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# Copyright (c) 2006-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) <contact@logilab.fr>
# Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Google, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Claudiu Popa <pcmanticore@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2014 Michal Nowikowski <godfryd@gmail.com>
# Copyright (c) 2015 Radu Ciorba <radu@devrandom.ro>
# Copyright (c) 2015 Dmitry Pribysh <dmand@yandex.ru>
# Copyright (c) 2016 Ashley Whetter <ashley@awhetter.co.uk>
# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
# For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/master/COPYING
"""variables checkers for Python code
import copy
import itertools
import os
import sys
import re
from functools import lru_cache
except ImportError:
from backports.functools_lru_cache import lru_cache
import six
import astroid
from astroid import decorators
from astroid import modutils
from pylint.interfaces import IAstroidChecker, INFERENCE, INFERENCE_FAILURE, HIGH
from pylint.utils import get_global_option
from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker
from pylint.checkers import utils
SPECIAL_OBJ = re.compile("^_{2}[a-z]+_{2}$")
FUTURE = '__future__'
# regexp for ignored argument name
IGNORED_ARGUMENT_NAMES = re.compile('_.*|^ignored_|^unused_')
PY3K = sys.version_info >= (3, 0)
def _is_from_future_import(stmt, name):
"""Check if the name is a future import from another module."""
module = stmt.do_import_module(stmt.modname)
except astroid.AstroidBuildingException:
for local_node in module.locals.get(name, []):
if (isinstance(local_node, astroid.ImportFrom)
and local_node.modname == FUTURE):
return True
def in_for_else_branch(parent, stmt):
"""Returns True if stmt in inside the else branch for a parent For stmt."""
return (isinstance(parent, astroid.For) and
any(else_stmt.parent_of(stmt) or else_stmt == stmt
for else_stmt in parent.orelse))
def overridden_method(klass, name):
"""get overridden method if any"""
parent = next(klass.local_attr_ancestors(name))
except (StopIteration, KeyError):
return None
meth_node = parent[name]
except KeyError:
# We have found an ancestor defining <name> but it's not in the local
# dictionary. This may happen with astroid built from living objects.
return None
if isinstance(meth_node, astroid.FunctionDef):
return meth_node
return None
def _get_unpacking_extra_info(node, infered):
"""return extra information to add to the message for unpacking-non-sequence
and unbalanced-tuple-unpacking errors
more = ''
infered_module = infered.root().name
if node.root().name == infered_module:
if node.lineno == infered.lineno:
more = ' %s' % infered.as_string()
elif infered.lineno:
more = ' defined at line %s' % infered.lineno
elif infered.lineno:
more = ' defined at line %s of %s' % (infered.lineno, infered_module)
return more
def _detect_global_scope(node, frame, defframe):
""" Detect that the given frames shares a global
Two frames shares a global scope when neither
of them are hidden under a function scope, as well
as any of parent scope of them, until the root scope.
In this case, depending from something defined later on
will not work, because it is still undefined.
class A:
# B has the same global scope as `C`, leading to a NameError.
class B(C): ...
class C: ...
def_scope = scope = None
if frame and frame.parent:
scope = frame.parent.scope()
if defframe and defframe.parent:
def_scope = defframe.parent.scope()
if isinstance(frame, astroid.FunctionDef):
# If the parent of the current node is a
# function, then it can be under its scope
# (defined in, which doesn't concern us) or
# the `->` part of annotations. The same goes
# for annotations of function arguments, they'll have
# their parent the Arguments node.
if not isinstance(node.parent,
(astroid.FunctionDef, astroid.Arguments)):
return False
elif any(not isinstance(f, (astroid.ClassDef, astroid.Module))
for f in (frame, defframe)):
# Not interested in other frames, since they are already
# not in a global scope.
return False
break_scopes = []
for s in (scope, def_scope):
# Look for parent scopes. If there is anything different
# than a module or a class scope, then they frames don't
# share a global scope.
parent_scope = s
while parent_scope:
if not isinstance(parent_scope, (astroid.ClassDef, astroid.Module)):
if parent_scope.parent:
parent_scope = parent_scope.parent.scope()
if break_scopes and len(set(break_scopes)) != 1:
# Store different scopes than expected.
# If the stored scopes are, in fact, the very same, then it means
# that the two frames (frame and defframe) shares the same scope,
# and we could apply our lineno analysis over them.
# For instance, this works when they are inside a function, the node
# that uses a definition and the definition itself.
return False
# At this point, we are certain that frame and defframe shares a scope
# and the definition of the first depends on the second.
return frame.lineno < defframe.lineno
def _fix_dot_imports(not_consumed):
""" Try to fix imports with multiple dots, by returning a dictionary
with the import names expanded. The function unflattens root imports,
like 'xml' (when we have both 'xml.etree' and 'xml.sax'), to 'xml.etree'
and 'xml.sax' respectively.
