
if not isinstance(name, str) :
raise ValueError("name is required")
#end if
def decorate(celf) :
if not isinstance(celf, type) :
raise TypeError("only apply decorator to classes.")
#end if
if not isinstance(property_change_notification, Introspection.PROP_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION) :
raise TypeError \
"property_change_notification must be an Introspection."
#end if
celf._interface_kind = kind
celf._interface_name = name
celf._interface_property_change_notification = property_change_notification
celf._interface_deprecated = deprecated
celf._interface_methods = \
dict \
(f._method_info["name"], f)
for fname in dir(celf)
for f in (getattr(celf, fname),)
if hasattr(f, "_method_info")
celf._interface_signals = \
dict \
(f._signal_info["name"], f)
for fname in dir(celf)
for f in (getattr(celf, fname),)
if hasattr(f, "_signal_info")
props = {}
for info_type, meth_type in \
("_propgetter_info", "getter"), # do first so setter can check change_notification
("_propsetter_info", "setter"),
) \
for fname in dir(celf) :
func = getattr(celf, fname)
if hasattr(func, info_type) :
propinfo = getattr(func, info_type)
propname = propinfo["name"]
if propname not in props :
props[propname] = {"type" : None}
#end if
propentry = props[propname]
if propinfo["type"] != None :
if propentry["type"] != None :
if propentry["type"] != propinfo["type"] :
raise ValueError \
"disagreement on type for property “%s” between"
" getter and setter: “%s” versus “%s"
#end if
else :
propentry["type"] = propinfo["type"]
#end if
#end if
if (
meth_type == "setter"
"getter" in propentry
) :
raise ValueError \
"mustnt specify @propsetter() for a"
#end if
if meth_type == "getter" :
if propinfo["change_notification"] != None :
propentry["change_notification"] = propinfo["change_notification"]
else :
propentry["change_notification"] = property_change_notification
#end if
#end if
propentry[meth_type] = func
#end if
#end for
#end for
celf._interface_props = props
return \
#end decorate
#begin interface
return \
#end interface
def is_interface(cłass) :
"is cłass defined as an interface class."
return \
isinstance(cłass, type) and hasattr(cłass, "_interface_name")
#end is_interface
def is_interface_instance(obj) :
"is obj an instance of an interface class."
return \
#end is_interface_instance
def method \
name = None,
args_keyword = None,
arg_keys = None,
arg_attrs = None,
result_keyword = None,
result_keys = None,
result_attrs = None,
connection_keyword = None,
message_keyword = None,
path_keyword = None,
bus_keyword = None,
set_result_keyword = None,
reply = True,
deprecated = False
) :
"Put a call to this function as a decorator for each method of an @interface()" \
" class that is to be registered as a method of the interface." \
" “name” is the name of the method as specified in the D-Bus message; if omitted," \
" it defaults to the name of the function.\n" \
"\n" \
"This is really only useful on the server side. On the client side, omit the" \
" method definition, and even leave out the interface definition and registration" \
" altogether, unless you want to receive signals from the server; instead, use" \
" Connection.get_proxy_object() to send method calls to the server."
in_signature = dbus.parse_signature(in_signature)
out_signature = dbus.parse_signature(out_signature)
for cond, msg in \
(result_keyword != None or result_keys != None or result_attrs != None)
not reply,
"result_keyword, result_keys and result_attrs are"
" meaningless if method does not reply",
(arg_keys != None and arg_attrs != None, "specify arg_keys or arg_attrs, not both"),
(arg_attrs != None and args_keyword == None, "need args_keyword with arg_attrs"),
arg_keys != None and len(arg_keys) != len(in_signature),
"number of arg_keys should match number of items in in_signature",
arg_attrs != None and len(arg_attrs) != len(in_signature),
"number of arg_attrs should match number of items in in_signature",
set_result_keyword != None and result_keyword != None,
"specify set_result_keyword or result_keyword, not both",
result_keys != None and result_attrs != None,
"specify result_keys or result_attrs, not both",
result_attrs != None and result_keyword == None,
"need result_keyword with result_attrs",
result_keys != None and len(result_keys) != len(out_signature),
"number of result_keys should match number of items in out_signature",
result_attrs != None and len(result_attrs) != len(out_signature),
"number of result_attrs should match number of items in out_signature",
) \
if cond :
raise ValueError(msg)
#end if
#end for
if arg_keys == None :
args_keys = arg_attrs
#end if
if result_keys == None :
result_keys = result_attrs
#end if
def decorate(func) :
if not callable(func) :
raise TypeError("only apply decorator to callables.")
