
350 lines
11 KiB

* WallaRead - A Wallabag 2+ client for SailfishOS
* © 2016 Grégory Oestreicher <greg@kamago.net>
* This file is part of WallaRead.
* WallaRead is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WallaRead is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WallaRead. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import QtQuick 2.0
import harbour.wallaread 1.0
import "../js/WallaBase.js" as WallaBase
Item {
id: server
property int serverId: -1
property string name
property string url
property int lastSync: 0
property string accessToken
property string refreshToken
property string tokenType
property int tokenExpiry: 0
signal articlesDownloaded( var list )
signal connected
signal error( string message )
onServerIdChanged: {
if ( serverId !== -1 ) {
console.debug( "Loading information for server " + serverId )
WallaBase.getServer( serverId, onServerLoaded )
else {
name = null
url = null
lastSync = 0
accessToken = null
refreshToken = null
tokenType = null
tokenExpiry = 0
HttpRequester {
id: httpRequester
function onServerLoaded( props, err ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to load server information: " ) + err )
else {
name = props.name
url = props.url
lastSync = props.lastSync
function connect( cb ) {
var now = Math.floor( (new Date).getTime() / 1000 )
if ( tokenExpiry <= now ) {
console.debug( "Opening connection for server " + serverId )
function( props, err ) {
onConnectionDone( props, err, cb )
else {
cb( null );
function onConnectionDone( props, err, cb ) {
if ( err === null ) {
console.debug( "Successfully connected to server " + serverId )
accessToken = props.access_token
refreshToken = props.refresh_token
tokenType = props.token_type
tokenExpiry = Math.floor( (new Date).getTime() / 1000 ) + props.expires_in
cb( err )
function isConnected() {
return tokenExpiry > Math.floor( (new Date).getTime() / 1000 )
function syncDeletedArticles( cb ) {
function( err ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to connect to server: " ) + err )
else {
WallaBase.syncDeletedArticles( { id: serverId, token: accessToken, url: url }, function() { cb(); } )
// No need for a callback here as the articlesDownloaded() signal will
// be emitted if there are any changes.
function getUpdatedArticles() {
function( err ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to connect to server: " ) + err)
articlesDownloaded( [] )
else {
console.debug( "Downloading articles changes since last sync" )
var props = { url: url, since: lastSync, accessToken: accessToken }
WallaBase.downloadArticles( props, onGetUpdatedArticlesDone )
function onGetUpdatedArticlesDone( articles, err ) {
var ret = new Array;
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to download articles: " ) + err )
else {
console.debug( "Retrieved " + articles.length + " new/updated articles" )
for ( var i = 0; i < articles.length; ++i ) {
var current = articles[i];
var article = {
id: current.id,
server: serverId,
created: current.created_at,
updated: current.updated_at,
mimetype: current.mimetype,
language: current.language,
readingTime: current.reading_time,
url: current.url,
domain: current.domain_name,
archived: current.is_archived,
starred: current.is_starred,
title: current.title,
previewPicture: current.previewPicture,
content: current.content
WallaBase.saveArticle( article )
ret.push( article )
WallaBase.setServerLastSync( serverId, Math.floor( (new Date).getTime() / 1000 ) )
articlesDownloaded( ret )
function uploadArticle( articleUrl, cb ) {
function( err ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to connect to server: " ) + err )
cb( false )
else {
console.debug( "Sending a new article" )
var props = { url: url, token: accessToken }
function( content, err ) {
onUploadArticleDone( content, err )
cb( err === null )
function onUploadArticleDone( current, err ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to upload article: " ) + err )
else {
var article = {
id: current.id,
server: serverId,
created: current.created_at,
updated: current.updated_at,
mimetype: current.mimetype,
language: current.language,
readingTime: current.reading_time,
url: current.url,
domain: current.domain_name,
archived: current.is_archived,
starred: current.is_starred,
title: current.title,
previewPicture: current.previewPicture,
content: current.content
WallaBase.saveArticle( article )
articlesDownloaded( [] )
function toggleArticleStar( article, cb ) {
function( err ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to connect to server: " ) + err );
cb( false )
else {
var articleUrl = url
if ( articleUrl.charAt( articleUrl.length - 1 ) !== "/" )
articleUrl += "/"
articleUrl += "api/entries/" + article.id + ".json"
var json = {}
json.starred = ( article.starred ? 0 : 1 )
console.debug( "Setting starred to " + json.starred + " on article " + article.id )
JSON.stringify( json ),
function( patchResponse, patchError ) {
onToggleArticleStarDone( patchResponse, patchError, article )
cb( patchError === null )
function onToggleArticleStarDone( content, err, article ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to set star status on article: " ) + err )
else {
console.debug( "Done toggling starred status for article " + article.id )
var json = JSON.parse( content )
WallaBase.setArticleStar( serverId, article.id, json.is_starred )
function toggleArticleRead( article, cb ) {
function( err ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to connect to server: " ) + err )
cb( false )
else {
var articleUrl = url
if ( articleUrl.charAt( articleUrl.length - 1 ) !== "/" )
articleUrl += "/"
articleUrl += "api/entries/" + article.id + ".json"
var json = {}
json.archive = ( article.archived ? 0 : 1 )
console.debug( "Setting archived to " + json.archived + " on article " + article.id )
JSON.stringify( json ),
function( patchResponse, patchError ) {
onToggleArticleReadDone( patchResponse, patchError, article )
cb( patchError === null )
function onToggleArticleReadDone( content, err, article, cb ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to set read status on article: " ) + err )
else {
console.debug( "Done toggling archived status for article " + article.id )
var json = JSON.parse( content )
WallaBase.setArticleRead( serverId, article.id, json.is_archived )
function deleteArticle( id, cb ) {
function( err ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to connect to server: " ) + err )
cb( false )
else {
var articleUrl = url
if ( articleUrl.charAt( articleUrl.length - 1 ) !== "/" )
articleUrl += "/"
articleUrl += "api/entries/" + id + ".json"
console.debug( "Deleting article " + id )
function( delResponse, delError ) {
onDeleteArticleDone( delResponse, delError, id )
cb( err === null )
function onDeleteArticleDone( content, err, id, cb ) {
if ( err !== null ) {
error( qsTr( "Failed to delete article: " ) + err )
else {
console.debug( "Done deleting article " + id )
WallaBase.deleteArticle( serverId, id )