Embed images in articles

Grégory Oestreicher 2016-12-19 08:29:10 +01:00
parent 6c744cf387
commit 223e1cfd1b
8 changed files with 295 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ TARGET = harbour-wallaread
CONFIG += sailfishapp c++11
SOURCES += src/harbour-wallaread.cpp \
src/httprequester.cpp \
OTHER_FILES += qml/harbour-wallaread.qml \
qml/cover/CoverPage.qml \
@ -37,7 +38,8 @@ CONFIG += sailfishapp_i18n
#TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-wallaread-de.ts
src/httprequester.h \
qml/js/WallaBase.js \

View File

@ -21,10 +21,36 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import harbour.wallaread 1.0
import "pages"
import "./js/WallaBase.js" as WallaBase
QtObject {
id: jsTimerSource
function setTimeout( cb, ms ) {
var timer = Qt.createQmlObject( "import QtQuick 2.0; Timer {}", jsTimerSource)
timer.repeat = false
timer.interval = ms
timer.triggered.connect( function() { cb(); timer.destroy(); } )
ImageEmbedder {
id: imageEmbedder
Component.onCompleted: {
WallaBase.setTimerSource( jsTimerSource )
WallaBase.setImageEmbedder( imageEmbedder )
initialPage: Component { ServersPage { } }
cover: Qt.resolvedUrl("cover/CoverPage.qml")
allowedOrientations: defaultAllowedOrientations

View File

@ -32,6 +32,28 @@ var ArticlesFilter = {
Starred: 4
Timer management, used for the various setTimeout() calls
var _timerSource = null;
function setTimerSource( source )
_timerSource = source;
Used to embed images in the articles
var _imageEmbedder = null;
function setImageEmbedder( embedder )
_imageEmbedder = embedder;
Servers management
@ -277,7 +299,7 @@ function _sendAuthRequest( props, cb )
Articles management
function syncDeletedArticles( timerSource, props, cb )
function syncDeletedArticles( props, cb )
var db = getDatabase();
@ -298,8 +320,8 @@ function syncDeletedArticles( timerSource, props, cb )
else {
if ( !working )
timerSource.setTimeout( _checkNextArticle, 100 );
timerSource.setTimeout( processArticlesList, 500 );
_timerSource.setTimeout( _checkNextArticle, 100 );
_timerSource.setTimeout( processArticlesList, 500 );
@ -350,7 +372,7 @@ function syncDeletedArticles( timerSource, props, cb )
timerSource.setTimeout( processArticlesList, 500 );
_timerSource.setTimeout( processArticlesList, 500 );
@ -527,7 +549,7 @@ function downloadArticles( props, cb )
if ( arts.length )
articles.push.apply( articles, arts );
if ( done )
cb( articles, null );
embedImages( articles, cb );
@ -589,6 +611,101 @@ function _downloadNextArticles( url, token, page, cb )
function embedImages( articles, cb )
var ret = new Array;
var working = false;
function _processArticlesList() {
if ( !working && articles.length === 0 ) {
cb( ret, null );
else {
if ( !working )
_timerSource.setTimeout( _processNextArticle, 100 );
_timerSource.setTimeout( _processArticlesList, 500 );
function _processNextArticle() {
working = true;
var article = articles.pop();
console.debug( "Embedding images for article " + article.id );
console.debug( "Length is " + article.content.length + " before" );
function( content ) {
article.content = content;
console.debug( "Length is " + article.content.length + " after" );
ret.push( article );
working = false;
_timerSource.setTimeout( _processArticlesList, 100 );
function _embedImages( article, cb )
var imgRe = /<img[^>]+\bsrc=(["'])(https?:\/\/.+?)\1[^>]+>/g;
var match;
var targets = new Array;
var content = article.content;
while ( match = imgRe.exec( content ) ) {
start: content.indexOf( match[2], match.index ),
url: match[2]
var working = false;
var offset = 0;
function _processImagesList() {
if ( !working && targets.length === 0 ) {
cb( content );
else {
if ( !working )
_timerSource.setTimeout( _downloadNextImage, 100 );
_timerSource.setTimeout( _processImagesList, 500 );
function _downloadNextImage() {
working = true;
var target = targets.pop();
console.debug( "Downloading image at " + target.url );
function( type, binary, err ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
// No big deal, we'll just leave an external src for this
// image.
console.error( "Failed to download image at " + target.url + ": " + err );
else if ( type.length && type.substr( 0, 6 ) === "image/" && binary.length ) {
console.debug( "Downloaded image at " + target.url + " with type " + type + ", size is " + binary.length );
var replacement = "data:" + type + ";base64," + binary;
var pre = content.substr( 0, target.start + offset );
var post = content.substr( target.start + offset - target.url.length );
content = pre + replacement + post;
offset += replacement.length - target.url.length;
working = false;
_timerSource.setTimeout( _processImagesList, 100 );
function setArticleStar( server, id, star )
var db = getDatabase();
@ -622,7 +739,7 @@ function getDatabase()
if ( _db === null ) {
console.debug( "Opening new connection to the database" );
_db = Storage.LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync( "WallaRead", "", "WallaRead", 1000000 );
_db = Storage.LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync( "WallaRead", "", "WallaRead", 100000000 );
checkDatabaseStatus( _db );