#end if
if name != None :
func_name = name
else :
func_name = func.__name__
#end if
func._method_info = \
"name" : func_name,
"in_signature" : in_signature,
"out_signature" : out_signature,
"args_keyword" : args_keyword,
"arg_keys" : arg_keys,
"result_keyword" : result_keyword,
"result_keys" : result_keys,
"connection_keyword" : connection_keyword,
"message_keyword" : message_keyword,
"path_keyword" : path_keyword,
"bus_keyword" : bus_keyword,
"set_result_keyword" : set_result_keyword,
"reply" : reply,
"deprecated" : deprecated,
if arg_attrs != None :
func._method_info["args_constructor"] = def_attr_class("%s_args" % func_name, arg_attrs)
#end if
if result_attrs != None :
func._method_info["result_constructor"] = \
def_attr_class("%s_result" % func_name, result_attrs)
#end if
return \
#end decorate
#begin method
return \
#end method
def signal \
name = None,
args_keyword = None,
arg_keys = None,
arg_attrs = None,
stub = False,
connection_keyword = None,
message_keyword = None,
path_keyword = None,
bus_keyword = None,
deprecated = False # can signals be deprecated?
) :
"Put a call to this function as a decorator for each method of an @interface()" \
" class that is to be registered as a signal of the interface." \
" “name” is the name of the signal as specified in the D-Bus message; if omitted," \
" it defaults to the name of the function.\n" \
"\n" \
"On the server side, the actual function need only be a dummy, since it is just" \
" a placeholder for storing the information used by Connection.send_signal()."
in_signature = dbus.parse_signature(in_signature)
if arg_attrs != None and args_keyword == None :
raise ValueError("need args_keyword with arg_attrs")
#end if
if arg_keys != None and len(arg_keys) != len(in_signature) :
raise ValueError("number of arg_keys should match number of items in in_signature")
#end if
if arg_attrs != None and len(arg_attrs) != len(in_signature) :
raise ValueError("number of arg_attrs should match number of items in in_signature")
#end if
if arg_keys == None :
args_keys = arg_attrs
#end if
def decorate(func) :
if not callable(func) :
raise TypeError("only apply decorator to callables.")
#end if
if name != None :
func_name = name
else :
func_name = func.__name__
#end if
func._signal_info = \
"name" : func_name,
"in_signature" : in_signature,
"args_keyword" : args_keyword,
"arg_keys" : arg_keys,
"stub" : stub,
"connection_keyword" : connection_keyword,
"message_keyword" : message_keyword,
"path_keyword" : path_keyword,
"bus_keyword" : bus_keyword,
"deprecated" : deprecated,
if arg_attrs != None :
func._signal_info["args_constructor"] = def_attr_class("%s_args" % func_name, arg_attrs)
#end if
return \
#end decorate
#begin signal
return \
#end signal
def def_signal_stub(**kwargs) :
"convenience routine for defining a signal stub function. Instead of\n" \
"\n" \
" @signal(«args»)\n" \
" def stubfunc() : pass\n" \
"\n" \
"you can do\n" \
"\n" \
" stubfunc = def_signal_stub(«args»)\n" \
"\n" \
"passing the same «args» as you would to the @signal() decorator. But note" \
" that the name arg is no longer optional."
def stub() :
"This is just a stub, standing in for a signal definition in a" \
" proxy interface class. It is not meant to be called."
# Lack of formal args should also stymie attempts to invoke as a method.
raise \
NotImplementedError("attempted call on signal stub")
#end stub
#begin def_signal_stub
if "name" not in kwargs :
raise KeyError("name arg is mandatory")
#end if
stub.__name__ = kwargs["name"]
return \
#end def_signal_stub
def propgetter \
name_keyword = None,
connection_keyword = None,
message_keyword = None,
path_keyword = None,
bus_keyword = None,
change_notification = None
) :
"Put a call to this function as a decorator for a method of an @interface()" \
" class that is to be the getter of the named property."
def decorate(func) :
if not callable(func) :
raise TypeError("only apply decorator to callables.")
#end if
assert isinstance(name, str), "property name is mandatory"
if (
change_notification != None
not isinstance(change_notification, Introspection.PROP_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION)
) :
raise TypeError \
"change_notification must be None or an Introspection."
