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Simple filter for tera to split the numbers by thousands



The usage is simple:

First add this crate to the Cargo.toml file:

tera_thousands = "0.1.0"

Now add the filter to your Tera instance:

let mut tera = Tera::default();
tera.register_filter("separate_with_commas", tera_thousands::separate_with_commas);

You can now divide the numbers in your tera template with commas:

let mut context = Context::new();
context.insert("number", &123456);

let output = tera
    .render_str("{{ number | separate_with_commas }}", &context)
    .expect("Expected a number");
assert_eq!(output, "123,456");

Also, you can use it with Rocket or any framework compatible with Tera. For example, this is how it would be used with Rocket:

use rocket_dyn_templates::Template;
use tera_thousands::separate_with_commas;

fn rocket() -> _ {
        .attach(Template::custom(|engines| {
            engines.tera.register_filter("separate_with_commas", separate_with_commas)

The possible options are:

  • separate_with_commas
  • separate_with_dots
  • separate_with_spaces
  • separate_with_underscores


  • An addition customizable filter from the template

Contributors are welcome :).