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# Copyright (c) 2016 Claudiu Popa <pcmanticore@gmail.com>
# Licensed under the LGPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html
# For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/master/COPYING.LESSER
Data object model, as per https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html.
This module describes, at least partially, a data object model for some
of astroid's nodes. The model contains special attributes that nodes such
as functions, classes, modules etc have, such as __doc__, __class__,
__module__ etc, being used when doing attribute lookups over nodes.
For instance, inferring `obj.__class__` will first trigger an inference
of the `obj` variable. If it was succesfully inferred, then an attribute
`__class__ will be looked for in the inferred object. This is the part
where the data model occurs. The model is attached to those nodes
and the lookup mechanism will try to see if attributes such as
`__class__` are defined by the model or not. If they are defined,
the model will be requested to return the corresponding value of that
attribute. Thus the model can be viewed as a special part of the lookup
from functools import lru_cache
except ImportError:
from backports.functools_lru_cache import lru_cache
import itertools
import pprint
import os
import types
import six
import astroid
from astroid import context as contextmod
from astroid import exceptions
from astroid import node_classes
def _dunder_dict(instance, attributes):
obj = node_classes.Dict(parent=instance)
# Convert the keys to node strings
keys = [node_classes.Const(value=value, parent=obj)
for value in list(attributes.keys())]
# The original attribute has a list of elements for each key,
# but that is not useful for retrieving the special attribute's value.
# In this case, we're picking the last value from each list.
values = [elem[-1] for elem in attributes.values()]
obj.postinit(list(zip(keys, values)))
return obj
class ObjectModel(object):
def __init__(self):
self._instance = None
def __repr__(self):
result = []
cname = type(self).__name__
string = '%(cname)s(%(fields)s)'
alignment = len(cname) + 1
for field in sorted(self.attributes()):
width = 80 - len(field) - alignment
lines = pprint.pformat(field, indent=2,
inner = [lines[0]]
for line in lines[1:]:
inner.append(' ' * alignment + line)
return string % {'cname': cname,
'fields': (',\n' + ' ' * alignment).join(result)}
def __call__(self, instance):
self._instance = instance
return self
def __get__(self, instance, cls=None):
# ObjectModel needs to be a descriptor so that just doing
# `special_attributes = SomeObjectModel` should be enough in the body of a node.
# But at the same time, node.special_attributes should return an object
# which can be used for manipulating the special attributes. That's the reason
# we pass the instance through which it got accessed to ObjectModel.__call__,
# returning itself afterwards, so we can still have access to the
# underlying data model and to the instance for which it got accessed.
return self(instance)
def __contains__(self, name):
return name in self.attributes()
def attributes(self):
"""Get the attributes which are exported by this object model."""
return [obj[2:] for obj in dir(self) if obj.startswith('py')]
def lookup(self, name):
"""Look up the given *name* in the current model
It should return an AST or an interpreter object,
but if the name is not found, then an AttributeInferenceError will be raised.
if name in self.attributes():
return getattr(self, "py" + name)
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(target=self._instance, attribute=name)
class ModuleModel(ObjectModel):
def _builtins(self):
builtins = astroid.MANAGER.astroid_cache[six.moves.builtins.__name__]
return builtins.special_attributes.lookup('__dict__')
if six.PY3:
def pybuiltins(self):
return self._builtins()
def py__builtin__(self):
return self._builtins()
# __path__ is a standard attribute on *packages* not
# non-package modules. The only mention of it in the
# official 2.7 documentation I can find is in the
# tutorial.
def py__path__(self):
if not self._instance.package:
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(target=self._instance,
path = os.path.dirname(self._instance.file)
path_obj = node_classes.Const(value=path, parent=self._instance)
container = node_classes.List(parent=self._instance)
return container
def py__name__(self):
return node_classes.Const(value=self._instance.name,
def py__doc__(self):
return node_classes.Const(value=self._instance.doc,
def py__file__(self):
return node_classes.Const(value=self._instance.file,
def py__dict__(self):
return _dunder_dict(self._instance, self._instance.globals)
# __package__ isn't mentioned anywhere outside a PEP:
# https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0366/
def py__package__(self):
if not self._instance.package:
value = ''
value = self._instance.name
return node_classes.Const(value=value, parent=self._instance)
# These are related to the Python 3 implementation of the
# import system,
# https://docs.python.org/3/reference/import.html#import-related-module-attributes
def py__spec__(self):
# No handling for now.
return node_classes.Unknown()
def py__loader__(self):
# No handling for now.
return node_classes.Unknown()
def py__cached__(self):