# TODO: this should be improved in issue astroid #46
names = {}
for name, stmts in six.iteritems(not_consumed):
if any(isinstance(stmt, astroid.AssignName)
and isinstance(stmt.assign_type(), astroid.AugAssign)
for stmt in stmts):
for stmt in stmts:
if not isinstance(stmt, (astroid.ImportFrom, astroid.Import)):
for imports in stmt.names:
second_name = None
if imports[0] == "*":
# In case of wildcard imports,
# pick the name from inside the imported module.
second_name = name
if imports[0].find(".") > -1 or name in imports:
# Most likely something like 'xml.etree',
# which will appear in the .locals as 'xml'.
# Only pick the name if it wasn't consumed.
second_name = imports[0]
if second_name and second_name not in names:
names[second_name] = stmt
return sorted(names.items(), key=lambda a: a[1].fromlineno)
def _find_frame_imports(name, frame):
Detect imports in the frame, with the required
*name*. Such imports can be considered assignments.
Returns True if an import for the given name was found.
imports = frame.nodes_of_class((astroid.Import, astroid.ImportFrom))
for import_node in imports:
for import_name, import_alias in import_node.names:
# If the import uses an alias, check only that.
# Otherwise, check only the import name.
if import_alias:
if import_alias == name:
return True
elif import_name and import_name == name:
return True
def _import_name_is_global(stmt, global_names):
for import_name, import_alias in stmt.names:
# If the import uses an alias, check only that.
# Otherwise, check only the import name.
if import_alias:
if import_alias in global_names:
return True
elif import_name in global_names:
return True
return False
def _flattened_scope_names(iterator):
values = (set(stmt.names) for stmt in iterator)
return set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(values))
def _assigned_locally(name_node):
Checks if name_node has corresponding assign statement in same scope
assign_stmts = name_node.scope().nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName)
return any(a.name == name_node.name for a in assign_stmts)
MSGS = {
'E0601': ('Using variable %r before assignment',
'Used when a local variable is accessed before it\'s \
'E0602': ('Undefined variable %r',
'Used when an undefined variable is accessed.'),
'E0603': ('Undefined variable name %r in __all__',
'Used when an undefined variable name is referenced in __all__.'),
'E0604': ('Invalid object %r in __all__, must contain only strings',
'Used when an invalid (non-string) object occurs in __all__.'),
'E0611': ('No name %r in module %r',
'Used when a name cannot be found in a module.'),
'W0601': ('Global variable %r undefined at the module level',
'Used when a variable is defined through the "global" statement \
but the variable is not defined in the module scope.'),
'W0602': ('Using global for %r but no assignment is done',
'Used when a variable is defined through the "global" statement \
but no assignment to this variable is done.'),
'W0603': ('Using the global statement', # W0121
'Used when you use the "global" statement to update a global \
variable. Pylint just try to discourage this \
usage. That doesn\'t mean you cannot use it !'),
'W0604': ('Using the global statement at the module level', # W0103
'Used when you use the "global" statement at the module level \
since it has no effect'),
'W0611': ('Unused %s',
'Used when an imported module or variable is not used.'),
'W0612': ('Unused variable %r',
'Used when a variable is defined but not used.'),
'W0613': ('Unused argument %r',
'Used when a function or method argument is not used.'),
'W0614': ('Unused import %s from wildcard import',
'Used when an imported module or variable is not used from a \
`\'from X import *\'` style import.'),
'W0621': ('Redefining name %r from outer scope (line %s)',
'Used when a variable\'s name hide a name defined in the outer \
'W0622': ('Redefining built-in %r',
'Used when a variable or function override a built-in.'),
'W0623': ('Redefining name %r from %s in exception handler',
'Used when an exception handler assigns the exception \
to an existing name'),
'W0631': ('Using possibly undefined loop variable %r',
'Used when an loop variable (i.e. defined by a for loop or \
a list comprehension or a generator expression) is used outside \
the loop.'),
'E0632': ('Possible unbalanced tuple unpacking with '
'sequence%s: '
'left side has %d label(s), right side has %d value(s)',
'Used when there is an unbalanced tuple unpacking in assignment',
{'old_names': [('W0632', 'unbalanced-tuple-unpacking')]}),
'E0633': ('Attempting to unpack a non-sequence%s',
'Used when something which is not '
'a sequence is used in an unpack assignment',
{'old_names': [('W0633', 'unpacking-non-sequence')]}),
'W0640': ('Cell variable %s defined in loop',
'A variable used in a closure is defined in a loop. '
'This will result in all closures using the same value for '
'the closed-over variable.'),
class VariablesChecker(BaseChecker):
"""checks for
* unused variables / imports
* undefined variables
* redefinition of variable from builtins or from an outer scope
* use of variable before assignment
* __all__ consistency
__implements__ = IAstroidChecker
name = 'variables'
msgs = MSGS
priority = -1
options = (("init-import",
{'default': 0, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>',
'help' : 'Tells whether we should check for unused import in '
'__init__ files.'}),
{'default': '_+$|(_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?$)|dummy|^ignored_|^unused_',
'type' :'regexp', 'metavar' : '<regexp>',
'help' : 'A regular expression matching the name of dummy '
'variables (i.e. expectedly not used).'}),
{'default': (), 'type' : 'csv',
'metavar' : '<comma separated list>',
'help' : 'List of additional names supposed to be defined in '
'builtins. Remember that you should avoid to define new builtins '
'when possible.'
