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# Copyright (c) 2007-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) <contact@logilab.fr>
# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Claudiu Popa <pcmanticore@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Cara Vinson <ceridwenv@gmail.com>
# Licensed under the LGPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html
# For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/blob/master/COPYING.LESSER
"""tests for the astroid variable lookup capabilities
import functools
import sys
import unittest
from astroid import builder
from astroid import exceptions
from astroid import nodes
from astroid import scoped_nodes
from astroid import util
from astroid.tests import resources
class LookupTest(resources.SysPathSetup, unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(LookupTest, self).setUp()
self.module = resources.build_file('data/module.py', 'data.module')
self.module2 = resources.build_file('data/module2.py', 'data.module2')
self.nonregr = resources.build_file('data/nonregr.py', 'data.nonregr')
def test_limit(self):
code = '''
l = [a
for a,b in list]
a = 1
b = a
a = None
def func():
c = 1
astroid = builder.parse(code, __name__)
# a & b
a = next(astroid.nodes_of_class(nodes.Name))
self.assertEqual(a.lineno, 2)
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
self.assertEqual(len(astroid.lookup('b')[1]), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(astroid.lookup('a')[1]), 1)
b = astroid.locals['b'][1]
self.assertEqual(len(astroid.lookup('b')[1]), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(astroid.lookup('a')[1]), 1)
b = astroid.locals['b'][0]
stmts = a.lookup('a')[1]
self.assertEqual(len(stmts), 1)
self.assertEqual(b.lineno, 6)
b_infer = b.infer()
b_value = next(b_infer)
self.assertEqual(b_value.value, 1)
# c
self.assertRaises(StopIteration, functools.partial(next, b_infer))
func = astroid.locals['func'][0]
self.assertEqual(len(func.lookup('c')[1]), 1)
def test_module(self):
astroid = builder.parse('pass', __name__)
# built-in objects
none = next(astroid.ilookup('None'))
obj = next(astroid.ilookup('object'))
self.assertIsInstance(obj, nodes.ClassDef)
self.assertEqual(obj.name, 'object')
functools.partial(next, astroid.ilookup('YOAA')))
self.assertEqual(len(list(self.nonregr.ilookup('enumerate'))), 2)
def test_class_ancestor_name(self):
code = '''
class A:
class A(A):
astroid = builder.parse(code, __name__)
cls1 = astroid.locals['A'][0]
cls2 = astroid.locals['A'][1]
name = next(cls2.nodes_of_class(nodes.Name))
self.assertEqual(next(name.infer()), cls1)
### backport those test to inline code
def test_method(self):
method = self.module['YOUPI']['method']
my_dict = next(method.ilookup('MY_DICT'))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(my_dict, nodes.Dict), my_dict)
none = next(method.ilookup('None'))
functools.partial(next, method.ilookup('YOAA')))
def test_function_argument_with_default(self):
make_class = self.module2['make_class']
base = next(make_class.ilookup('base'))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(base, nodes.ClassDef), base.__class__)
self.assertEqual(base.name, 'YO')
self.assertEqual(base.root().name, 'data.module')
def test_class(self):
klass = self.module['YOUPI']
my_dict = next(klass.ilookup('MY_DICT'))
self.assertIsInstance(my_dict, nodes.Dict)
none = next(klass.ilookup('None'))
obj = next(klass.ilookup('object'))
self.assertIsInstance(obj, nodes.ClassDef)
self.assertEqual(obj.name, 'object')
functools.partial(next, klass.ilookup('YOAA')))
def test_inner_classes(self):
ddd = list(self.nonregr['Ccc'].ilookup('Ddd'))
self.assertEqual(ddd[0].name, 'Ddd')
def test_loopvar_hiding(self):
astroid = builder.parse("""
x = 10
for x in range(5):
print (x)
if x > 0:
print ('#' * x)
""", __name__)
xnames = [n for n in astroid.nodes_of_class(nodes.Name) if n.name == 'x']
# inside the loop, only one possible assignment
self.assertEqual(len(xnames[0].lookup('x')[1]), 1)
# outside the loop, two possible assignments
self.assertEqual(len(xnames[1].lookup('x')[1]), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(xnames[2].lookup('x')[1]), 2)
def test_list_comps(self):
astroid = builder.parse("""
print ([ i for i in range(10) ])
print ([ i for i in range(10) ])
print ( list( i for i in range(10) ) )
""", __name__)
xnames = [n for n in astroid.nodes_of_class(nodes.Name) if n.name == 'i']
self.assertEqual(len(xnames[0].lookup('i')[1]), 1)
self.assertEqual(xnames[0].lookup('i')[1][0].lineno, 2)
self.assertEqual(len(xnames[1].lookup('i')[1]), 1)
self.assertEqual(xnames[1].lookup('i')[1][0].lineno, 3)
self.assertEqual(len(xnames[2].lookup('i')[1]), 1)
self.assertEqual(xnames[2].lookup('i')[1][0].lineno, 4)
def test_list_comp_target(self):
"""test the list comprehension target"""
astroid = builder.parse("""