# No handling for now.
return node_classes.Unknown()
class FunctionModel(ObjectModel):
def py__name__(self):
return node_classes.Const(value=self._instance.name,
def py__doc__(self):
return node_classes.Const(value=self._instance.doc,
def py__qualname__(self):
return node_classes.Const(value=self._instance.qname(),
def py__defaults__(self):
func = self._instance
if not func.args.defaults:
return node_classes.Const(value=None, parent=func)
defaults_obj = node_classes.Tuple(parent=func)
return defaults_obj
def py__annotations__(self):
obj = node_classes.Dict(parent=self._instance)
if not self._instance.returns:
returns = None
returns = self._instance.returns
args = self._instance.args
pair_annotations = itertools.chain(
six.moves.zip(args.args, args.annotations),
six.moves.zip(args.kwonlyargs, args.kwonlyargs_annotations)
annotations = {
arg.name: annotation
for (arg, annotation) in pair_annotations
if annotation
if args.varargannotation:
annotations[args.vararg] = args.varargannotation
if args.kwargannotation:
annotations[args.kwarg] = args.kwargannotation
if returns:
annotations['return'] = returns
items = [(node_classes.Const(key, parent=obj), value)
for (key, value) in annotations.items()]
return obj
def py__dict__(self):
return node_classes.Dict(parent=self._instance)
py__globals__ = py__dict__
def py__kwdefaults__(self):
def _default_args(args, parent):
for arg in args.kwonlyargs:
default = args.default_value(arg.name)
except exceptions.NoDefault:
name = node_classes.Const(arg.name, parent=parent)
yield name, default
args = self._instance.args
obj = node_classes.Dict(parent=self._instance)
defaults = dict(_default_args(args, obj))
return obj
def py__module__(self):
return node_classes.Const(self._instance.root().qname())
def py__get__(self):
from astroid import bases
func = self._instance
class DescriptorBoundMethod(bases.BoundMethod):
"""Bound method which knows how to understand calling descriptor binding."""
def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
if len(caller.args) != 2:
raise exceptions.InferenceError(
"Invalid arguments for descriptor binding",
target=self, context=context)
context = contextmod.copy_context(context)
cls = next(caller.args[0].infer(context=context))
# Rebuild the original value, but with the parent set as the
# class where it will be bound.
new_func = func.__class__(name=func.name, doc=func.doc,
lineno=func.lineno, col_offset=func.col_offset,
# pylint: disable=no-member
new_func.postinit(func.args, func.body,
func.decorators, func.returns)
# Build a proper bound method that points to our newly built function.
proxy = bases.UnboundMethod(new_func)
yield bases.BoundMethod(proxy=proxy, bound=cls)
return DescriptorBoundMethod(proxy=self._instance, bound=self._instance)
# These are here just for completion.
def py__ne__(self):
return node_classes.Unknown()
py__subclasshook__ = py__ne__
py__str__ = py__ne__
py__sizeof__ = py__ne__
py__setattr__ = py__ne__
py__repr__ = py__ne__
py__reduce__ = py__ne__
py__reduce_ex__ = py__ne__
py__new__ = py__ne__
py__lt__ = py__ne__
py__eq__ = py__ne__
py__gt__ = py__ne__
py__format__ = py__ne__
py__delattr__ = py__ne__
py__getattribute__ = py__ne__
py__hash__ = py__ne__
py__init__ = py__ne__
py__dir__ = py__ne__
py__call__ = py__ne__
py__class__ = py__ne__
py__closure__ = py__ne__
py__code__ = py__ne__
if six.PY2:
pyfunc_name = py__name__
pyfunc_doc = py__doc__
pyfunc_globals = py__globals__
pyfunc_dict = py__dict__
pyfunc_defaults = py__defaults__
pyfunc_code = py__code__
pyfunc_closure = py__closure__
class ClassModel(ObjectModel):
def py__module__(self):
return node_classes.Const(self._instance.root().qname())
def py__name__(self):
return node_classes.Const(self._instance.name)
def py__qualname__(self):
return node_classes.Const(self._instance.qname())
def py__doc__(self):
return node_classes.Const(self._instance.doc)
def py__mro__(self):
if not self._instance.newstyle:
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(target=self._instance,
mro = self._instance.mro()
obj = node_classes.Tuple(parent=self._instance)
return obj
def pymro(self):
if not self._instance.newstyle:
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(target=self._instance,
from astroid import bases
other_self = self
# Cls.mro is a method and we need to return one in order to have a proper inference.
# The method we're returning is capable of inferring the underlying MRO though.
class MroBoundMethod(bases.BoundMethod):
def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
yield other_self.py__mro__
implicit_metaclass = self._instance.implicit_metaclass()
mro_method = implicit_metaclass.locals['mro'][0]
return MroBoundMethod(proxy=mro_method, bound=implicit_metaclass)
def py__bases__(self):
obj = node_classes.Tuple()
context = contextmod.InferenceContext()
elts = list(self._instance._inferred_bases(context))
return obj
def py__class__(self):
from astroid import helpers
return helpers.object_type(self._instance)
def py__subclasses__(self):
"""Get the subclasses of the underlying class
This looks only in the current module for retrieving the subclasses,
thus it might miss a couple of them.