{'default' : ('cb_', '_cb'), 'type' : 'csv',
'metavar' : '<callbacks>',
'help' : 'List of strings which can identify a callback '
'function by name. A callback name must start or '
'end with one of those strings.'}
{'default': ('six.moves', 'future.builtins'), 'type': 'csv',
'metavar': '<comma separated list>',
'help': 'List of qualified module names which can have objects '
'that can redefine builtins.'}
'type' :'regexp', 'metavar' : '<regexp>',
'help' : 'Argument names that match this expression will be '
'ignored. Default to name with leading underscore'}
{'default': True,
'type': 'yn', 'metavar': '<y_or_n>',
'help': 'Tells whether unused global variables should be treated as a violation.'}
def __init__(self, linter=None):
BaseChecker.__init__(self, linter)
self._to_consume = None # list of tuples: (to_consume:dict, consumed:dict, scope_type:str)
self._checking_mod_attr = None
self._loop_variables = []
# Relying on other checker's options, which might not have been initialized yet.
def _analyse_fallback_blocks(self):
return get_global_option(self, 'analyse-fallback-blocks', default=False)
def _ignored_modules(self):
return get_global_option(self, 'ignored-modules', default=[])
def _allow_global_unused_variables(self):
return get_global_option(self, 'allow-global-unused-variables', default=True)
def visit_for(self, node):
assigned_to = [var.name for var in node.target.nodes_of_class(astroid.AssignName)]
# Only check variables that are used
dummy_rgx = self.config.dummy_variables_rgx
assigned_to = [var for var in assigned_to if not dummy_rgx.match(var)]
for variable in assigned_to:
for outer_for, outer_variables in self._loop_variables:
if (variable in outer_variables
and not in_for_else_branch(outer_for, node)):
args=(variable, outer_for.fromlineno),
self._loop_variables.append((node, assigned_to))
def leave_for(self, _):
def visit_module(self, node):
"""visit module : update consumption analysis variable
checks globals doesn't overrides builtins
self._to_consume = [(copy.copy(node.locals), {}, 'module')]
for name, stmts in six.iteritems(node.locals):
if utils.is_builtin(name) and not utils.is_inside_except(stmts[0]):
if self._should_ignore_redefined_builtin(stmts[0]):
self.add_message('redefined-builtin', args=name, node=stmts[0])
@utils.check_messages('unused-import', 'unused-wildcard-import',
'redefined-builtin', 'undefined-all-variable',
'invalid-all-object', 'unused-variable')
def leave_module(self, node):
"""leave module: check globals
assert len(self._to_consume) == 1
not_consumed = self._to_consume.pop()[0]
# attempt to check for __all__ if defined
if '__all__' in node.locals:
self._check_all(node, not_consumed)
# check for unused globals
# don't check unused imports in __init__ files
if not self.config.init_import and node.package:
def _check_all(self, node, not_consumed):
assigned = next(node.igetattr('__all__'))
if assigned is astroid.YES:
for elt in getattr(assigned, 'elts', ()):
elt_name = next(elt.infer())
except astroid.InferenceError:
if elt_name is astroid.YES:
if not elt_name.parent:
if (not isinstance(elt_name, astroid.Const)
or not isinstance(elt_name.value, six.string_types)):
args=elt.as_string(), node=elt)
elt_name = elt_name.value
# If elt is in not_consumed, remove it from not_consumed
if elt_name in not_consumed:
del not_consumed[elt_name]
if elt_name not in node.locals:
if not node.package:
args=(elt_name, ),
basename = os.path.splitext(node.file)[0]
if os.path.basename(basename) == '__init__':
name = node.name + "." + elt_name
except ImportError:
args=(elt_name, ),
except SyntaxError:
# don't yield an syntax-error warning,
# because it will be later yielded
# when the file will be checked
def _check_globals(self, not_consumed):
if self._allow_global_unused_variables:
for name, nodes in six.iteritems(not_consumed):
for node in nodes:
self.add_message('unused-variable', args=(name,), node=node)
def _check_imports(self, not_consumed):
local_names = _fix_dot_imports(not_consumed)
checked = set()
for name, stmt in local_names:
for imports in stmt.names:
real_name = imported_name = imports[0]
if imported_name == "*":
real_name = name
as_name = imports[1]
if real_name in checked:
if name not in (real_name, as_name):
if (isinstance(stmt, astroid.Import) or
(isinstance(stmt, astroid.ImportFrom) and
not stmt.modname)):
