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2018-07-20 05:43:02 +00:00
Square-1 Solver / Scramble Generator in Javascript.
Ported from PPT, written Walter Souza:
Ported by Lucas Garron, November 16, 2011.
- Try to ini using pregenerated JSON.
- Try to optimize arrays (byte arrays?).
"use strict";
var sql_scrambler = (function(set8Perm, get8Perm, circle, rn) {
function FullCube_copy(obj, c){
obj.ul = c.ul;
obj.ur = c.ur;
obj.dl = c.dl;
obj.dr = c.dr; =;
function FullCube_doMove(obj, move){
var temp;
move <<= 2;
if (move > 24) {
move = 48 - move;
temp = obj.ul;
obj.ul = (obj.ul >> move | obj.ur << 24 - move) & 16777215;
obj.ur = (obj.ur >> move | temp << 24 - move) & 16777215;
else if (move > 0) {
temp = obj.ul;
obj.ul = (obj.ul << move | obj.ur >> 24 - move) & 16777215;
obj.ur = (obj.ur << move | temp >> 24 - move) & 16777215;
else if (move == 0) {
temp = obj.ur;
obj.ur = obj.dl;
obj.dl = temp; = 1 -;
else if (move >= -24) {
move = -move;
temp = obj.dl;
obj.dl = (obj.dl << move | obj.dr >> 24 - move) & 16777215;
obj.dr = (obj.dr << move | temp >> 24 - move) & 16777215;
else if (move < -24) {
move = 48 + move;
temp = obj.dl;
obj.dl = (obj.dl >> move | obj.dr << 24 - move) & 16777215;
obj.dr = (obj.dr >> move | temp << 24 - move) & 16777215;
function FullCube_getParity(obj){
var a, b, cnt, i, p;
cnt = 0;
obj.arr[0] = FullCube_pieceAt(obj, 0);
for (i = 1; i < 24; ++i) {
FullCube_pieceAt(obj, i) != obj.arr[cnt] && (obj.arr[++cnt] = FullCube_pieceAt(obj, i));
p = 0;
for (a = 0; a < 16; ++a) {
for (b = a + 1; b < 16; ++b) {
obj.arr[a] > obj.arr[b] && (p ^= 1);
return p;
function FullCube_getShapeIdx(obj){
var dlx, drx, ulx, urx;
urx = obj.ur & 1118481;
urx |= urx >> 3;
urx |= urx >> 6;
urx = urx & 15 | urx >> 12 & 48;
ulx = obj.ul & 1118481;
ulx |= ulx >> 3;
ulx |= ulx >> 6;
ulx = ulx & 15 | ulx >> 12 & 48;
drx = obj.dr & 1118481;
drx |= drx >> 3;
drx |= drx >> 6;
drx = drx & 15 | drx >> 12 & 48;
dlx = obj.dl & 1118481;
dlx |= dlx >> 3;
dlx |= dlx >> 6;
dlx = dlx & 15 | dlx >> 12 & 48;
return Shape_getShape2Idx(FullCube_getParity(obj) << 24 | ulx << 18 | urx << 12 | dlx << 6 | drx);
function FullCube_getSquare(obj, sq){
var a, b;
for (a = 0; a < 8; ++a) {
obj.prm[a] = FullCube_pieceAt(obj, a * 3 + 1) >> 1;
sq.cornperm = get8Perm(obj.prm);
sq.topEdgeFirst = FullCube_pieceAt(obj, 0) == FullCube_pieceAt(obj, 1);
a = sq.topEdgeFirst?2:0;
for (b = 0; b < 4; a += 3 , ++b)
obj.prm[b] = FullCube_pieceAt(obj, a) >> 1;
sq.botEdgeFirst = FullCube_pieceAt(obj, 12) == FullCube_pieceAt(obj, 13);
a = sq.botEdgeFirst?14:12;
for (; b < 8; a += 3 , ++b)
obj.prm[b] = FullCube_pieceAt(obj, a) >> 1;
sq.edgeperm = get8Perm(obj.prm); =;
function FullCube_pieceAt(obj, idx){
var ret;
idx < 6?(ret = obj.ul >> (5 - idx << 2)):idx < 12?(ret = obj.ur >> (11 - idx << 2)):idx < 18?(ret = obj.dl >> (17 - idx << 2)):(ret = obj.dr >> (23 - idx << 2));
return (ret & 15);
function FullCube_setPiece(obj, idx, value) {
if (idx < 6) {
obj.ul &= ~(0xf << ((5-idx) << 2));
obj.ul |= value << ((5-idx) << 2);
} else if (idx < 12) {
