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335 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2006, 2009-2010, 2012-2015 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) <contact@logilab.fr>
# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Claudiu Popa <pcmanticore@gmail.com>
# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
# For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/COPYING
"""check for signs of poor design"""
from collections import defaultdict
from astroid import If, BoolOp
from astroid import decorators
from pylint.interfaces import IAstroidChecker
from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker
from pylint.checkers.utils import check_messages
from pylint import utils
MSGS = {
'R0901': ('Too many ancestors (%s/%s)',
'Used when class has too many parent classes, try to reduce \
this to get a simpler (and so easier to use) class.'),
'R0902': ('Too many instance attributes (%s/%s)',
'Used when class has too many instance attributes, try to reduce \
this to get a simpler (and so easier to use) class.'),
'R0903': ('Too few public methods (%s/%s)',
'Used when class has too few public methods, so be sure it\'s \
really worth it.'),
'R0904': ('Too many public methods (%s/%s)',
'Used when class has too many public methods, try to reduce \
this to get a simpler (and so easier to use) class.'),
'R0911': ('Too many return statements (%s/%s)',
'Used when a function or method has too many return statement, \
making it hard to follow.'),
'R0912': ('Too many branches (%s/%s)',
'Used when a function or method has too many branches, \
making it hard to follow.'),
'R0913': ('Too many arguments (%s/%s)',
'Used when a function or method takes too many arguments.'),
'R0914': ('Too many local variables (%s/%s)',
'Used when a function or method has too many local variables.'),
'R0915': ('Too many statements (%s/%s)',
'Used when a function or method has too many statements. You \
should then split it in smaller functions / methods.'),
'R0916': ('Too many boolean expressions in if statement (%s/%s)',
'Used when a if statement contains too many boolean '
def _count_boolean_expressions(bool_op):
"""Counts the number of boolean expressions in BoolOp `bool_op` (recursive)
example: a and (b or c or (d and e)) ==> 5 boolean expressions
nb_bool_expr = 0
for bool_expr in bool_op.get_children():
if isinstance(bool_expr, BoolOp):
nb_bool_expr += _count_boolean_expressions(bool_expr)
nb_bool_expr += 1
return nb_bool_expr
class MisdesignChecker(BaseChecker):
"""checks for sign of poor/misdesign:
* number of methods, attributes, local variables...
* size, complexity of functions, methods
__implements__ = (IAstroidChecker,)
# configuration section name
name = 'design'
# messages
msgs = MSGS
priority = -2
# configuration options
options = (('max-args',
{'default' : 5, 'type' : 'int', 'metavar' : '<int>',
'help': 'Maximum number of arguments for function / method'}
{'default' : 15, 'type' : 'int', 'metavar' : '<int>',
'help': 'Maximum number of locals for function / method body'}
{'default' : 6, 'type' : 'int', 'metavar' : '<int>',
'help': 'Maximum number of return / yield for function / '
'method body'}
{'default' : 12, 'type' : 'int', 'metavar' : '<int>',
'help': 'Maximum number of branch for function / method body'}
{'default' : 50, 'type' : 'int', 'metavar' : '<int>',
'help': 'Maximum number of statements in function / method '
{'default' : 7,
'type' : 'int',
'metavar' : '<num>',
'help' : 'Maximum number of parents for a class (see R0901).'}
{'default' : 7,
'type' : 'int',
'metavar' : '<num>',
'help' : 'Maximum number of attributes for a class \
(see R0902).'}
{'default' : 2,
'type' : 'int',
'metavar' : '<num>',
'help' : 'Minimum number of public methods for a class \
(see R0903).'}
{'default' : 20,
'type' : 'int',
'metavar' : '<num>',
'help' : 'Maximum number of public methods for a class \
(see R0904).'}
{'default': 5,
'type': 'int',
'metavar': '<num>',
'help': 'Maximum number of boolean expressions in a if '
def __init__(self, linter=None):
BaseChecker.__init__(self, linter)
self.stats = None
self._returns = None
self._branches = None
self._stmts = 0
def open(self):
"""initialize visit variables"""
self.stats = self.linter.add_stats()
self._returns = []
self._branches = defaultdict(int)
def _ignored_argument_names(self):
return utils.get_global_option(self, 'ignored-argument-names', default=None)
@check_messages('too-many-ancestors', 'too-many-instance-attributes',
'too-few-public-methods', 'too-many-public-methods')
def visit_classdef(self, node):
"""check size of inheritance hierarchy and number of instance attributes
nb_parents = len(list(node.ancestors()))
if nb_parents > self.config.max_parents:
self.add_message('too-many-ancestors', node=node,
args=(nb_parents, self.config.max_parents))
if len(node.instance_attrs) > self.config.max_attributes:
self.add_message('too-many-instance-attributes', node=node,
@check_messages('too-few-public-methods', 'too-many-public-methods')
def leave_classdef(self, node):
"""check number of public methods"""
my_methods = sum(1 for method in node.mymethods()
if not method.name.startswith('_'))
all_methods = sum(1 for method in node.methods()
if not method.name.startswith('_'))