if (isinstance(stmt, astroid.ImportFrom) and
# Filter special objects (__doc__, __all__) etc.,
# because they can be imported for exporting.
if as_name == "_":
if as_name is None:
msg = "import %s" % imported_name
msg = "%s imported as %s" % (imported_name, as_name)
self.add_message('unused-import', args=msg, node=stmt)
elif (isinstance(stmt, astroid.ImportFrom)
and stmt.modname != FUTURE):
if SPECIAL_OBJ.search(imported_name):
# Filter special objects (__doc__, __all__) etc.,
# because they can be imported for exporting.
if _is_from_future_import(stmt, name):
# Check if the name is in fact loaded from a
# __future__ import in another module.
if imported_name == '*':
args=name, node=stmt)
if as_name is None:
msg = "%s imported from %s" % (imported_name, stmt.modname)
fields = (imported_name, stmt.modname, as_name)
msg = "%s imported from %s as %s" % fields
self.add_message('unused-import', args=msg, node=stmt)
del self._to_consume
def visit_classdef(self, node):
"""visit class: update consumption analysis variable
self._to_consume.append((copy.copy(node.locals), {}, 'class'))
def leave_classdef(self, _):
"""leave class: update consumption analysis variable
# do not check for not used locals here (no sense)
def visit_lambda(self, node):
"""visit lambda: update consumption analysis variable
self._to_consume.append((copy.copy(node.locals), {}, 'lambda'))
def leave_lambda(self, _):
"""leave lambda: update consumption analysis variable
# do not check for not used locals here
def visit_generatorexp(self, node):
"""visit genexpr: update consumption analysis variable
self._to_consume.append((copy.copy(node.locals), {}, 'comprehension'))
def leave_generatorexp(self, _):
"""leave genexpr: update consumption analysis variable
# do not check for not used locals here
def visit_dictcomp(self, node):
"""visit dictcomp: update consumption analysis variable
self._to_consume.append((copy.copy(node.locals), {}, 'comprehension'))
def leave_dictcomp(self, _):
"""leave dictcomp: update consumption analysis variable
# do not check for not used locals here
def visit_setcomp(self, node):
"""visit setcomp: update consumption analysis variable
self._to_consume.append((copy.copy(node.locals), {}, 'comprehension'))
def leave_setcomp(self, _):
"""leave setcomp: update consumption analysis variable
# do not check for not used locals here
def visit_functiondef(self, node):
"""visit function: update consumption analysis variable and check locals
self._to_consume.append((copy.copy(node.locals), {}, 'function'))
if not (self.linter.is_message_enabled('redefined-outer-name') or
globs = node.root().globals
for name, stmt in node.items():
if utils.is_inside_except(stmt):
if name in globs and not isinstance(stmt, astroid.Global):
definition = globs[name][0]
if (isinstance(definition, astroid.ImportFrom)
and definition.modname == FUTURE):
# It is a __future__ directive, not a symbol.
line = definition.fromlineno
dummy_rgx = self.config.dummy_variables_rgx
if not dummy_rgx.match(name):
args=(name, line), node=stmt)
elif utils.is_builtin(name) and not self._should_ignore_redefined_builtin(stmt):
# do not print Redefining builtin for additional builtins
self.add_message('redefined-builtin', args=name, node=stmt)
def _is_name_ignored(self, stmt, name):
authorized_rgx = self.config.dummy_variables_rgx
if (isinstance(stmt, astroid.AssignName)
and isinstance(stmt.parent, astroid.Arguments)):
regex = self.config.ignored_argument_names
regex = authorized_rgx
return regex and regex.match(name)
def _check_is_unused(self, name, node, stmt, global_names, nonlocal_names):
# Ignore some special names specified by user configuration.
if self._is_name_ignored(stmt, name):