#end if
func._propgetter_info = \
"name" : name,
"type" : dbus.parse_single_signature(type),
"name_keyword" : name_keyword,
"connection_keyword" : connection_keyword,
"message_keyword" : message_keyword,
"path_keyword" : path_keyword,
"bus_keyword" : bus_keyword,
"change_notification" : change_notification,
return \
#end decorate
#begin propgetter
return \
#end propgetter
def propsetter \
name_keyword = None,
type_keyword = None,
connection_keyword = None,
message_keyword = None,
path_keyword = None,
bus_keyword = None
) :
"Put a call to this function as a decorator for a method of an @interface()" \
" class that is to be the setter of the named property."
def decorate(func) :
if not callable(func) :
raise TypeError("only apply decorator to callables.")
#end if
assert isinstance(name, str), "property name is mandatory"
func._propsetter_info = \
"name" : name,
"type" : dbus.parse_single_signature(type),
"name_keyword" : name_keyword,
"type_keyword" : type_keyword,
"value_keyword" : value_keyword,
"connection_keyword" : connection_keyword,
"message_keyword" : message_keyword,
"path_keyword" : path_keyword,
"bus_keyword" : bus_keyword,
return \
#end decorate
#begin propsetter
return \
#end propsetter
# Introspection
def introspect(interface) :
"returns an Introspection.Interface object that describes the specified" \
" @interface() class."
if not is_interface(interface) :
raise TypeError("interface must be an @interface()-type class")
#end if
def add_deprecated(annots, deprecated) :
# common routine for generating “deprecated” annotations.
if deprecated :
annots.append \
Introspection.Annotation(name = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated", value = "true")
#end if
#end add_deprecated
#begin introspect
methods = []
for name in interface._interface_methods :
method = interface._interface_methods[name]
annots = []
add_deprecated(annots, method._method_info["deprecated"])
if not method._method_info["reply"] :
annots.append \
name = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply",
value = "true"
#end if
args = []
for keys_keyword, sig_keyword, direction in \
("arg_keys", "in_signature", Introspection.DIRECTION.IN),
("result_keys", "out_signature", Introspection.DIRECTION.OUT),
) \
arg_sigs = dbus.parse_signature(method._method_info[sig_keyword])
arg_names = method._method_info[keys_keyword]
if arg_names == None :
arg_names = [None] * len(arg_sigs)
#end if
for arg_name, arg_sig in zip(arg_names, arg_sigs) :
args.append \
name = arg_name,
type = arg_sig,
direction = direction
#end for
#end for
methods.append \
name = name,
args = args,
annotations = annots
#end for
signals = []
for name in interface._interface_signals :
signal = interface._interface_signals[name]
annots = []
add_deprecated(annots, signal._signal_info["deprecated"])
args = []
arg_sigs = dbus.parse_signature(signal._signal_info["in_signature"])
arg_names = signal._signal_info["arg_keys"]
if arg_names == None :
arg_names = [None] * len(arg_sigs)
#end if
for arg_name, arg_sig in zip(arg_names, arg_sigs) :
args.append \
Introspection.Interface.Signal.Arg(name = arg_name, type = arg_sig)
#end for
signals.append \
name = name,
args = args,
annotations = annots
#end for
properties = []
for name in interface._interface_props :
prop = interface._interface_props[name]
annots = []
if (
"getter" in prop
prop["change_notification"] != interface._interface_property_change_notification
) :
annots.append \
name = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal",
value = prop["change_notification"].value
#end if
properties.append \
name = name,
type = dbus.parse_single_signature(prop["type"]),
access =
int("getter" in prop)
int("setter" in prop) << 1
annotations = annots
#end for
annots = []
if (
) :
annots.append \
name = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal",
value = interface._interface_property_change_notification.value
#end if
add_deprecated(annots, interface._interface_deprecated)
return \
Introspection.Interface \
name = interface._interface_name,
methods = methods,
signals = signals,
properties = properties,
annotations = annots
#end introspect
def _append_args(message, call_info, args, kwargs) :
message_args = [None] * len(call_info.in_signature)
if len(args) != 0 :
if len(args) > len(message_args) :
raise ValueError("too many args")
#end if
message_args[:len(args)] = args
#end if
if len(kwargs) != 0 :
arg_positions = {}
idx = 0
for arg in call_info.args :
if (
isinstance(arg, Introspection.Interface.Signal.Arg)
arg.direction == Introspection.DIRECTION.IN
) :