from astroid import bases
from astroid import scoped_nodes
if not self._instance.newstyle:
raise exceptions.AttributeInferenceError(target=self._instance,
qname = self._instance.qname()
root = self._instance.root()
classes = [cls for cls in root.nodes_of_class(scoped_nodes.ClassDef)
if cls != self._instance and cls.is_subtype_of(qname)]
obj = node_classes.List(parent=self._instance)
class SubclassesBoundMethod(bases.BoundMethod):
def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
yield obj
implicit_metaclass = self._instance.implicit_metaclass()
subclasses_method = implicit_metaclass.locals['__subclasses__'][0]
return SubclassesBoundMethod(proxy=subclasses_method,
def py__dict__(self):
return node_classes.Dict(parent=self._instance)
class SuperModel(ObjectModel):
def py__thisclass__(self):
return self._instance.mro_pointer
def py__self_class__(self):
return self._instance._self_class
def py__self__(self):
return self._instance.type
def py__class__(self):
return self._instance._proxied
class UnboundMethodModel(ObjectModel):
def py__class__(self):
from astroid import helpers
return helpers.object_type(self._instance)
def py__func__(self):
return self._instance._proxied
def py__self__(self):
return node_classes.Const(value=None, parent=self._instance)
pyim_func = py__func__
pyim_class = py__class__
pyim_self = py__self__
class BoundMethodModel(FunctionModel):
def py__func__(self):
return self._instance._proxied._proxied
def py__self__(self):
return self._instance.bound
class GeneratorModel(FunctionModel):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# Append the values from the GeneratorType unto this object.
ret = super(GeneratorModel, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
generator = astroid.MANAGER.astroid_cache[six.moves.builtins.__name__]['generator']
for name, values in generator.locals.items():
print(name, values)
method = values[0]
patched = lambda cls, meth=method: meth
setattr(type(ret), 'py' + name, property(patched))
return ret
def py__name__(self):
return node_classes.Const(value=self._instance.parent.name,
def py__doc__(self):
return node_classes.Const(value=self._instance.parent.doc,
class InstanceModel(ObjectModel):
def py__class__(self):
return self._instance._proxied
def py__module__(self):
return node_classes.Const(self._instance.root().qname())
def py__doc__(self):
return node_classes.Const(self._instance.doc)
def py__dict__(self):
return _dunder_dict(self._instance, self._instance.instance_attrs)
class ExceptionInstanceModel(InstanceModel):
def pyargs(self):
message = node_classes.Const('')
args = node_classes.Tuple(parent=self._instance)
args.postinit((message, ))
return args
if six.PY3:
# It's available only on Python 3.
def py__traceback__(self):
builtins = astroid.MANAGER.astroid_cache[six.moves.builtins.__name__]
traceback_type = builtins[types.TracebackType.__name__]
return traceback_type.instantiate_class()
if six.PY2:
# It's available only on Python 2.
def pymessage(self):
return node_classes.Const('')
class DictModel(ObjectModel):
def py__class__(self):
return self._instance._proxied
def _generic_dict_attribute(self, obj, name):
"""Generate a bound method that can infer the given *obj*."""
class DictMethodBoundMethod(astroid.BoundMethod):
def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
yield obj
meth = next(self._instance._proxied.igetattr(name))
return DictMethodBoundMethod(proxy=meth, bound=self._instance)
def pyitems(self):
elems = []
obj = node_classes.List(parent=self._instance)
for key, value in self._instance.items:
elem = node_classes.Tuple(parent=obj)
elem.postinit((key, value))
if six.PY3:
from astroid import objects
obj = objects.DictItems(obj)
return self._generic_dict_attribute(obj, 'items')
def pykeys(self):
keys = [key for (key, _) in self._instance.items]
obj = node_classes.List(parent=self._instance)
if six.PY3:
from astroid import objects
obj = objects.DictKeys(obj)
return self._generic_dict_attribute(obj, 'keys')
def pyvalues(self):
values = [value for (_, value) in self._instance.items]
obj = node_classes.List(parent=self._instance)
if six.PY3:
from astroid import objects
obj = objects.DictValues(obj)
return self._generic_dict_attribute(obj, 'values')