# Does the class contain less than n public methods ?
# This checks only the methods defined in the current class,
# since the user might not have control over the classes
# from the ancestors. It avoids some false positives
# for classes such as unittest.TestCase, which provides
# a lot of assert methods. It doesn't make sense to warn
# when the user subclasses TestCase to add his own tests.
if my_methods > self.config.max_public_methods:
self.add_message('too-many-public-methods', node=node,
# stop here for exception, metaclass and interface classes
if node.type != 'class':
# Does the class contain more than n public methods ?
# This checks all the methods defined by ancestors and
# by the current class.
if all_methods < self.config.min_public_methods:
self.add_message('too-few-public-methods', node=node,
@check_messages('too-many-return-statements', 'too-many-branches',
'too-many-arguments', 'too-many-locals',
def visit_functiondef(self, node):
"""check function name, docstring, arguments, redefinition,
variable names, max locals
# init branch and returns counters
# check number of arguments
args = node.args.args
ignored_argument_names = self._ignored_argument_names
if args is not None:
ignored_args_num = 0
if ignored_argument_names:
ignored_args_num = sum(1 for arg in args if ignored_argument_names.match(arg.name))
argnum = len(args) - ignored_args_num
if argnum > self.config.max_args:
self.add_message('too-many-arguments', node=node,
args=(len(args), self.config.max_args))
ignored_args_num = 0
# check number of local variables
locnum = len(node.locals) - ignored_args_num
if locnum > self.config.max_locals:
self.add_message('too-many-locals', node=node,
args=(locnum, self.config.max_locals))
# init statements counter
self._stmts = 1
visit_asyncfunctiondef = visit_functiondef
@check_messages('too-many-return-statements', 'too-many-branches',
'too-many-arguments', 'too-many-locals',
def leave_functiondef(self, node):
"""most of the work is done here on close:
checks for max returns, branch, return in __init__
returns = self._returns.pop()
if returns > self.config.max_returns:
self.add_message('too-many-return-statements', node=node,
args=(returns, self.config.max_returns))
branches = self._branches[node]
if branches > self.config.max_branches:
self.add_message('too-many-branches', node=node,
args=(branches, self.config.max_branches))
# check number of statements
if self._stmts > self.config.max_statements:
self.add_message('too-many-statements', node=node,
args=(self._stmts, self.config.max_statements))
leave_asyncfunctiondef = leave_functiondef
def visit_return(self, _):
"""count number of returns"""
if not self._returns:
return # return outside function, reported by the base checker
self._returns[-1] += 1
def visit_default(self, node):
"""default visit method -> increments the statements counter if
if node.is_statement:
self._stmts += 1
def visit_tryexcept(self, node):
"""increments the branches counter"""
branches = len(node.handlers)
if node.orelse:
branches += 1
self._inc_branch(node, branches)
self._stmts += branches
def visit_tryfinally(self, node):
"""increments the branches counter"""
self._inc_branch(node, 2)
self._stmts += 2
def visit_if(self, node):
"""increments the branches counter and checks boolean expressions"""
branches = 1
# don't double count If nodes coming from some 'elif'
if node.orelse and (len(node.orelse) > 1 or
not isinstance(node.orelse[0], If)):
branches += 1
self._inc_branch(node, branches)
self._stmts += branches
def _check_boolean_expressions(self, node):
"""Go through "if" node `node` and counts its boolean expressions
if the "if" node test is a BoolOp node
condition = node.test
if not isinstance(condition, BoolOp):
nb_bool_expr = _count_boolean_expressions(condition)
if nb_bool_expr > self.config.max_bool_expr:
self.add_message('too-many-boolean-expressions', node=condition,
args=(nb_bool_expr, self.config.max_bool_expr))
def visit_while(self, node):
"""increments the branches counter"""
branches = 1
if node.orelse:
branches += 1
self._inc_branch(node, branches)
visit_for = visit_while
def _inc_branch(self, node, branchesnum=1):
"""increments the branches counter"""
self._branches[node.scope()] += branchesnum
def register(linter):
"""required method to auto register this checker """