obj.ur &= ~(0xf << ((11-idx) << 2));
obj.ur |= value << ((11-idx) << 2);
} else if (idx < 18) {
obj.dl &= ~(0xf << ((17-idx) << 2));
obj.dl |= value << ((17-idx) << 2);
} else {
obj.dr &= ~(0xf << ((23-idx) << 2));
obj.dr |= value << ((23-idx) << 2);
function FullCube_FullCube__Ljava_lang_String_2V(){
this.arr = [];
this.prm = [];
function FullCube_randomEP(){
var f, i, shape, edge, n_edge, n_corner, rnd, m;
f = new FullCube_FullCube__Ljava_lang_String_2V;
shape = Shape_ShapeIdx[FullCube_getShapeIdx(f) >> 1];
edge = 0x01234567 << 1;
n_edge = 8;
for (i=0; i<24; i++) {
if (((shape >> i) & 1) == 0) {//edge
rnd = rn(n_edge) << 2;
FullCube_setPiece(f, 23-i, (edge >> rnd) & 0xf);
m = (1 << rnd) - 1;
edge = (edge & m) + ((edge >> 4) & ~m);
} else {
} = rn(2);
return f;
function FullCube_randomCube(){
var f, i, shape, edge, corner, n_edge, n_corner, rnd, m;
f = new FullCube_FullCube__Ljava_lang_String_2V;
shape = Shape_ShapeIdx[rn(3678)];
corner = 0x01234567 << 1 | 0x11111111;
edge = 0x01234567 << 1;
n_corner = n_edge = 8;
for (i=0; i<24; i++) {
if (((shape >> i) & 1) == 0) {//edge
rnd = rn(n_edge) << 2;
FullCube_setPiece(f, 23-i, (edge >> rnd) & 0xf);
m = (1 << rnd) - 1;
edge = (edge & m) + ((edge >> 4) & ~m);
} else {//corner
rnd = rn(n_corner) << 2;
FullCube_setPiece(f, 23-i, (corner >> rnd) & 0xf);
FullCube_setPiece(f, 22-i, (corner >> rnd) & 0xf);
m = (1 << rnd) - 1;
corner = (corner & m) + ((corner >> 4) & ~m);
} = rn(2);
return f;
function FullCube(){
var _ = FullCube_FullCube__Ljava_lang_String_2V.prototype = FullCube.prototype;
_.dl = 10062778;
_.dr = 14536702; = 0;
_.ul = 70195;
_.ur = 4544119;
function Search_init2(obj){
var corner, edge, i, j, ml, prun;
FullCube_copy(obj.Search_d, obj.Search_c);
for (i = 0; i < obj.Search_length1; ++i) {
FullCube_doMove(obj.Search_d, obj.Search_move[i]);
FullCube_getSquare(obj.Search_d, obj.Search_sq);
edge = obj.Search_sq.edgeperm;
corner = obj.Search_sq.cornperm;
ml =;
prun = Math.max( SquarePrun[obj.Search_sq.edgeperm << 1 | ml], SquarePrun[obj.Search_sq.cornperm << 1 | ml]);
for (i = prun; i < obj.Search_maxlen2; ++i) {
if (Search_phase2(obj, edge, corner, obj.Search_sq.topEdgeFirst, obj.Search_sq.botEdgeFirst, ml, i, obj.Search_length1, 0)) {
for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
FullCube_doMove(obj.Search_d, obj.Search_move[obj.Search_length1 + j]);
//console.log(obj.Search_move[obj.Search_length1 + j]);
obj.Search_sol_string = Search_move2string(obj, i + obj.Search_length1);
return true;
return false;
function Search_move2string(obj, len) {
var s = "";
var top = 0, bottom = 0;
for (var i=len-1; i>=0; i--) {
var val = obj.Search_move[i];
if (val > 0) {
val = 12 - val;
top = (val > 6) ? (val-12) : val;
} else if (val < 0) {
val = 12 + val
bottom = (val > 6) ? (val-12) : val;
} else {
if (top == 0 && bottom == 0) {
s += "/"
} else {
s += "(" + top + ", " + bottom + ")/";
top = bottom = 0;
if (top == 0 && bottom == 0) {
} else {
s += "(" + top + ", " + bottom + ")";
return s;// + " (" + len + "t)";