# Ignore names imported by the global statement.
# FIXME: should only ignore them if it's assigned latter
if isinstance(stmt, astroid.Global):
if isinstance(stmt, (astroid.Import, astroid.ImportFrom)):
# Detect imports, assigned to global statements.
if global_names and _import_name_is_global(stmt, global_names):
argnames = list(itertools.chain(
[arg.name for arg in node.args.kwonlyargs]
is_method = node.is_method()
klass = node.parent.frame()
if is_method and isinstance(klass, astroid.ClassDef):
confidence = INFERENCE if utils.has_known_bases(klass) else INFERENCE_FAILURE
confidence = HIGH
# Care about functions with unknown argument (builtins)
if name in argnames:
if is_method:
# Don't warn for the first argument of a (non static) method
if node.type != 'staticmethod' and name == argnames[0]:
# Don't warn for argument of an overridden method
overridden = overridden_method(klass, node.name)
if overridden is not None and name in overridden.argnames():
if node.name in utils.PYMETHODS and node.name not in ('__init__', '__new__'):
# Don't check callback arguments
if any(node.name.startswith(cb) or node.name.endswith(cb)
for cb in self.config.callbacks):
# Don't check arguments of singledispatch.register function.
if utils.is_registered_in_singledispatch_function(node):
self.add_message('unused-argument', args=name, node=stmt,
if stmt.parent and isinstance(stmt.parent, astroid.Assign):
if name in nonlocal_names:
if isinstance(stmt, astroid.Import):
# Need the complete name, which we don't have in .locals.
qname, asname = stmt.names[0]
name = asname or qname
self.add_message('unused-variable', args=name, node=stmt)
def leave_functiondef(self, node):
"""leave function: check function's locals are consumed"""
not_consumed = self._to_consume.pop()[0]
if not (self.linter.is_message_enabled('unused-variable') or
# Don't check arguments of function which are only raising an exception.
if utils.is_error(node):
# Don't check arguments of abstract methods or within an interface.
is_method = node.is_method()
if is_method and node.is_abstract():
global_names = _flattened_scope_names(node.nodes_of_class(astroid.Global))
nonlocal_names = _flattened_scope_names(node.nodes_of_class(astroid.Nonlocal))
for name, stmts in six.iteritems(not_consumed):
self._check_is_unused(name, node, stmts[0], global_names, nonlocal_names)
visit_asyncfunctiondef = visit_functiondef
leave_asyncfunctiondef = leave_functiondef
@utils.check_messages('global-variable-undefined', 'global-variable-not-assigned',
'global-statement', 'global-at-module-level',
def visit_global(self, node):
"""check names imported exists in the global scope"""
frame = node.frame()
if isinstance(frame, astroid.Module):
self.add_message('global-at-module-level', node=node)
module = frame.root()
default_message = True
for name in node.names:
assign_nodes = module.getattr(name)
except astroid.NotFoundError:
# unassigned global, skip
assign_nodes = []
if not assign_nodes:
args=name, node=node)
default_message = False
for anode in assign_nodes:
if (isinstance(anode, astroid.AssignName)
and anode.name in module.special_attributes):
self.add_message('redefined-builtin', args=name, node=node)
if anode.frame() is module:
# module level assignment
# global undefined at the module scope
self.add_message('global-variable-undefined', args=name, node=node)
default_message = False
if default_message:
self.add_message('global-statement', node=node)
def _check_late_binding_closure(self, node, assignment_node):
def _is_direct_lambda_call():
return (isinstance(node_scope.parent, astroid.Call)
and node_scope.parent.func is node_scope)
node_scope = node.scope()
if not isinstance(node_scope, (astroid.Lambda, astroid.FunctionDef)):
if isinstance(node.parent, astroid.Arguments):
if isinstance(assignment_node, astroid.Comprehension):
if assignment_node.parent.parent_of(node.scope()):
self.add_message('cell-var-from-loop', node=node, args=node.name)
assign_scope = assignment_node.scope()
maybe_for = assignment_node
while not isinstance(maybe_for, astroid.For):
if maybe_for is assign_scope:
maybe_for = maybe_for.parent
if (maybe_for.parent_of(node_scope)
and not _is_direct_lambda_call()
and not isinstance(node_scope.statement(), astroid.Return)):
self.add_message('cell-var-from-loop', node=node, args=node.name)
def _loopvar_name(self, node, name):
# filter variables according to node's scope
# XXX used to filter parents but don't remember why, and removing this
# fixes a W0631 false positive reported by Paul Hachmann on 2008/12 on
# python-projects (added to func_use_for_or_listcomp_var test)
#astmts = [stmt for stmt in node.lookup(name)[1]
# if hasattr(stmt, 'ass_type')] and
# not stmt.statement().parent_of(node)]
if not self.linter.is_message_enabled('undefined-loop-variable'):
astmts = [stmt for stmt in node.lookup(name)[1]
if hasattr(stmt, 'ass_type')]
