23 lines
660 B
23 lines
660 B
{% extends "_base" %}
{% block content -%}
Index of {{ total_crates_indexed | separate_with_commas }} Rust libraries and applications. Lightweight, opinionated, curated, unofficial alternative to crates.io.
=> /about About
To search for a crate, use the following path:
/search/<term to search>
or if you you want to go directly to a crate info page, use:
/crates/<crate name>
## Categories
{% for category in categories %}
### {{ category.name }}
{{ category.description -}}
{% for crate in category.crates %}
=> /crates/{{ crate }} {{ crate }}
{%- endfor %}
=> /category/{{ category.slug }} {{ category.more_count }} more...
{% endfor -%}
{% endblock %}