arg_positions[] = idx
idx += 1
#end if
#end for
for arg_name in kwargs :
if arg_name not in arg_positions :
raise KeyError("no such arg name “%s" % arg_name)
#end if
pos = arg_positions[arg_name]
if message_args[pos] != None :
raise ValueError("duplicate value for arg %d" % pos)
#end if
message_args[pos] = kwargs[arg_name]
#end for
#end if
missing = set(pos for pos in range(len(message_args)) if message_args[pos] == None)
if len(missing) != 0 :
raise ValueError \
"too few args specified: missing %s"
", ".join("%d" % pos for pos in sorted(missing))
#end if
message.append_objects(call_info.in_signature, *message_args)
#end _append_args
def def_proxy_interface(kind, *, name, introspected, is_async) :
"given an Introspection.Interface object, creates a proxy class that can be" \
" instantiated by a client to send method-call messages to a server," \
" or by a server to send signal messages to clients. is_async indicates" \
" whether method calls are done via coroutines as opposed to blocking" \
" the thread. The resulting class can be instantiated by\n" \
"\n" \
" instance = proxy_class(«connection», «dest»)\n" \
"\n" \
" where «connection» is a dbussy.Connection object to use for sending and receiving" \
" the messages, and «dest» is the bus name to which to send the messages. The" \
" resulting instance is a “root proxy”: a proxy for a particular object path" \
" is obtained from this by an indexing call like\n" \
"\n" \
" obj = instance[«object_path»]\n" \
"\n" \
"from which you can make proxy method calls like obj.«method»(«args») and so on."
if not isinstance(kind, INTERFACE) :
raise TypeError("kind must be an INTERFACE enum value")
#end if
if not isinstance(introspected, Introspection.Interface) :
raise TypeError("introspected must be an Introspection.Interface")
#end if
class proxy(BusPeer.Object.ProxyInterface) :
# class that will be constructed, to be instantiated for a given connection,
# destination and path.
# class field _iface_name contains interface name.
__slots__ = ("_parent", "_conn", "_dest", "_path", "_timeout")
def __init__(self, *, parent, connection, dest, path, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
if is_async :
assert connection.loop != None, "no event loop to attach coroutines to"
#end if
self._parent = parent
self._conn = connection
self._dest = dest
self._path = path
self._timeout = timeout
#end __init__
# rest filled in dynamically below.
#end proxy
def def_method(intr_method) :
# constructs a method-call method.
if is_async :
async def call_method(self, *args, **kwargs) :
message = dbus.Message.new_method_call \
destination = self._dest,
path = dbus.unsplit_path(self._path),
iface = self._iface_name,
method =
_append_args(message, intr_method, args, kwargs)
if intr_method.expect_reply :
reply = await self._conn.send_await_reply(message, self._timeout)
result = reply.expect_return_objects(intr_method.out_signature)
else :
message.no_reply = True
result = None
#end if
return \
#end call_method
else :
def call_method(self, *args, **kwargs) :
message = dbus.Message.new_method_call \
destination = self._dest,
path = dbus.unsplit_path(self._path),
iface = self._iface_name,
method =
_append_args(message, intr_method, args, kwargs)
if intr_method.expect_reply :
reply = self._conn.send_with_reply_and_block(message, self._timeout)
result = reply.expect_return_objects(intr_method.out_signature)
else :
message.no_reply = True
result = None
#end if
return \
#end call_method
#end if
#begin def_method
call_method.__name__ =
call_method.__doc__ = \
"method, %(args)s, %(result)s"
"args" :
lambda : "no args",
lambda : "args %s" % dbus.unparse_signature(intr_method.in_signature),
)[len(intr_method.in_signature) != 0](),
"result" :
lambda : "no result",
lambda : "result %s" % dbus.unparse_signature(intr_method.out_signature),
)[len(intr_method.out_signature) != 0](),
setattr(proxy,, call_method)
#end def_method
def def_signal(intr_signal) :
# constructs a signal method. These are never async, since messages
# are queued and there is no reply.
def send_signal(self, *args, **kwargs) :
message = dbus.Message.new_signal \
path = dbus.unsplit_path(self._path),
iface = self._iface_name,
name =
_append_args(message, intr_signal, args, kwargs)
#end send_signal
#begin def_signal
send_signal.__name__ =
send_signal.__doc__ = \
"signal, %(args)s"
"args" :
lambda : "no args",
lambda : "args %s" % dbus.unparse_signature(intr_signal.in_signature),
)[len(intr_signal.in_signature) != 0](),
setattr(proxy,, send_signal)
#end def_signal
def def_prop(intr_prop) :