# filter variables according their respective scope test is_statement
# and parent to avoid #74747. This is not a total fix, which would
# introduce a mechanism similar to special attribute lookup in
# modules. Also, in order to get correct inference in this case, the
# scope lookup rules would need to be changed to return the initial
# assignment (which does not exist in code per se) as well as any later
# modifications.
if not astmts or (astmts[0].is_statement or astmts[0].parent) \
and astmts[0].statement().parent_of(node):
_astmts = []
_astmts = astmts[:1]
for i, stmt in enumerate(astmts[1:]):
if (astmts[i].statement().parent_of(stmt)
and not in_for_else_branch(astmts[i].statement(), stmt)):
astmts = _astmts
if len(astmts) == 1:
assign = astmts[0].assign_type()
if (isinstance(assign, (astroid.For, astroid.Comprehension,
and assign.statement() is not node.statement()):
self.add_message('undefined-loop-variable', args=name, node=node)
def _should_ignore_redefined_builtin(self, stmt):
if not isinstance(stmt, astroid.ImportFrom):
return False
return stmt.modname in self.config.redefining_builtins_modules
def visit_excepthandler(self, node):
for name in utils.get_all_elements(node.name):
clobbering, args = utils.clobber_in_except(name)
if clobbering:
self.add_message('redefine-in-handler', args=args, node=name)
def visit_assignname(self, node):
if isinstance(node.assign_type(), astroid.AugAssign):
def visit_delname(self, node):
def _defined_in_function_definition(node, frame):
in_annotation_or_default = False
if (isinstance(frame, astroid.FunctionDef) and
node.statement() is frame):
in_annotation_or_default = (
PY3K and (node in frame.args.annotations
or node in frame.args.kwonlyargs_annotations
or node is frame.args.varargannotation
or node is frame.args.kwargannotation)
return in_annotation_or_default
def _next_to_consume(node, name, to_consume):
# mark the name as consumed if it's defined in this scope
found_node = to_consume.get(name)
if (found_node
and isinstance(node.parent, astroid.Assign)
and node.parent == found_node[0].parent):
lhs = found_node[0].parent.targets[0]
if lhs.name == name: # this name is defined in this very statement
found_node = None
return found_node
def _is_variable_violation(node, name, defnode, stmt, defstmt,
frame, defframe, base_scope_type,
maybee0601 = True
annotation_return = False
use_outer_definition = False
if frame is not defframe:
maybee0601 = _detect_global_scope(node, frame, defframe)
elif defframe.parent is None:
# we are at the module level, check the name is not
# defined in builtins
if name in defframe.scope_attrs or astroid.builtin_lookup(name)[1]:
maybee0601 = False
# we are in a local scope, check the name is not
# defined in global or builtin scope
# skip this lookup if name is assigned later in function scope
forbid_lookup = isinstance(frame, astroid.FunctionDef) and _assigned_locally(node)
if not forbid_lookup and defframe.root().lookup(name)[1]:
maybee0601 = False
use_outer_definition = (
stmt == defstmt
and not isinstance(defnode, astroid.node_classes.Comprehension)
# check if we have a nonlocal
if name in defframe.locals:
maybee0601 = not any(isinstance(child, astroid.Nonlocal)
and name in child.names
for child in defframe.get_children())
if (base_scope_type == 'lambda' and
isinstance(frame, astroid.ClassDef)
and name in frame.locals):
# This rule verifies that if the definition node of the
# checked name is an Arguments node and if the name
# is used a default value in the arguments defaults
# and the actual definition of the variable label
# is happening before the Arguments definition.
# bar = None
# foo = lambda bar=bar: bar
# In this case, maybee0601 should be False, otherwise
# it should be True.
maybee0601 = not (isinstance(defnode, astroid.Arguments) and
node in defnode.defaults and
frame.locals[name][0].fromlineno < defstmt.fromlineno)
elif (isinstance(defframe, astroid.ClassDef) and
isinstance(frame, astroid.FunctionDef)):
# Special rule for function return annotations,
# which uses the same name as the class where
# the function lives.
if (PY3K and node is frame.returns and
maybee0601 = annotation_return = True
if (maybee0601 and defframe.name in defframe.locals and
defframe.locals[name][0].lineno < frame.lineno):
# Detect class assignments with the same
# name as the class. In this case, no warning
# should be raised.
maybee0601 = False
if isinstance(node.parent, astroid.Arguments):
maybee0601 = stmt.fromlineno <= defstmt.fromlineno
elif recursive_klass:
maybee0601 = True
maybee0601 = maybee0601 and stmt.fromlineno <= defstmt.fromlineno
if maybee0601 and stmt.fromlineno == defstmt.fromlineno:
if (isinstance(defframe, astroid.FunctionDef)
and frame is defframe
and defframe.parent_of(node)
and stmt is not defstmt):
# Single statement function, with the statement on the
# same line as the function definition
maybee0601 = False
return maybee0601, annotation_return, use_outer_definition
def _ignore_class_scope(self, node, name, frame):