function Search_phase1(obj, shape, prunvalue, maxl, depth, lm){
var m, prunx, shapex;
if (prunvalue == 0 && maxl < 4) {
return maxl == 0 && Search_init2(obj);
if (lm != 0) {
shapex = Shape_TwistMove[shape];
prunx = ShapePrun[shapex];
if (prunx < maxl) {
obj.Search_move[depth] = 0;
if (Search_phase1(obj, shapex, prunx, maxl - 1, depth + 1, 0)) {
return true;
shapex = shape;
if (lm <= 0) {
m = 0;
while (true) {
m += Shape_TopMove[shapex];
shapex = m >> 4;
m &= 15;
if (m >= 12) {
prunx = ShapePrun[shapex];
if (prunx > maxl) {
else if (prunx < maxl) {
obj.Search_move[depth] = m;
if (Search_phase1(obj, shapex, prunx, maxl - 1, depth + 1, 1)) {
return true;
shapex = shape;
if (lm <= 1) {
m = 0;
while (true) {
m += Shape_BottomMove[shapex];
shapex = m >> 4;
m &= 15;
if (m >= 6) {
prunx = ShapePrun[shapex];
if (prunx > maxl) {
else if (prunx < maxl) {
obj.Search_move[depth] = -m;
if (Search_phase1(obj, shapex, prunx, maxl - 1, depth + 1, 2)) {
return true;
return false;
function Search_phase2(obj, edge, corner, topEdgeFirst, botEdgeFirst, ml, maxl, depth, lm){
var botEdgeFirstx, cornerx, edgex, m, prun1, prun2, topEdgeFirstx;
if (maxl == 0 && !topEdgeFirst && botEdgeFirst) {
return true;
if (lm != 0 && topEdgeFirst == botEdgeFirst) {
edgex = Square_TwistMove[edge];
cornerx = Square_TwistMove[corner];
if (SquarePrun[edgex << 1 | 1 - ml] < maxl && SquarePrun[cornerx << 1 | 1 - ml] < maxl) {
obj.Search_move[depth] = 0;
if (Search_phase2(obj, edgex, cornerx, topEdgeFirst, botEdgeFirst, 1 - ml, maxl - 1, depth + 1, 0)) {
return true;
if (lm <= 0) {
topEdgeFirstx = !topEdgeFirst;
edgex = topEdgeFirstx? Square_TopMove[edge]:edge;
cornerx = topEdgeFirstx?corner: Square_TopMove[corner];
m = topEdgeFirstx?1:2;
prun1 = SquarePrun[edgex << 1 | ml];
prun2 = SquarePrun[cornerx << 1 | ml];
while (m < 12 && prun1 <= maxl && prun1 <= maxl) {
if (prun1 < maxl && prun2 < maxl) {
obj.Search_move[depth] = m;
if (Search_phase2(obj, edgex, cornerx, topEdgeFirstx, botEdgeFirst, ml, maxl - 1, depth + 1, 1)) {
return true;
topEdgeFirstx = !topEdgeFirstx;
if (topEdgeFirstx) {
edgex = Square_TopMove[edgex];
prun1 = SquarePrun[edgex << 1 | ml];
m += 1;
else {
cornerx = Square_TopMove[cornerx];
prun2 = SquarePrun[cornerx << 1 | ml];
m += 2;
if (lm <= 1) {
botEdgeFirstx = !botEdgeFirst;
edgex = botEdgeFirstx? Square_BottomMove[edge]:edge;
cornerx = botEdgeFirstx?corner: Square_BottomMove[corner];
m = botEdgeFirstx?1:2;
prun1 = SquarePrun[edgex << 1 | ml];
prun2 = SquarePrun[cornerx << 1 | ml];
while (m < (maxl > 6?6:12) && prun1 <= maxl && prun1 <= maxl) {
if (prun1 < maxl && prun2 < maxl) {
obj.Search_move[depth] = -m;
if (Search_phase2(obj, edgex, cornerx, topEdgeFirst, botEdgeFirstx, ml, maxl - 1, depth + 1, 2)) {
return true;
botEdgeFirstx = !botEdgeFirstx;
if (botEdgeFirstx) {
edgex = Square_BottomMove[edgex];
prun1 = SquarePrun[edgex << 1 | ml];
m += 1;
else {
cornerx = Square_BottomMove[cornerx];
prun2 = SquarePrun[cornerx << 1 | ml];
m += 2;
return false;
function Search_solution(obj, c){
var shape;
obj.Search_c = c;
shape = FullCube_getShapeIdx(c);