View File

@ -60,14 +60,6 @@ Item {
id: httpRequester
function setTimeout( cb, ms ) {
var timer = Qt.createQmlObject( "import QtQuick 2.0; Timer {}", server );
timer.repeat = false
timer.interval = ms
timer.triggered.connect( function() { cb(); timer.destroy(); } )
function onServerLoaded( props, err ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to load server information: " ) + err )
@ -119,7 +111,7 @@ Item {
else {
WallaBase.syncDeletedArticles( server, { id: serverId, token: accessToken, url: url }, function() { cb(); } )
WallaBase.syncDeletedArticles( { id: serverId, token: accessToken, url: url }, function() { cb(); } )

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include <sailfishapp.h>
#include "httprequester.h"
#include "imageembedder.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// To display the view, call "show()" (will show fullscreen on device).
qmlRegisterType<HttpRequester>( "harbour.wallaread", 1, 0, "HttpRequester" );
qmlRegisterType<ImageEmbedder>( "harbour.wallaread", 1, 0, "ImageEmbedder" );
return SailfishApp::main(argc, argv);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#include "imageembedder.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
* ImageEmbedRequest
ImageEmbedRequest::ImageEmbedRequest( QString const& url, QJSValue callback, QObject* parent )
: QObject( parent ), mUrl( url ), mReply( NULL ), mCallback( callback )
void ImageEmbedRequest::start()
this->doRequest( mUrl );
void ImageEmbedRequest::onFinished()
if ( mReply->error() ) {
mError = mReply->errorString();
int status = mReply->attribute( QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute ).toInt();
if ( status == 301 || status == 302 || status == 303 || status == 307 ) {
// Welp, we've been redirected, let's see if we can follow it
if ( !mReply->hasRawHeader( QByteArray( "Location" ) ) ) {
mError = tr( "Failed to find the image source" );
QString location = mReply->rawHeader( QByteArray( "Location" ) );
doRequest( location );
else {
mContentType = mReply->rawHeader( "Content-Type" );
QByteArray content = mReply->readAll();
mEncoded = content.toBase64();
void ImageEmbedRequest::doRequest( QString const& url )
if ( mReply != NULL ) {
mReply = NULL;
QNetworkRequest rq( url );
rq.setRawHeader( QByteArray( "Connection" ), QByteArray( "close" ) );
mReply = mQnam.get( rq );
connect( mReply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &ImageEmbedRequest::onFinished );
void ImageEmbedRequest::requestDone()
QJSValueList args;
args << mContentType;
args << mEncoded;
if ( mError.isEmpty() )
args << QJSValue::NullValue;
args << mError;
mCallback.call( args );
* ImageEmbedder
ImageEmbedder::ImageEmbedder( QObject *parent )
: QObject( parent )
void ImageEmbedder::embed( QString const& url, QJSValue callback )
ImageEmbedRequest *rq = new ImageEmbedRequest( url, callback );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#include <QJSValue>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QObject>
class ImageEmbedRequest : public QObject
ImageEmbedRequest( QString const& url, QJSValue callback, QObject *parent = 0 );
void start();
private slots:
void onFinished();
void doRequest( QString const& url );
void requestDone();
QString mUrl;
QNetworkAccessManager mQnam;
QNetworkReply* mReply;
QJSValue mCallback;
QString mContentType;
QString mEncoded;
QString mError;
class ImageEmbedder : public QObject
explicit ImageEmbedder( QObject *parent = 0 );
Q_INVOKABLE void embed( QString const& url, QJSValue callback );

View File

@ -8,6 +8,13 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Failed to find the image source</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>