# defines getter and/or setter methods as appropriate for a property.
if is_async :
async def get_prop(self) :
message = dbus.Message.new_method_call \
destination = self._dest,
path = dbus.unsplit_path(self._path),
method = "Get"
message.append_objects("ss", self._iface_name,
reply = await self._conn.send_await_reply(message, self._timeout)
return \
#end get_prop
def set_prop(self, value) :
# Unfortunately, Python doesnt (currently) allow “await”
# on the LHS of an assignment. So to avoid holding up the
# thread, I put a task on the event loop to watch over
# the completion of the send. This means any error is
# going to be reported asynchronously. Cest la vie.
message = dbus.Message.new_method_call \
destination = self._dest,
path = dbus.unsplit_path(self._path),
method = "Set"
message.append_objects("ssv", self._iface_name,, (intr_prop.type, value))
set_prop_pending = self._conn.loop.create_future()
pending = self._conn.send_with_reply(message, self._timeout)
async def sendit() :
reply = await pending.await_reply()
self._parent._set_prop_pending.pop \
elif reply.type == DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR :
failed = dbus.DBusError(reply.error_name, reply.expect_objects("s")[0])
if self._parent._set_prop_failed == None :
self._parent._set_prop_failed = set_prop_pending
else :
# dont let failures pile up
raise failed
#end if
else :
raise ValueError("unexpected reply type %d" % reply.type)
#end if
#end sendit
#end set_prop
else :
def get_prop(self) :
message = dbus.Message.new_method_call \
destination = self._dest,
path = dbus.unsplit_path(self._path),
method = "Get"
message.append_objects("ss", self._iface_name,
reply = self._conn.send_with_reply_and_block(message, self._timeout)
return \
#end get_prop
def set_prop(self, value) :
message = dbus.Message.new_method_call \
destination = self._dest,
path = dbus.unsplit_path(self._path),
method = "Set"
message.append_objects("ssv", self._iface_name,, (intr_prop.type, value))
reply = self._conn.send_with_reply_and_block(message, self._timeout)
elif reply.type == DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR :
raise dbus.DBusError(reply.error_name, reply.expect_objects("s")[0])
else :
raise ValueError("unexpected reply type %d" % reply.type)
#end if
#end set_prop
#end if
def get_prop_noaccess(self) :
raise dbus.DbusError \
message = "property “%s” cannot be read" %
#end get_prop_noaccess
#begin def_prop
if intr_prop.access == Introspection.ACCESS.WRITE :
get_prop = get_prop_noaccess
#end if
if intr_prop.access == Introspection.ACCESS.READ :
set_prop = None
#end if
prop = property(fget = get_prop, fset = set_prop)
setattr(proxy,, prop)
#end def_prop
class proxy_factory(BusPeer.RootProxy) :
# class that will be returned.
__slots__ = ("connection", "dest", "timeout", "_set_prop_pending", "_set_prop_failed")
# class variables:
# template -- = proxy class (set up above)
# props -- dict of by name
def __init__(self, *, connection, dest, timeout = DBUS.TIMEOUT_USE_DEFAULT) :
if is_async :
assert connection.loop != None, "no event loop to attach coroutines to"
#end if
self.connection = connection
self.dest = dest
self.timeout = timeout
if is_async :
self._set_prop_pending = []
else :
self._set_prop_pending = None
#end if
self._set_prop_failed = None
#end __init__
def __getitem__(self, path) :
return \
self.template \
parent = self,
connection = self.connection,
dest = self.dest,
path = path,
timeout = self.timeout
#end __getitem__
if is_async :
async def set_prop_flush(self) :
"workaround for the fact that prop-setter has to queue a separate" \
" asynchronous task; caller can await this coroutine to ensure that" \
" all pending set-property calls have completed."