for (obj.Search_length1 = ShapePrun[shape]; obj.Search_length1 < 100; ++obj.Search_length1) {
obj.Search_maxlen2 = Math.min(31 - obj.Search_length1, 17);
if (Search_phase1(obj, shape, ShapePrun[shape], obj.Search_length1, 0, -1)) {
return obj.Search_sol_string;
function Search_Search(){
this.Search_move = [];
this.Search_d = new FullCube_FullCube__Ljava_lang_String_2V;
this.Search_sq = new Square_Square;
function Search(){
_ = Search_Search.prototype = Search.prototype;
_.Search_c = null;
_.Search_length1 = 0;
_.Search_maxlen2 = 0;
_.Search_sol_string = null;
function Shape_$clinit(){
Shape_halflayer =[0, 3, 6, 12, 15, 24, 27, 30, 48, 51, 54, 60, 63];
Shape_ShapeIdx = [];
ShapePrun = [];
Shape_TopMove = [];
Shape_BottomMove = [];
Shape_TwistMove = [];
function Shape_bottomMove(obj){
var move, moveParity;
move = 0;
moveParity = 0;
do {
if ((obj.bottom & 2048) == 0) {
move += 1;
obj.bottom = obj.bottom << 1;
else {
move += 2;
obj.bottom = obj.bottom << 2 ^ 12291;
moveParity = 1 - moveParity;
while ((bitCount(obj.bottom & 63) & 1) != 0);
(bitCount(obj.bottom) & 2) == 0 && (obj.Shape_parity ^= moveParity);
return move;
function Shape_getIdx(obj){
var ret;
ret = binarySearch(Shape_ShapeIdx, << 12 | obj.bottom) << 1 | obj.Shape_parity;
return ret;
function Shape_setIdx(obj, idx){
obj.Shape_parity = idx & 1; = Shape_ShapeIdx[idx >> 1];
obj.bottom = & 4095; >>= 12;
function Shape_topMove(obj){
var move, moveParity;
move = 0;
moveParity = 0;
do {
if (( & 2048) == 0) {
move += 1; = << 1;
else {
move += 2; = << 2 ^ 12291;
moveParity = 1 - moveParity;
while ((bitCount( & 63) & 1) != 0);
(bitCount( & 2) == 0 && (obj.Shape_parity ^= moveParity);
return move;
function Shape_Shape(){
function Shape_getShape2Idx(shp){
var ret;
ret = binarySearch(Shape_ShapeIdx, shp & 16777215) << 1 | shp >> 24;
return ret;
function Shape_init(){
var count, depth, dl, done, done0, dr, i, idx, m, s, ul, ur, value, p1, p3, temp;
count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 28561; ++i) {
dr = Shape_halflayer[i % 13];
dl = Shape_halflayer[~~(i / 13) % 13];
ur = Shape_halflayer[~~(~~(i / 13) / 13) % 13];
ul = Shape_halflayer[~~(~~(~~(i / 13) / 13) / 13)];
value = ul << 18 | ur << 12 | dl << 6 | dr;
bitCount(value) == 16 && (Shape_ShapeIdx[count++] = value);
s = new Shape_Shape;
for (i = 0; i < 7356; ++i) {
Shape_setIdx(s, i);
Shape_TopMove[i] = Shape_topMove(s);
Shape_TopMove[i] |= Shape_getIdx(s) << 4;
Shape_setIdx(s, i);
Shape_BottomMove[i] = Shape_bottomMove(s);
Shape_BottomMove[i] |= Shape_getIdx(s) << 4;
Shape_setIdx(s, i);
temp = & 63;
p1 = bitCount(temp);
p3 = bitCount(s.bottom & 4032);
s.Shape_parity ^= 1 & (p1 & p3) >> 1; = & 4032 | s.bottom >> 6 & 63;
s.bottom = s.bottom & 63 | temp << 6;
Shape_TwistMove[i] = Shape_getIdx(s);
for (i = 0; i < 7536; ++i) {
ShapePrun[i] = -1;
ShapePrun[Shape_getShape2Idx(14378715)] = 0;
ShapePrun[Shape_getShape2Idx(31157686)] = 0;
ShapePrun[Shape_getShape2Idx(23967451)] = 0;
ShapePrun[Shape_getShape2Idx(7191990)] = 0;
done = 4;
done0 = 0;
depth = -1;
while (done != done0) {