ten = [ var for var in range(10) ]
var = astroid.body[1].value
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
self.assertEqual(var.inferred(), [util.Uninferable])
self.assertRaises(exceptions.NameInferenceError, var.inferred)
def test_dict_comps(self):
astroid = builder.parse("""
print ({ i: j for i in range(10) for j in range(10) })
print ({ i: j for i in range(10) for j in range(10) })
""", __name__)
xnames = [n for n in astroid.nodes_of_class(nodes.Name) if n.name == 'i']
self.assertEqual(len(xnames[0].lookup('i')[1]), 1)
self.assertEqual(xnames[0].lookup('i')[1][0].lineno, 2)
self.assertEqual(len(xnames[1].lookup('i')[1]), 1)
self.assertEqual(xnames[1].lookup('i')[1][0].lineno, 3)
xnames = [n for n in astroid.nodes_of_class(nodes.Name) if n.name == 'j']
self.assertEqual(len(xnames[0].lookup('i')[1]), 1)
self.assertEqual(xnames[0].lookup('i')[1][0].lineno, 2)
self.assertEqual(len(xnames[1].lookup('i')[1]), 1)
self.assertEqual(xnames[1].lookup('i')[1][0].lineno, 3)
def test_set_comps(self):
astroid = builder.parse("""
print ({ i for i in range(10) })
print ({ i for i in range(10) })
""", __name__)
xnames = [n for n in astroid.nodes_of_class(nodes.Name) if n.name == 'i']
self.assertEqual(len(xnames[0].lookup('i')[1]), 1)
self.assertEqual(xnames[0].lookup('i')[1][0].lineno, 2)
self.assertEqual(len(xnames[1].lookup('i')[1]), 1)
self.assertEqual(xnames[1].lookup('i')[1][0].lineno, 3)
def test_set_comp_closure(self):
astroid = builder.parse("""
ten = { var for var in range(10) }
var = astroid.body[1].value
self.assertRaises(exceptions.NameInferenceError, var.inferred)
def test_generator_attributes(self):
tree = builder.parse("""
def count():
yield 0
iterer = count()
num = iterer.next()
next_node = tree.body[2].value.func
gener = next_node.expr.inferred()[0]
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
self.assertIsInstance(gener.getattr('next')[0], nodes.FunctionDef)
self.assertIsInstance(gener.getattr('__next__')[0], nodes.FunctionDef)
self.assertIsInstance(gener.getattr('send')[0], nodes.FunctionDef)
self.assertIsInstance(gener.getattr('throw')[0], nodes.FunctionDef)
self.assertIsInstance(gener.getattr('close')[0], nodes.FunctionDef)
def test_explicit___name__(self):
code = '''
class Pouet:
__name__ = "pouet"
p1 = Pouet()
class PouetPouet(Pouet): pass
p2 = Pouet()
class NoName: pass
p3 = NoName()
astroid = builder.parse(code, __name__)
p1 = next(astroid['p1'].infer())
p2 = next(astroid['p2'].infer())
p3 = next(astroid['p3'].infer())
self.assertRaises(exceptions.AttributeInferenceError, p3.getattr, '__name__')
def test_function_module_special(self):
astroid = builder.parse('''
def initialize(linter):
"""initialize linter with checkers in this package """
package_load(linter, __path__[0])
''', 'data.__init__')
path = [n for n in astroid.nodes_of_class(nodes.Name) if n.name == '__path__'][0]
self.assertEqual(len(path.lookup('__path__')[1]), 1)
def test_builtin_lookup(self):
self.assertEqual(scoped_nodes.builtin_lookup('__dict__')[1], ())
intstmts = scoped_nodes.builtin_lookup('int')[1]
self.assertEqual(len(intstmts), 1)
self.assertIsInstance(intstmts[0], nodes.ClassDef)
self.assertEqual(intstmts[0].name, 'int')
# pylint: disable=no-member; union type in const_factory, this shouldn't happen
self.assertIs(intstmts[0], nodes.const_factory(1)._proxied)
def test_decorator_arguments_lookup(self):
code = '''
def decorator(value):
def wrapper(function):
return function
return wrapper
class foo:
member = 10 #@
@decorator(member) #This will cause pylint to complain
def test(self):
member = builder.extract_node(code, __name__).targets[0]
it = member.infer()
obj = next(it)
self.assertIsInstance(obj, nodes.Const)
self.assertEqual(obj.value, 10)
self.assertRaises(StopIteration, functools.partial(next, it))
def test_inner_decorator_member_lookup(self):
code = '''
class FileA:
def decorator(bla):
return bla
def funcA():
return 4
decname = builder.extract_node(code, __name__)
it = decname.infer()
obj = next(it)
self.assertIsInstance(obj, nodes.FunctionDef)
self.assertRaises(StopIteration, functools.partial(next, it))
def test_static_method_lookup(self):
code = '''
class FileA:
def funcA():
return 4
class Test:
FileA = [1,2,3]
def __init__(self):
print (FileA.funcA())
astroid = builder.parse(code, __name__)
it = astroid['Test']['__init__'].ilookup('FileA')
obj = next(it)
self.assertIsInstance(obj, nodes.ClassDef)
self.assertRaises(StopIteration, functools.partial(next, it))
def test_global_delete(self):
code = '''
def run2():
f = Frobble()
class Frobble:
Frobble.mumble = True
del Frobble
def run1():
f = Frobble()
astroid = builder.parse(code, __name__)
stmts = astroid['run2'].lookup('Frobbel')[1]
self.assertEqual(len(stmts), 0)
stmts = astroid['run1'].lookup('Frobbel')[1]
self.assertEqual(len(stmts), 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':