if not is_async :
raise RuntimeError("not without an event loop")
#end if
if self._set_prop_failed != None :
set_prop_pending = [self._set_prop_failed]
self._set_prop_failed = None
else :
set_prop_pending = self._set_prop_pending
#end if
if len(set_prop_pending) != 0 :
done = (await self.connection.wait(set_prop_pending))[0]
failed = list(e for f in done for e in (f.exception(),) if e != None)
if len(failed) > 1 :
raise RuntimeError \
"multiple failures to set properties: %s"
", ".join(str(f) for f in failed)
elif len(failed) == 1 :
raise failed[0]
#end if
#end if
#end set_prop_flush
def set_prop(self, path, propname, newvalue) :
"alternative way of asynchronously setting a new property value:" \
" returns a Future that can be explicitly awaited."
if propname not in self.props :
raise dbus.DBusError \
message = "no such property “%s" % propname
#end if
propdef = self.props[propname]
if propdef.access == Introspection.ACCESS.READ :
raise dbus.DBusError \
message = "property “%s” cannot be written" %
#end if
message = dbus.Message.new_method_call \
destination = self.dest,
path = dbus.unsplit_path(path),
method = "Set"
message.append_objects("ssv", self.template._iface_name, propname, (propdef.type, newvalue))
set_prop_pending = self.connection.loop.create_future()
pending = self.connection.send_with_reply(message, self.timeout)
async def sendit() :
reply = await pending.await_reply()
elif reply.type == DBUS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR :
set_prop_pending.set_exception \
dbus.DBusError(reply.error_name, reply.expect_objects("s")[0])
else :
raise ValueError("unexpected reply type %d" % reply.type)
#end if
#end sendit
return \
#end set_prop
#end if
#end proxy_factory
#begin def_proxy_interface
if name != None :
class_name = name
else :
class_name =".", "_")
#end if
proxy.__name__ = class_name
proxy._iface_name =
proxy.__doc__ = "for making method calls on the %s interface." %
for method in introspected.methods :
#end for
for prop in :
#end for
#end if
for signal in introspected.signals :
#end for
#end if
proxy_factory.__name__ = "%s_factory" % proxy.__name__
proxy_factory.__doc__ = \
"proxy factory for a %(kind)s D-Bus interface named %(iname)s. Instantiate as\n"
" %(cname)s(connection = «connection»[, dest = «dest»[, timeout = «timeout»]])\n"
"where «connection» is the dbussy.Connection instance to use for sending"
" messages and receiving replies, and «dest» is the destination" \
" bus name for sending method calls (not needed if only sending signals)."
" The resulting «proxy» object can be indexed by object path, as follows:\n"
" «proxy»[«path»]\n"
"to obtain the actual proxy interface object that can be used to do method"
" calls or signal calls."
"cname" : class_name,
"iname" :,
"kind" :
INTERFACE.CLIENT : "client-side",
INTERFACE.SERVER : "server-side",
INTERFACE.CLIENT_AND_SERVER : "client-and-server-side",
proxy_factory.template = proxy
proxy_factory.props = dict \
(, prop)
for prop in
return \
#end def_proxy_interface
async def set_prop_flush(iface) :
"iface must be either a BusPeer.RootProxy or BusPeer.Object.ProxyInterface" \
" instance; calls the set_prop_flush() method on the correct root proxy in" \
" either case."
if isinstance(iface, BusPeer.RootProxy) :
await iface.set_prop_flush()
elif isinstance(iface, BusPeer.Object.ProxyInterface) :
await iface._parent.set_prop_flush()
else :
raise TypeError("iface type %s is not a RootProxy or a ProxyInterface" % type(iface).__name__)
#end if
#end set_prop_flush
# Predefined interfaces
class PeerStub :
"This is registered as a fallback at the root of your object tree to get" \
" automatic introspection of the DBUS.INTERFACE_PEER interface. The" \
" implementation is hard-coded inside libdbus itself, so the methods" \
" here will never be called."
@method \
name = "Ping",
in_signature = "",
out_signature = "",
def ping(self) :
raise NotImplementedError("How did you get here?")
#end ping
@method \
name = "GetMachineId",
in_signature = "",
out_signature = "s",
result_keys = ["machine_uuid"],
def get_machine_id(self) :
raise NotImplementedError("How did you get here?")
#end get_machine_id
#end PeerStub
class IntrospectionHandler :
"Register this as a fallback at the root of your object tree to obtain" \
" automatic introspection of any point in the tree."