done0 = done;
for (i = 0; i < 7536; ++i) {
if (ShapePrun[i] == depth) {
m = 0;
idx = i;
do {
idx = Shape_TopMove[idx];
m += idx & 15;
idx >>= 4;
if (ShapePrun[idx] == -1) {
ShapePrun[idx] = depth + 1;
while (m != 12);
m = 0;
idx = i;
do {
idx = Shape_BottomMove[idx];
m += idx & 15;
idx >>= 4;
if (ShapePrun[idx] == -1) {
ShapePrun[idx] = depth + 1;
while (m != 12);
idx = Shape_TwistMove[i];
if (ShapePrun[idx] == -1) {
ShapePrun[idx] = depth + 1;
function Shape(){
_ = Shape_Shape.prototype = Shape.prototype;
_.bottom = 0;
_.Shape_parity = 0; = 0;
var Shape_BottomMove, Shape_ShapeIdx, ShapePrun, Shape_TopMove, Shape_TwistMove, Shape_halflayer;
function Square_$clinit(){
SquarePrun = [];
Square_TwistMove = [];
Square_TopMove = [];
Square_BottomMove = [];
function Square_Square(){
function Square_init(){
var check, depth, done, find, i, idx, idxx, inv, m, ml, pos;
pos = [];
for (i = 0; i < 40320; ++i) {
set8Perm(pos, i);
circle(pos, 2, 4)(pos, 3, 5);
Square_TwistMove[i] = get8Perm(pos);
set8Perm(pos, i);
circle(pos, 0, 3, 2, 1);
Square_TopMove[i] = get8Perm(pos);
set8Perm(pos, i);
circle(pos, 4, 7, 6, 5);
Square_BottomMove[i] = get8Perm(pos);
for (i = 0; i < 80640; ++i) {
SquarePrun[i] = -1;
SquarePrun[0] = 0;
depth = 0;
done = 1;
while (done < 80640) {
inv = depth >= 11;
find = inv?-1:depth;
check = inv?depth:-1;
OUT: for (i = 0; i < 80640; ++i) {
if (SquarePrun[i] == find) {
idx = i >> 1;
ml = i & 1;
idxx = Square_TwistMove[idx] << 1 | 1 - ml;
if (SquarePrun[idxx] == check) {
SquarePrun[inv?i:idxx] = depth;
if (inv)
continue OUT;
idxx = idx;
for (m = 0; m < 4; ++m) {
idxx = Square_TopMove[idxx];
if (SquarePrun[idxx << 1 | ml] == check) {
SquarePrun[inv?i:idxx << 1 | ml] = depth;
if (inv)
continue OUT;
for (m = 0; m < 4; ++m) {
idxx = Square_BottomMove[idxx];
if (SquarePrun[idxx << 1 | ml] == check) {
SquarePrun[inv?i:idxx << 1 | ml] = depth;
if (inv)
continue OUT;
function Square(){
_ = Square_Square.prototype = Square.prototype;
_.botEdgeFirst = false;
_.cornperm = 0;
_.edgeperm = 0; = 0;
_.topEdgeFirst = false;
var Square_BottomMove, SquarePrun, Square_TopMove, Square_TwistMove;
function bitCount(x){
x -= x >> 1 & 1431655765;
x = (x >> 2 & 858993459) + (x & 858993459);
x = (x >> 4) + x & 252645135;
x += x >> 8;
x += x >> 16;
return x & 63;
function binarySearch(sortedArray, key){
var high, low, mid, midVal;
low = 0;
high = sortedArray.length - 1;
while (low <= high) {
mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
midVal = sortedArray[mid];
if (midVal < key) {
low = mid + 1;
else if (midVal > key) {
high = mid - 1;
else {
return mid;
return -low - 1;
// console.log(Search_solution(new Search_Search, FullCube_randomCube()));
function square1SolverGetRandomScramble() {
// var randomState = square1SolverGetRandomPosition();
var scrambleString = Search_solution(new Search_Search, FullCube_randomCube());
return scrambleString;
('sqrs', square1SolverGetRandomScramble)
return {
getRandomScramble: square1SolverGetRandomScramble
})(mathlib.set8Perm, mathlib.get8Perm,, mathlib.rn);