# Detect if we are in a local class scope, as an assignment.
# For example, the following is fair game.
# class A:
# b = 1
# c = lambda b=b: b * b
# class B:
# tp = 1
# def func(self, arg: tp):
# ...
# class C:
# tp = 2
# def func(self, arg=tp):
# ...
in_annotation_or_default = self._defined_in_function_definition(
node, frame)
if in_annotation_or_default:
frame_locals = frame.parent.scope().locals
frame_locals = frame.locals
return not ((isinstance(frame, astroid.ClassDef) or
in_annotation_or_default) and
name in frame_locals)
def visit_name(self, node):
"""check that a name is defined if the current scope and doesn't
redefine a built-in
stmt = node.statement()
if stmt.fromlineno is None:
# name node from a astroid built from live code, skip
assert not stmt.root().file.endswith('.py')
name = node.name
frame = stmt.scope()
# if the name node is used as a function default argument's value or as
# a decorator, then start from the parent frame of the function instead
# of the function frame - and thus open an inner class scope
if (utils.is_func_default(node) or utils.is_func_decorator(node)
or utils.is_ancestor_name(frame, node)):
start_index = len(self._to_consume) - 2
start_index = len(self._to_consume) - 1
# iterates through parent scopes, from the inner to the outer
base_scope_type = self._to_consume[start_index][-1]
# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks; refactoring this block is a pain.
for i in range(start_index, -1, -1):
to_consume, consumed, scope_type = self._to_consume[i]
# if the current scope is a class scope but it's not the inner
# scope, ignore it. This prevents to access this scope instead of
# the globals one in function members when there are some common
# names. The only exception is when the starting scope is a
# comprehension and its direct outer scope is a class
if scope_type == 'class' and i != start_index and not (
base_scope_type == 'comprehension' and i == start_index-1):
if self._ignore_class_scope(node, name, frame):
# the name has already been consumed, only check it's not a loop
# variable used outside the loop
if name in consumed:
defnode = utils.assign_parent(consumed[name][0])
self._check_late_binding_closure(node, defnode)
self._loopvar_name(node, name)
found_node = self._next_to_consume(node, name, to_consume)
if found_node is None:
# checks for use before assignment
defnode = utils.assign_parent(to_consume[name][0])
if defnode is not None:
self._check_late_binding_closure(node, defnode)
defstmt = defnode.statement()
defframe = defstmt.frame()
# The class reuses itself in the class scope.
recursive_klass = (frame is defframe and
defframe.parent_of(node) and
isinstance(defframe, astroid.ClassDef) and
node.name == defframe.name)
maybee0601, annotation_return, use_outer_definition = self._is_variable_violation(
node, name, defnode, stmt, defstmt,
frame, defframe,
base_scope_type, recursive_klass)
if use_outer_definition:
if (maybee0601
and not utils.is_defined_before(node)
and not astroid.are_exclusive(stmt, defstmt, ('NameError',))):
# Used and defined in the same place, e.g `x += 1` and `del x`
defined_by_stmt = (
defstmt is stmt
and isinstance(node, (astroid.DelName, astroid.AssignName))
if (recursive_klass
or defined_by_stmt
or annotation_return
or isinstance(defstmt, astroid.Delete)):
if not utils.node_ignores_exception(node, NameError):
self.add_message('undefined-variable', args=name,
elif base_scope_type != 'lambda':
# E0601 may *not* occurs in lambda scope.
self.add_message('used-before-assignment', args=name, node=node)
elif base_scope_type == 'lambda':
# E0601 can occur in class-level scope in lambdas, as in
# the following example:
# class A:
# x = lambda attr: f + attr
# f = 42
if isinstance(frame, astroid.ClassDef) and name in frame.locals:
if isinstance(node.parent, astroid.Arguments):
if stmt.fromlineno <= defstmt.fromlineno:
# Doing the following is fine:
# class A:
# x = 42
# y = lambda attr=x: attr
args=name, node=node)
args=name, node=node)
elif scope_type == 'lambda':
node=node, args=name)
consumed[name] = found_node
del to_consume[name]
# check it's not a loop variable used outside the loop
self._loopvar_name(node, name)
# we have not found the name, if it isn't a builtin, that's an
# undefined name !
if not (name in astroid.Module.scope_attrs or utils.is_builtin(name)
or name in self.config.additional_builtins):
if not utils.node_ignores_exception(node, NameError):
self.add_message('undefined-variable', args=name, node=node)
def visit_import(self, node):
"""check modules attribute accesses"""
if not self._analyse_fallback_blocks and utils.is_from_fallback_block(node):
# No need to verify this, since ImportError is already
# handled by the client code.
for name, _ in node.names:
parts = name.split('.')
module = next(node.infer_name_module(parts[0]))
except astroid.ResolveError:
self._check_module_attrs(node, module, parts[1:])
def visit_importfrom(self, node):
"""check modules attribute accesses"""
if not self._analyse_fallback_blocks and utils.is_from_fallback_block(node):
# No need to verify this, since ImportError is already
# handled by the client code.
name_parts = node.modname.split('.')
module = node.do_import_module(name_parts[0])
except astroid.AstroidBuildingException:
module = self._check_module_attrs(node, module, name_parts[1:])
if not module:
for name, _ in node.names:
if name == '*':
self._check_module_attrs(node, module, name.split('.'))