@method \
name = "Introspect",
in_signature = "",
out_signature = "s",
path_keyword = "path",
message_keyword = "message",
bus_keyword = "bus",
def introspect(self, message, bus, path) :
interfaces = {}
children = None # actually redundant
level = bus._server_dispatch
levels = iter(dbus.split_path(path))
while True :
component = next(levels, None)
for entry in level.interfaces.values() :
if component == None or entry.fallback :
interface = type(entry.interface)
if interface._interface_kind != INTERFACE.CLIENT :
interfaces[interface._interface_name] = interface
# replace any higher-level entry for same name
#end if
#end if
#end for
if (
component == None
# reached bottom of path
component not in level.children
# no handlers to be found further down path
) :
children = sorted(level.children.keys())
#end if
level = level.children[component]
# search another step down the path
#end while
introspection = Introspection \
interfaces = list
for iface in sorted(interfaces.values(), key = lambda iface : iface._interface_name)
nodes = list
Introspection.Node(name = child) for child in children
_send_method_return(bus.connection, message, "s", [introspection.unparse()])
return \
#end introspect
#end IntrospectionHandler
class PropertyHandler :
"Register this as a fallback at the root of your object tree to provide" \
" automatic dispatching to any @propgetter() and @propsetter() methods" \
" defined for registered interfaces appropriate to an object path."
@method \
name = "Get",
in_signature = "ss",
out_signature = "v",
args_keyword = "args",
path_keyword = "path",
message_keyword = "message",
bus_keyword = "bus"
def getprop(self, bus, message, path, args) :
interface_name, propname = args
dispatch = bus.get_dispatch_interface(path, interface_name)
props = type(dispatch)._interface_props
if propname in props :
propentry = props[propname]
if "getter" in propentry :
getter = getattr(dispatch, propentry["getter"].__name__)
kwargs = {}
for keyword_keyword, value in \
("name_keyword", lambda : propname),
("connection_keyword", lambda : bus.connection),
("message_keyword", lambda : message),
("path_keyword", lambda : path),
("bus_keyword", lambda : bus),
) \
if getter._propgetter_info[keyword_keyword] != None :
kwargs[getter._propgetter_info[keyword_keyword]] = value()
#end if
#end for
try :
propvalue = getter(**kwargs)
except ErrorReturn as err :
propvalue = err.as_error()
#end try
if asyncio.iscoroutine(propvalue) :
assert bus.loop != None, "no event loop to attach coroutine to"
async def await_return_value(task) :
try :
propvalue = await task
except ErrorReturn as err :
result = err.as_error()
reply = message.new_error(, result.message)
else :
_send_method_return \
connection = bus.connection,
message = message,
sig = [dbus.VariantType()],
args = [(propentry["type"], propvalue)]
#end try
#end await_return_value
reply = None
elif isinstance(propvalue, dbus.Error) :
assert propvalue.is_set, "unset Error object returned from propgetter"
reply = message.new_error(, propvalue.nessage)
else :
_send_method_return \
connection = bus.connection,
message = message,
sig = [dbus.VariantType()],
args = [(propentry["type"], propvalue)]
reply = None
#end if
else :
reply = message.new_error \
message = "property “%s” cannot be read" % propname
#end if
else :
reply = message.new_error \
message = "property “%s” cannot be found" % propname
#end if
if reply != None :
#end if
return \
#end getprop
@method \
name = "Set",
in_signature = "ssv",
out_signature = "",
args_keyword = "args",
path_keyword = "path",
message_keyword = "message",
bus_keyword = "bus"
def setprop(self, bus, message, path, args) :
def notify_changed() :
# sends property-changed signal if appropriate.
if "getter" in propentry :
notify = propentry["change_notification"]
if notify == Introspection.PROP_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION.NEW_VALUE :
bus.prop_changed(path, interface_name, propname, proptype, propvalue)
bus.prop_changed(path, interface_name, propname, None, None)
#end if
#end if
#end notify_changed
#begin setprop
interface_name, propname, (proptype, propvalue) = args
dispatch = bus.get_dispatch_interface(path, interface_name)
props = type(dispatch)._interface_props
if propname in props :
propentry = props[propname]
if "setter" in propentry :
setter = getattr(dispatch, propentry["setter"].__name__)
try :
if propentry["type"] != None and propentry["type"] != dbus.parse_single_signature(proptype) :
raise ErrorReturn \
message =
"new property type %s does not match expected signature %s"
(proptype, dbus.unparse_signature(propentry["type"]))
#end if
kwargs = {}
for keyword_keyword, value in \
("name_keyword", lambda : propname),
("type_keyword", lambda : proptype),
("value_keyword", lambda : propvalue),
("connection_keyword", lambda : bus.connection),
("message_keyword", lambda : message),
("path_keyword", lambda : path),
("bus_keyword", lambda : bus),
) \
if setter._propsetter_info[keyword_keyword] != None :
kwargs[setter._propsetter_info[keyword_keyword]] = value()
#end if
#end for
setresult = setter(**kwargs)
except ErrorReturn as err :
setresult = err.as_error()
#end try
if asyncio.iscoroutine(setresult) :
assert bus.loop != None, "no event loop to attach coroutine to"
async def wait_set_done() :
await setresult
reply = message.new_method_return()
#end wait_set_done
reply = None # for now
elif isinstance(setresult, dbus.Error) :
assert setresult.is_set, "unset Error object returned"
reply = message.new_error(, setresult.message)
elif setresult == None :
reply = message.new_method_return()
else :
raise ValueError("invalid propsetter result %s" % repr(setresult))
#end if
else :
reply = message.new_error \
message = "property “%s” cannot be written" % propname
#end if
else :
reply = message.new_error \
message = "property “%s” cannot be found" % propname
#end if
if reply != None :
#end if
return \
#end setprop
@method \
name = "GetAll",
in_signature = "s",
out_signature = "a{sv}",
args_keyword = "args",
path_keyword = "path",
message_keyword = "message",
bus_keyword = "bus"
def get_all_props(self, bus, message, path, args) :
properror = None
propvalues = {}
to_await = []
def return_result() :
if properror != None :
reply = message.new_error(, properror.message)
else :
_send_method_return(bus.connection, message, "a{sv}", [propvalues])
#end if
#end return_result
async def await_propvalues() :
nonlocal properror
for propname, fute in to_await :
try :
propvalue = await fute
except ErrorReturn as err :
properror = err.as_error()
#end try
propvalues[propname] = (propvalues[propname][0], propvalue)
#end for
#end await_propvalues
#begin get_all_props
interface_name, = args
try :
propvalues, to_await = bus._get_all_my_props(message, path, interface_name)
except ErrorReturn as err :
properror = err.as_error()
#end try
if len(to_await) != 0 :
else :
#end if
return \
#end get_all_props
@signal(name = "PropertiesChanged", in_signature = "sa{sv}as", stub = True)
def properties_changed(self) :
"for use with Connection.send_signal."
#end properties_changed
#end PropertyHandler
class ManagedObjectsHandler :
"Register this as a fallback at the root of your object tree to provide" \
" handling of the ObjectManager interface."
@method \
name = "GetManagedObjects",
in_signature = "",
out_signature = "a{oa{sa{sv}}}",
set_result_keyword = "set_result",
bus_keyword = "bus",
message_keyword = "message",
path_keyword = "base_path",
def get_managed_objects(self, bus, message, base_path, set_result) :
result = {}
to_await = []
async def await_propvalues() :
for path, interface_name, propname, fute in to_await :
propvalue = await fute
# any ErrorReturn raised will be automatically converted
# to error reply by _message_interface_dispatch (above)
propvalues = result[path][interface_name]
propvalues[propname] = (propvalues[propname][0], propvalue)
#end for
#end await_propvalues
#begin get_managed_objects
"returns supported interfaces and current property values for all" \
" currently-existent managed objects."
for path, interfaces in bus._managed_objects.items() :
if base_path == "/" and path != "/" or path.startswith(base_path + "/") :
obj_entry = {}
for interface_name in interfaces :
obj_entry[interface_name], await_props = \
bus._get_all_my_props(message, path, interface_name)
for propname, propvalue in await_props :
to_await.append((path, interface_name, propname, propvalue))
#end for
#end for
result[path] = obj_entry
#end if
#end for
if len(to_await) != 0 :
return_result = await_propvalues() # result will be available when this is done
else :
return_result = None
#end if
return \
#end get_managed_objects
@signal(name = "InterfacesAdded", in_signature = "oa{sa{sv}}", stub = True)
def interfaces_added(self) :
"for use with Connection.send_signal."
#end interfaces_added
@signal(name = "InterfacesRemoved", in_signature = "oas", stub = True)
def interfaces_removed(self) :
"for use with Connection.send_signal."
#end interfaces_removed
#end ManagedObjectsHandler
# Cleanup
def _atexit() :
# disable all __del__ methods at process termination to avoid unpredictable behaviour
for cls in Connection, Server :
delattr(cls, "__del__")
#end for
#end _atexit
del _atexit