@utils.check_messages('unbalanced-tuple-unpacking', 'unpacking-non-sequence')
def visit_assign(self, node):
"""Check unbalanced tuple unpacking for assignments
and unpacking non-sequences.
if not isinstance(node.targets[0], (astroid.Tuple, astroid.List)):
targets = node.targets[0].itered()
infered = utils.safe_infer(node.value)
if infered is not None:
self._check_unpacking(infered, node, targets)
except astroid.InferenceError:
def _check_unpacking(self, infered, node, targets):
""" Check for unbalanced tuple unpacking
and unpacking non sequences.
if utils.is_inside_abstract_class(node):
if utils.is_comprehension(node):
if infered is astroid.YES:
if (isinstance(infered.parent, astroid.Arguments) and
isinstance(node.value, astroid.Name) and
node.value.name == infered.parent.vararg):
# Variable-length argument, we can't determine the length.
if isinstance(infered, (astroid.Tuple, astroid.List)):
# attempt to check unpacking is properly balanced
values = infered.itered()
if len(targets) != len(values):
# Check if we have starred nodes.
if any(isinstance(target, astroid.Starred)
for target in targets):
self.add_message('unbalanced-tuple-unpacking', node=node,
args=(_get_unpacking_extra_info(node, infered),
# attempt to check unpacking may be possible (ie RHS is iterable)
if not utils.is_iterable(infered):
self.add_message('unpacking-non-sequence', node=node,
args=(_get_unpacking_extra_info(node, infered),))
def _check_module_attrs(self, node, module, module_names):
"""check that module_names (list of string) are accessible through the
given module
if the latest access name corresponds to a module, return it
assert isinstance(module, astroid.Module), module
while module_names:
name = module_names.pop(0)
if name == '__dict__':
module = None
module = next(module.getattr(name)[0].infer())
if module is astroid.YES:
return None
except astroid.NotFoundError:
if module.name in self._ignored_modules:
return None
args=(name, module.name), node=node)
return None
except astroid.InferenceError:
return None
if module_names:
# FIXME: other message if name is not the latest part of
# module_names ?
modname = module.name if module else '__dict__'
self.add_message('no-name-in-module', node=node,
args=('.'.join(module_names), modname))
return None
if isinstance(module, astroid.Module):
return module
return None
class VariablesChecker3k(VariablesChecker):
'''Modified variables checker for 3k'''
# listcomp have now also their scope
def visit_listcomp(self, node):
"""visit dictcomp: update consumption analysis variable
self._to_consume.append((copy.copy(node.locals), {}, 'comprehension'))
def leave_listcomp(self, _):
"""leave dictcomp: update consumption analysis variable
# do not check for not used locals here
def leave_functiondef(self, node):
super(VariablesChecker3k, self).leave_functiondef(node)
def leave_module(self, node):
super(VariablesChecker3k, self).leave_module(node)
def _check_metaclasses(self, node):
""" Update consumption analysis for metaclasses. """
consumed = [] # [(scope_locals, consumed_key)]
for child_node in node.get_children():
if isinstance(child_node, astroid.ClassDef):
consumed.extend(self._check_classdef_metaclasses(child_node, node))
# Pop the consumed items, in order to avoid having
# unused-import and unused-variable false positives
for scope_locals, name in consumed:
scope_locals.pop(name, None)
def _check_classdef_metaclasses(self, klass, parent_node):
if not klass._metaclass:
# Skip if this class doesn't use explicitly a metaclass, but inherits it from ancestors
return []
consumed = [] # [(scope_locals, consumed_key)]
metaclass = klass.metaclass()
name = None
if isinstance(klass._metaclass, astroid.Name):
name = klass._metaclass.name
elif metaclass:
name = metaclass.root().name
found = None
if name:
# check enclosing scopes starting from most local
for scope_locals, _, _ in self._to_consume[::-1]:
found = scope_locals.get(name)
if found:
consumed.append((scope_locals, name))
if found is None and not metaclass:
name = None
if isinstance(klass._metaclass, astroid.Name):
name = klass._metaclass.name
elif isinstance(klass._metaclass, astroid.Attribute):
name = klass._metaclass.as_string()
if name is not None:
if not (name in astroid.Module.scope_attrs or
utils.is_builtin(name) or
name in self.config.additional_builtins or
name in parent_node.locals):
return consumed
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
VariablesChecker = VariablesChecker3k
def register(linter):
"""required method to auto register this checker"""